Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,271 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
AKERS, Mary E. Truax Akersville Methodist b-3 August 1859; d-18 April 1943 h-Dr. Edwin Akers p-George M. and Jemima Mellott Truax
AKERS, Matilda Palmer Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist b-23 October 1844; d-18 April 1929 h-James H. Akers p-Joel and Martha Palmer
AKERS, Maude M. McKendree Methodist b-7 Dec. 1902; d-14 Dec. 1996; age-94 h-Clyde Hendershot; Earl M. Akers p-Christian W. and Margaret Welsh Spade
AKERS, Mildred G. Cedar Grove Christian b-6 Sept. 1914; d-20 Nov. 1985 h-Hyson H. Akers p-Roy & Fanny Gates Orndorff
AKERS, Myrtle Alice Akersville Methodist d:25 Jan. 1986; Age 89y h-Clyde Walter Akers p-A. W. & Angeline Wink Duvall
AKERS, Nancy Akersville Methodist b-4 Oct. 1769; d-17 June 1835 h-Robert Akers
AKERS, Nancy Akersville Methodist b-1 Jan. 1831; d-20 Dec. 1848
AKERS, Nancy Akersville Methodist b-1834; d-1906 h-West A. Akers
AKERS, Nora Lynch Cedar Grove Christian b-12 Mar. 1870; d:1 April 1930 h-Elloit H. Akers
AKERS, Osa A. McKendree Methodist b-25 Dec. 1851; d-1 Sept. 1863 p-John H. & Rhoda Akers
AKERS, Paul D. b- 15 February 1956; d- 5 January 2016 p- Reynolds H. and Louise J. Akers
AKERS, Peninah Akersville Methodist b-19 Feb. 1841; d-10 July 1842 p-E. & M. Akers
AKERS, Priscilla M. McKendree Methodist b-14 Feb. 1859; d-14 Sept. 1863 p-John V. & Rhoda Akers
AKERS, Rachel Akersville Methodist b-11 Dec. 1761; d-1 April 1842 h-E. Akers
AKERS, Rachel Barton Akersville Methodist b-22 Mar. 1843; d-9 May 1875 h-Ephriam E. Akers p-Joel Barton
AKERS, Rachel J. Akersville Methodist b-6 Dec. 1837; d-14 Jan. 1838 p-E. & M. Akers
AKERS, Ralph Akersville Methodist b-1778; d-12 Jan. 1854
AKERS, Ralph S. (Dr.) Akersville Methodist b-18 Dec. 1898; d-14 Nov. 1961; w-1) Thelma Stevens, 2) Mary Lord p-Dr. Edwin & Mary E. Truax Akers
AKERS, Rebecca Hanks Akersville Methodist b-6 Jan. 1849; d-21 June 1900 h-George W. Akers
AKERS, Rhoda Hixson Akersville Methodist b-1829; d-21 June 1923 h-John H. Akers
AKERS, Robert Akersville Methodist b-1776; d-1838
AKERS, Russell B. Union b-28 Aug. 1892; d-22 July 1964 w-Mary F. Akers p-Ellis and Edith Jackson Akers
AKERS, Ruth Akersville Methodist b-18 Nov. 1892; d-24 Oct. 1894 p-Edwin & Mary Akers
AKERS, Sarah Akersville Methodist b-6 August 1783; d-29 July 1860 h-Ralph Akers
AKERS, Sarah Alice Cedar Grove Christian b-5 Jan. 1873; d-2 Sept. 1927
AKERS, Simon W. Akersville Methodist b-17 August 1854; d-14 Oct. 1855 p-W. A. & N. Akers
AKERS, Stanley D. b-3,October 1937, d-24 October 2020 w-Barbara K.(Fluke)Akers p-Mary (Kagerise) &Charles Aker
AKERS, T. Hazelett Akersville Methodist b-3 Dec. 1863; d-20 June 1923
AKERS, Thelma Akersville Methodist d-23 May 1961 h-Dr. Ralph Akers
AKERS, Thomas J. Akersville Methodist b-10 June 1845; d-20 April 1863 p-Amariah & Anna Akers
AKERS, Vernon C. Cedar Grove Christian b-23 August 1900; d-2 April 1913 p-Elliot & Nora Akers
AKERS, Walter Clyde Akersville Methodist b-23 March 1883; d-30 July (year?) w-Mertle Duvall Akers p-Edwin D. & Mary Truax Akers
AKERS, West Asa Akersville Methodist b-1828; d-28 September 1900
AKERS, Zillah A. Akersville Methodist b-1852; d-1854 p-Azariah & Mary Akers
ALBERT, George S. Union b-11 July 1910; d-22 Feb. 1979 w-Virginia Sipes p-Samuel Albert
ALBERT, Sharon E. Union d-20 July 1966; Age 19y5m16d p-Agnes Kukendall Gress
ALBERT, Virginia Sipes Union b-5 March 1924; d-3 May 1998;age-74 h-George Albert p-William B. Sipes and Zelda Seville Sipes
ALDEN, Janet P. b-2 Nov. 1936; d-17 May 2017 h- Raymond C. Alden p-Sig Owen and Mildred C. (Pulver) Owen
ALEXANDER, Alexander Alexander Family d-Nov. 8, 1815 Revolutionary War
ALEXANDER, Alvin Union d-5 Dec. 1914; Age 68y5m20d
ALEXANDER, Andrew Union Reinterred: Feb. 1893
ALEXANDER, Catherine McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-2 August 1850; Age 18y3m3d h-Samuel Alexander
ALEXANDER, Catherine Green Hill Presbyterian b-1800; d-28 December 1880
ALEXANDER, Catherine Bradley Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d- 22 Feb 1838; Age- 61y h-John
ALEXANDER, D. L. Union d-12 February 1939, age 64y1m3d w-Elizabeth Clevenger Alexander p-Alvin K. and Susan Buterbaugh Alexander
ALEXANDER, Doris M. Union b-29 April 1917; d-2 March 2001; age-83 h-J. Frank Alexander p-Howard A. and Edna M. Lloyd McKenzie
ALEXANDER, Eliza Union d-3 November 1901; Age 75y5m22d
ALEXANDER, Eliza Jane Union d-12 Nov. 1934; Age 77y11m23d
ALEXANDER, Elizabeth Union b-21 November 1874: d-2 Jan. 1942; Age 67y1m11d h-Linn Alexander p-Jacob and Lucinda Cleveger
ALEXANDER, Emma Doyle Union b-21 September 1875: d-5 Nov. 1956; Age 81y1m14d h-John Scott Alexander p-M. F. and Elizabeth Jane Rummel Doyle