Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,278 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
BENDER, Catharine Shade Union b-04 Mar. 1837; d-24 Oct. 1924 h-John Bender p-John & Polly Shade
BENDER, Catherine McConnellsburg Lutheran b-30 July 1847; d-13 August 1911 h-Martin Bender p-Andrew and Rebecca Slates Grissinger
BENDER, Charles C. Union d-8 August 1909; Age 36y10m20d w-Grace Harr Bender p-Samuel Bender
BENDER, Clarence M. Union b-15 Oct. 1906; d-22 Mar. 1982 w-Helen Taylor p-W. Harvey & Margaret Foreman Bender WW II
BENDER, David E. McConnellsburg Lutheran d-7(2) April 1872; Age 11y5m29d p-Samuel & Elizabeth Bender
BENDER, Elizabeth McConnellsburg Lutheran d-14 Feb. 1866; Age 33y3m13d h-Samuel Bender
BENDER, Elizabeth McConnellsburg Lutheran d-2 Jan. 1875; Age 73y h-John Bender Sr. p-Coots
BENDER, Harry M. d-age 23 p-John Bender wounds received in France
BENDER, Harry McClellan McConnellsburg Lutheran d-29 Nov. 1870; Age 2y2m27d p-Martin & Catherine Bender
BENDER, Harvey Union d-26 Nov. 1929; Age 55y11m14d
BENDER, Helen Irene Union b-31 August 1921; d-19 Sept. 1988 h-Clarence M. Bender p-Walter N. & Mary Ross Taylor
BENDER, John McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1825; d-1901
BENDER, John Sr. McConnellsburg Lutheran d-8 April 1874; Age 82y2m w-Elizabeth Coots Bender Longrifle Vol., War of 1812
BENDER, Lillian Sowers Union d:26 Dec. 1939; Age 65y2m15d h-Robert Bender
BENDER, Margaret Foreman Union d:31 Dec. 1946; Age 74y11m8d h-Harvey Bender
BENDER, Martin M. McConnellsburg Lutheran b-27 April 1841; d-4 Jan. 1923 w-Catharine Grissinger Bender p-John and Elizabeth Coots Bender
BENDER, Mary Ellen McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1838; d-1924
BENDER, Mary Esther McConnellsburg Lutheran d-20 Mar. 1875; Age 12y (or 2y7m) p-Samuel & Ellen (or Helen) Bender
BENDER, Samuel McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1829; d:1920 Co. K, 100th PA Infantry
BENDER, W. H. McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1839; d-1907
BENDIK, Anthony Imrych Union b-17 Jan. 1907; d:2 April 1983 w-Mary Wible p-Martin & Mary Stush Bendik,Sr.
BENDIK, Mary W. Union b-7 December 1926; d-11 April 2012 h-Anthony I. Bendik p-Paul and Irma Wible
BENDLE, Daisy Lynch Union d-17 Oct. 1947 p-Dallas and Martha Peck Lynch
BENEDICT, Daniel T. (Dr.) McConnellsburg Lutheran d-20 Feb. 1869; Age 45y6m3d
BENFORD, Annie E. McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1845; d-1922 h-William Benford
BENFORD, William McConnellsburg Lutheran b-28 Mar. 1838; d:26 Nov. 1872
BENNETT, Bessie V. CLEAR RIDGE * b-9 June,1926/d-27 August,2020 p-Olive Mae(Brown) &Porter Benjamin Wilson
BENNETT, Harriet Houp Zion d-8 May 1860; Age 28y7m6d
BENNETT, Harvey Damascus b-1877; d-1964
BENNETT, Nellie Gordon Damascus b-1889; d-1931
BENSON, Adele Hustontown b-1 April 1930; d-5 Dec. 1994 p-Guy O. & Mamie Wink Benson
BENSON, Glenn L. Hustontown b-14 May 1929; d-9 May 1990 p-Guy O. & Mamie Wink Benson
BENSON, Guy Oliver Hustontown b-10 August 1894; d-Age 81y w-Mamie Wink p-Levi & Harriet Hoover Benson WW I
BENSON, Ila Queen Wells Methodist b-9 July 1895 d-12 Dec 1979 Age 84y h-Otto A. Benson p-Walter McKenzie Houck and Sarah Elizabeth McClain Houck
BENSON, Isabelle Wells Methodist b-1919; d-1920 p-D.A. & I.Q. Benson
BENSON, Johnny Center Methodist d-28 August 1881; Age 8m23d p-J. A. & P. Benson
BENSON, Mamie Hustontown b-25 July 1892; d-11 Dec. 1955 h-Guy Benson
BENSON, Mary Center Methodist d-27 Dec. 1907; Age 85y7m3d
BENSON, Otto A. Wells Methodist b-6 June 1892; d-16 Sept. 1959 w-Ila Queen
BENSON, Vernon Wink Hustontown b-27 Nov. 1927; d-17 Jan. 1929 p-Mr. & Mrs. Guy Benson
BENSON, William Center Methodist b-11 Mar. 1819; d-14 Mar. 1899 w-Mary
BENTZ, Charles M. Laurel Ridge b-25 Oct 1940; d-16 May 73y w-Ruth J. (Miller) Bentz p-Eva L. (Barron) and Homer E. Bentz
BERGDOLL, Gertrude S. Damascus b-1896; d-1960
BERGDOLL, Infant Damascus b-1925: d-1925: p-W.T. & G.S.Bergdoll
BERGDOLL, William T. Damascus b-1902; d-1975
BERGSTRESSER, Archie D. Fairview b-14 August 1927; d-29 June 2014 p-Ralph and Maye Knepper Berkstresser Sr. Merchant Marines
BERGSTRESSER, ASBURY F. Wells Methodist d-3 Oct. 1855; Age 32y4d
BERGSTRESSER, Betty Dickson Wells Valley Methodist d-15 October 1905, age 82y4m16d p-James and Hannah McMasters Dickson
BERGSTRESSER, Charlie New Grenada d-21 August 1885; Age 3y4m12d p-J. W. & M. J. Bergstresser
BERGSTRESSER, Clark B. New Grenada b-1852; d-1926 w-Ellen B.