Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,278 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
BAUMGARDNER, William Wells Methodist b-1825; d-1892
BAUMGARDNER, William McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-1853; d-1928
BAYLES, Rachel Knobsville Reformed d-16 July 1884; Age 86y
BEALE , Evelyn B. Whips Cove Christian b-17 Nov. 1912; d-5 Nov. 2002; age-89 h-Joseph K. Beale p-William and Mary Everts Engle
BEALE, Ella James Whips Cove Christian b-16 June 1871; d-12 August 1949 h-Rev. J.Robert Beale p-Compton & Sarah James
BEALE, Evelyn Engle Whips Cove Christian b-1912 p-Rev. Joseph & Ella Beale
BEALE, George S. Winegardner d-17 June 1851; Age 2y9m2d p-J. & M. Beale
BEALE, Joseph Kingston Whips Cove Christian b-10 May 1909; 09 July 2005 w-Evelyn Engle Beale p-Joseph Robert and Ella James Beale
BEALE, Joseph Robert (Rev.) Whips Cove Christian d-6 June 1940; Age 70y7m23d w-Ella James p-George & Mary Dickinson Beale
BEALE, Margaret Winegardner d-21 April 1853; Age 41y2m19d h-Joseph Beale
BEALE, Paul L. Whips Cove Christian b-16 Dec. 1912; d-2 May 2003; age-90 w-Lucille Kates Beale p-Rev. J.Robert and Ella Compton James Beale
BEAM, Charles David Pleasant Ridge Nazarene b-7 Dec. 1955; d-8 Dec. 1955 p-Charles & Dorcas Beam
BEAN, James William Center Methodist b-04 Nov. 1920; d-03 Aug. 2006 w-Myrtle Ives Bean p-Merton R. & Ethel (June) Bean U. S. Army WWII
BEAN, Myrtie Center Methodist b-28 Mar. 1924; d-01 Apr. 2009 h-James William Bean p-Leland & Ester Dorman Ives
BEARD, Edward Chester Buck Valley Christian b-07 Oct. 1914; d-17 Oct. 1973 p-Cora Henline
BEARD, Florence Buck Valley Christian b- 1917; d-27 Nov. 1973 h-Edward C. Beard p-Fred & Clara Ritz Stotler
BEARD, Mary Jane Buck Valley Christian b- 1942; d- 1942 p-Edward Chester & Florence Stotler Beard
BEATON, Connor Vaughn Center Methodist b-15 Oct. 2005; d-15 Oct. 2005 p-Ezra L. and Shauntel Ramsey Beaton
BEATON, Shauntel Lee Ramsey Center Methodist b-30 April 1985; d-13 March 2012 h-Ezra Beaton p-Allen Ramsey and Pamela Gilbert Ramsey Yohn
BEATTY, A. Louise Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist d-24 Feb. 1986; Age 64y p-Orville R. & Virgie Gress Beatty
BEATTY, Alvirna Buck Valley Christian b-1881; d-1964 h-Thomas A. Beatty
BEATTY, Amanda Barney Buck Valley Christian b-1869; d-1943 h-Nelson H. Beatty
BEATTY, Anne Buck Valley Christian b-28 Nov. 1830; d-11 Oct. 1900 h-John Beatty
BEATTY, Annie L. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-23 Mar. 1866; d-09 April 1904 h-William Edward Beatty p-Joseph Hoopengardner & Margaret Sigel
BEATTY, Augusta Buck Valley Christian b-1839; d-1926 h-William Beatty p-Henry & Caroline Fisher
BEATTY, C. Earl BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-31 Jan. 1893; d-29 Oct. 1949 p-William E. Beatty & Annie L. Hoopengardner
BEATTY, Calvin Buck Valley Christian b- 28 June 1891; d-29 Sept. 1973; Age 82y w-Ollie M. Fisher p-James A. & Julia Kerns Beatty
BEATTY, Captain Jerry Lee Buck Valley Christian d-30 April 1978; Age 34 w-Donna Jean Rinard p-Seibert D. & Catherine A. Manning Beatty Vietnam
BEATTY, Carrie Buck Valley Christian b-1875; d-1886 p-William & Augusta Beatty
BEATTY, Catherine A. Buck Valley Christian d-11 June 2016; Age 93 h-Seibert Beatty p-George Kelly and Icy Fern (Hoyle) Manning
BEATTY, Clyde M Buck Valley Christian b-26 May 1925; d-30 July 2000 w-Virginia Manning Beatty p-Calvin Beatty and Ollie Fischer Beatty:
BEATTY, Delilah Buck Valley Christian b-?; 28 Aug. 1895; 79 yrs. 11mo. 2ds
BEATTY, Donna Rinard Buck Valley Christian b- 1945
BEATTY, Ellen L. Buck Valley Christian d-18 Jan. 1936; Age 68y h-Thomas A. Beatty
BEATTY, Guy Edward BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-08 June 1900; d-21 Nov. 1959; Age 59y w-Doris p-William E. & Annie Hoopengardner Beatty
BEATTY, Harry Elwood Buck Valley Christian b-1905; d-1944 w-Vina Viola Younker p-William C. & Sarah Beatty
BEATTY, Henry Buck Valley Christian No dates p-William Beatty
BEATTY, Infant BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-Dec. 1891; d-Jan. 1892 p-William E. & Annie L. Beatty
BEATTY, Isaac Buck Valley Christian b-5 June 1864; d-28 February 1940 w-(1)Rosie Pannell; (2)Etta Hannas
BEATTY, Isabella Buck Valley Christian No dates: p-William & Augusta Beatty
BEATTY, James A. Buck Valley Christian b-04 June 1867; d-11 Feb. 1921 p-Henry & Deliah Beatty
BEATTY, Jerry Lee(Capt) Buck Valley Christian b- 1944; d-30 April 1978; age-34 w-Donna Jean Rinard p-Catherine A. Manning Beatty and Seibert D. Beatty
BEATTY, John Buck Valley Christian b-8 Feb. 1823; d-1 June 1885
BEATTY, John A. Buck Valley Christian b-13 Dec. 1867; d-11 June 1937 p-John & Ann Mann Beatty
BEATTY, John R. Needmore Bible Church b- September 28, 1958 d- November 21, 2014 Lisa M. Younker Beatty Mother- Sally Beatty Garland. Step Father- Harry Lee Garland. Father- John S. Beatty
BEATTY, John S. Needmore Bible Church b-3 April 1932; d-30 Dec. 1996; age-64 w-Sally Hendershot Beatty p-Orville R. and Virgie Gross Beatty
BEATTY, Julia A. Buck Valley Christian b-10 Dec. 1867; d-01 Oct. 1894
BEATTY, Leon Marvin Buck Valley Christian b- 21 Jan. 1948; d-13 Feb. 1980; Age 32y w-Carol M. Clippinger p-Clyde M. & Virginia E. Manning Beatty U.S. Navy Vietnam
BEATTY, Lewis Buck Valley Christian b- 03 Apr. 1890; d- 21 Apr. 1891
BEATTY, Margaret BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-Mar. 1899; d-April 1899 p-William E. & Annie Beatty