Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,297 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
BERNHARD, Joseph Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-25 Jan. 1799; d-21 April 1875 w-Mary Hart Bernhard
BERNHARD, Joseph Cedar Grove Christian d-9 May 1904; Age 83y11m1d
BERNHARD, L. Annie Hills Chapel b-16 January 1885; d-1 Sept. 1977; Age 92y p-Alexander & Lydia Hess Bernhard
BERNHARD, Leonard V. Cedar Grove Christian b-12 August 1914; d-10 Feb. 1995 w-Martha M. Winter p-Sherman L. & M. Maybelle Kirk Bernhard
BERNHARD, Lewis M. Cedar Grove Christian b-3 May 1870; d-10 April 1930
BERNHARD, Lydia Hills Chapel b-20 Nov. 1856; d-4 Jan. 1940 p-Aaron & Annie Garland Hess
BERNHARD, Lydia Hess Hills Chapel b-20 November 1856; d-4 January 1940 h-Alexander T. Bernhard p-Aaron D. and Anna Amy Garland Hess Sr.
BERNHARD, M. Rodney b-16 February, 1954/d-15 September 2020 w-Peggy A.(Seburn)Bernhard p-Lois J(Golden)Bernhard Paff& Melvin E Bernhard
BERNHARD, Madeline Mabelle Kirk Cedar Grove Christian b-20 October 1889; d-22 October 1983 h-Sherman Leonard Bernhard p-Howard & Nan Little Kirk
BERNHARD, Martha M. Cedar Grove Christian b-26 January 1919:d- 8 October 2016 h-Leonard V. Bernhard p-Maple and Bertha Truax Winter
BERNHARD, Mary Cedar Grove Christian b-10 April 1850; d-3 June 1914 h-Lewis Bernhard
BERNHARD, Mary Cedar Grove Christian d-9 August 1898; Age 75y8m13d h-Joseph Bernhard
BERNHARD, Mary Ellen Cedar Grove Christian b-1 Jan. 1860; d-3 August 1917: h-Abdon Bernhard
BERNHARD, Mary Hart Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-28 August 1797; d-13 May 1866 h-Joseph Bernhard p-John and Elizabeth Hess Hart
BERNHARD, Melvin Edison Mays Chapel d-17 June 1992; Age 62y w-Lois Golden p-Frank & Bertha Brady Bernhard Veteran
BERNHARD, Rebecca New Grenada b-2 Mar. 1827; d-28 Oct. 1885 h-Isaac Bernhard p-S & R Truax
BERNHARD, Samuel C. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1836; d-1928 Co. H., 3rd Cavalry
BERNHARD, Sherman Leonard Cedar Grove Christian b-9 July 1888; d-10 December 1981 w-Madeline Mabelle Kirk Bernhard p-Alexander & Lydia Hess Bernhard
BERNHARD, Walter O. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-13 Sept. 1884; d:15 Sept. 1884 p-G. & E. Bernhard
BERNHARDT, Alfred Calendine Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-8 Mar. 1851; d-19 August 1927 w-Elizabeth p-Joseph Bernhardt
BERNHARDT, Della Andrews Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-27 Sept. 1879; d-28 July 1900 h-E. S. Bernhardt
BERNHARDT, Edward S. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1876; d-1929
BERNHARDT, Elizabeth Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-23 Oct. 1847; d-29 Mar. 1905 h-Alfred Bernhardt
BERNHARDT, Elmer S. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-14 Sept. 1883; d-15 Oct. 1904
BERNHARDT, Frances G. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-23 April 1880; d-5 August 1914
BERNHARDT, H. J. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-2 Feb. 1886; d-29 Sept. 1913
BERNHARDT, Mae E. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-28 April 1901; d-13 Oct. 1910 p-E. S. & R. Bernhardt
BERNHARDT, William Damascus b-1847; d-1920
BERNHART, Charles A. Antioch Christian d:23 Sept. 1914; Age 4m p-H. & Ettie Bernhart
BERRY, Gerald D. b-25 Jul, 1958;d-26 Feb, 2020 s-Linda Marie (Sauerbaum) Berry p-Gardner Paul and Elizabeth Athena (Petrucelli) Berry U.S. Navy
BESAW, Richard D. Dublin Mills b-26 May 1929; d-17 Mar. 1995 w-Theresa DiDonato p-Russell & Ruth Thayer Besaw
BESAW, Theresa S. Dublin Mills b-29 August 1928; d-6 June 2017 h-Richard D. Besaw p-Angelo and Philamena Cione DiDonato
BETZ, Catherine Asbury Cemetery b-1794; d-1876
BETZ, Henry D. Asbury Cemetery b-1832; d-1915
BETZ, Henry D. Asbury Cemetery d- 11 June 1915 w- Catherine Skipper, Rebecca Deshong p- Luke and Catherine Newman Betz army
BETZ, Ludwick Asbury Cemetery b-1791; d-1866
BEVANS, Elizabeth Damascus b-1798; d-1857
BIDDINGER, Margaret b-2 July 1945: d-14 Jan 2016 h- Ramond R. Johns p- Robert Lee and Dorothy Elle Frye Biddinger
BIDDINGER, Margaret Lee b-2 July 1945;d-14 January 2016 p-Robert Lee and Dorothy Ellen Frye Biddinger
BIDLEMAN, Elizabeth Akersville Methodist d-12 February 1886, age 90y
BIDLEMAN, William Akersville Methodist d-4 April 1879, age about 72y
BIES, Marion M. Burnt Cabins b-1894;
BIESECKER, Sarah Sipes Siloam b-1 April 1877; d-8 Dec. 1932 h-Joseph Biesecker p-Oliver and Fannie Sipes
BIGLER, Leroy Wilbert Union b-15 Nov. 1918; d:16 Mar. 1982 w-Mildred Varner p-George C. & Sarah Webb Bigler WW II
BIGLER, Mildred Elizabeth Union b-14 April 1918; d-11 June 1982 h-Leroy W. Bigler p-Raymond & Helen Myra Varner
BILDSTEIN, John T. "Timmy" b- 09 Mar 1962, d- 17 Oct 2023 E. Grant and Margaret Peggy Bildstein
BILES, Harry Harvey Warfordsburg Presbyterian d:17 April 1877; Age1y11m14d: p-J. P.and P. W. Biles
BILES, Jesse James Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-4 Feb. 1878; Age5y1d p-J. P. & P. W. Biles
BILEY, Infant McKendree Methodist d-13 Feb. 1866 p-S.F.and E.M. Biley
BILLINGS, Dorothy M. Keiser Akersville Methodist b-4 November 1939; d-5 April 2012 p-Thomas and Elsie M. Jenkins