Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,278 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
BARTON, Amos W. McKendree Methodist b-14 August 1856; d-16 Feb. 1860 p-J. N. & S. E. Barton
BARTON, Amy L. Akersville Methodist b-25 April 1921; d-23 June 1996; age-75 h-Walter J. Barton p-George N. Barton and Lulu Schank Barton
BARTON, Anna Akersville Methodist b-22 Jan. 1856; d-29 June 1880 h-M. Barton
BARTON, Anna Union Christian b-8 June 1782; d-22 July 1874 h-E. Barton
BARTON, Belinda McKendree Methodist b-28 Feb. 1849; d-28 Dec. 1859
BARTON, Bruce H. b-4 December 1889: d-14 March 1963 w-Edith H. Mellott p-J. Clark and Margaret Hill Barton
BARTON, Caleb J. Hustontown b-25 May 1858; d-22 October 1940: w-Mary
BARTON, Calvin Needmore Bible Church b- 4 Dec. 1950; d- 15 June 2019 w- Cheryl Ward Barton p- George Calvin Sr. and Esta Everetts Barton US Army Reserves
BARTON, Carrie E. Akersville Methodist b-18 May 1888; d-30 July 1908 h-C. O. Barton
BARTON, Catherine Gregory Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-8 April 1874; Age 33y6m23d h-H. H. Barton
BARTON, Cecil Irwin Akersville Methodist b-10 Jan. 1889; d-25 Feb. 1889 p-J. B. & M. M. Barton
BARTON, Charles Union w-Edith Barton
BARTON, Charles E. Union b-12 July 1871; d-11 May 1907; Age 35y10m w-Edith Brant p-George W. Barton
BARTON, Charles F. Akersville Methodist b-11 May 1910; d-4 Nov. 1986 w-Lydia Beeler p-Jesse & Ivah Mellott Barton
BARTON, Charles H. McKendree Methodist b-23 Sept. 1902; d:15 Sept. 1903 p-J. C. & M. E. Barton
BARTON, Charlotte H. Akers Akersville Methodist b-12 May 1834; d-3 July 1898 h-Mason Barton
BARTON, Clara Jean Union b-13 September 1923; d-27 July 2012 p-Harper and Lillian S. Madden Barton
BARTON, David Union Christian d-26 April 1824
BARTON, Edith Holly Union b-29 July 1889; d:10 Sept. 1980 h-Bruce H. Barton p-William H. & Mary Amanda Bottomfield Mellott
BARTON, Edna P. Akersville Methodist b-12 April 1911; d-15 April 2001; age-90 h-Simon M. Barton p-Rossel and Nellie Strait Walters
BARTON, Edwin W. Akersville Methodist b-27 Nov. 1862; d-10 June 1938
BARTON, Eldridge D. Union Christian b-11 Feb. 1859; d-3 Sept. 1860 p-Perry & Anna Barton
BARTON, Elijah Union Christian b-21 Feb. 1819; d-16 Dec. 1867
BARTON, Elisha Union Christian b-23 August 1778; d-23 May 1859
BARTON, Elizabeth Union Christian b-6 Dec. 1788; d-1 Oct. 1871 h-William Barton
BARTON, Elizabeth R. McKendree Methodist b-28 May 1854; d-20 Sept. 1855
BARTON, Ella Mae Akersville Methodist b- 22 May 1922; d- 25 Dec. 2006 h- Roy O. Barton p- Elmer C. & Verna B. Latta Baker
BARTON, Emma Akersville Methodist b-1859; d-Feb. 1860; Age 4m p-M. & C. H. Barton
BARTON, Emma I. Union Christian b-24 Sept. 1869; d:21 Sept. 1870 p-G. W. & M. Barton
BARTON, Ephraim Akersville Methodist b-1871; d-Dec. 1871; Age 4m; p-Mason & Charlotte Barton
BARTON, Ernest C. "Bunk" b-12 Oct 1929, d-29 April 2022 w-Margaret E. (McMullen) Barton p-Roy E. and Clara M. (Weaverling) Barton U. S. Army
BARTON, Esta Marie Akersville Methodist b-23 January 1927; d-19 May 2010 h-George C. Barton Sr. p-Ephriam and Mary Brannon Everts
BARTON, Eva C. Akersville Methodist b-3 Jan. 1944; d-8 July 1947 p-Walter & Amy Barton
BARTON, Eva L. Mellott McKendree Methodist b-3 April 1865; d-8 Dec. 1918 h-Mahlon E. Barton
BARTON, Eva Lowery Akersville Methodist b-1891; d-1949 h-1) Harry Welsel (Helsel?), 2) James Talmage Barton
BARTON, Fanny Union Christian b-29 Mar. 1815; d-29 July 1857 h-Aaron Barton
BARTON, Frances Union Christian p-Perry & Anna A. Barton
BARTON, George Union Christian b-1789; d-8 June 1812
BARTON, George Calvin Akersville Methodist b-15 December 1924: d-11 April 1964 w-Esta Marie Everts p-George N. and Lula C. Schenck Barton
BARTON, George Edwin Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-21 August 1888; Age 15y11m15d p-H. H. & C. Barton
BARTON, George H. McKendree Methodist b-14 July 1865; d-19 Nov. 1884
BARTON, George N. Akersville Methodist b-1896; d-1925 Co. 2, 155th D.B.T.
BARTON, George W. (Hon) Akersville Methodist b-23 Mar. 1826; d-9 Feb. 1882
BARTON, Goldie Cecilia Union d-4 May 1984; Age 92y h-William H. Barton p-Frank & Anna Truax Mason
BARTON, Grace Akersville Methodist b-23 Feb 1923; d-7 Dec 2003 p-George C. & Lula C. Schenck Barton
BARTON, Grace Union b-29 April 1926: d-25 March 2014 h-Richard P. Dick Barton p-Leonard and Laura Knepper Stevens
BARTON, Gwentena Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-22 April 1907; d-25 Sept. 1907 p-G. E. & Minnie Barton
BARTON, Harper M. Hustontown b-1917; d-1918 p-Harper & Lillian Barton
BARTON, Harper P. Hustontown b-24 August 1888; d-7 Jyly 1953 w-Lillian
BARTON, Henry N. Akersville Methodist b-5 Oct. 1871; d-11 Jan. 1931