Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,278 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
BARNEY, Ralph W. Buck Valley Christian b-17 May 1918; d-6 August 1918 p-W. T. & Jessie Barney
BARNEY, Rhoda F. Buck Valley Christian b- 03 Oct. 1894; Age 22y4m4d p-Isaac & J.Barney
BARNEY, Ruth J. Buck Valley Christian b-1865; d-1889 h-William H. Barney
BARNEY, Sarah Mays Chapel b-1798; d-19 June 1876 h-John Barney
BARNEY, Sarah E. Buck Valley Christian b-1865; d-1959 h-Andrew C. Barney
BARNEY, Truax Buck Valley Christian b-1888; d-1961
BARNEY, William H. Buck Valley Christian b-1858; d-1923
BARNHARD, Margaret Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-30 June 1838; d-8 Jan. 1917 h-Otho Barnhard
BARNHARD, Otho Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-20 August 1832; d-20 Jan. 1913
BARNHARD, William E. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-21 May 1867; d-19 July 1892
BARNHARD, William L. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-21 May 1867; d-19 July 1892
BARNHARDT, Alexander T. Hills Chapel d-5 May 1934, age 89
BARNHARDT, Alfred Calendine Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-19 Aug. ?? aged 76y11m5d p-Joseph Barnhardt
BARNHARDT, Alfred M.. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-3 Oct. 1879; d-26 July 1901
BARNHARDT, Laura Sigel Oakley Methodist d-9 April 1923; age-34y10m5d h-Alonzo Barnhardt
BARNHART, A. Furn Cedar Grove Christian b-24 Jan. 1891; d-7 April 1906
BARNHART, Albert L. Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-23 Mar. 1990; Age 74y w-Evelyn L. Faith Barnhart p-Grant & Bertha Layton Barnhart
BARNHART, Alberta Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-21 Sept. 1914; d-22 June 1917 p-J.Ross & Madeline S. Barnhart
BARNHART, Alfred b-?; d-18 Aug. 1927
BARNHART, Alonza Oakley Methodist d-29 Oct. 1965; age-83 w-Laura Sigel p-Palmer and Frances Bailey Barnhart
BARNHART, Amos C. Cedar Grove Christian d-14 Sept. 1863; Age 2y11m27d p-Joseph & Mary Barnhart
BARNHART, Anna Elizabeth* Oakley Methodist b-1890; d-8 September 1962 h-Ward Barnhart p-William and Jennie Peck Sigel
BARNHART, Arthur M. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-18 July 1896; d-2 Dec. 1915 p-Isaac and Ida Barnhart
BARNHART, Barbara J. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-16 Feb. 1948; d-16 July 2008 h-Robert Albert Barnhart p-Grely & Margaret Alderton Yost
BARNHART, Bernard P. Oakley Methodist b-15 July 1918; d-17 Feb. 2001; age-82 w-Margaret B. Duvall Barnhart p-Alonzo and Laura Sigel Barnhart
BARNHART, Bertha Virginia PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b-4 Dec. 1889; d-22 May 1950 p-Johnson & Minnie Clark Layton
BARNHART, Betty Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b- 7 Aug. 1923; d-12 Jan 2017 h- Henry Herman Barnhart p- Fred & Esta Cunningham
BARNHART, C. Eugene Cedar Grove Christian b-1922; d-1964 p-Peter Howard Barnhart
BARNHART, Catharine Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1862; d-1936 h-Isaac Barnhart
BARNHART, Catherine F. Andrews Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-14 Sept. 1877; d:26 Sept. 1962 h-Job Barnhart
BARNHART, Cathy M Siloam b-11 Oct 1956; d-1 June 2000 h-Donald E Barnhart p-Alice Reihart;
BARNHART, Cecil Upton Buck Valley Christian b- 16 Jan 1863; d- 12 Jan 1943 w-Laura Alice Lehman p-George P. & Amy Deneen Barnhart
BARNHART, Charles A. Black Oak Mennonite b- 6 January 1881; d- 7 May 1962 p- Isaac P. & Ida Kerns Barnhart
BARNHART, Clara Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-21 Jan. 1862; d-24 July 1940
BARNHART, Clarence Union b-29 March 1893; d-13 Oct. 1964; Age 71y6m29d w-Violet Deshong Barnhart p-Isaiah and Sarah Shives Barnhart
BARNHART, Claude Buck Valley Christian b- 24 Jan 1887; d- 25 Jan 1888 p-Cecil U. & Laura Lehman Barnhart
BARNHART, Clyde E. GREENWAY Age 29y w-Mrs. Wilbert Kerns p-Job T. Barnhart Veteran
BARNHART, D. Bud Siloam b-13 March 1926; d-1 Oct. 1997; age-71 p-Lewis Barnhart and E. Pearl Fagley Barnhart
BARNHART, Daniel Finlay Union b-14 April 1897; d-1 August 1969 p-Isaac & Sarah Richards Barnhart
BARNHART, Donald E. Siloam b-31 May 1952; d-24 Aug. 1998 w-Cathy M. Reihart p-Isacc and Mary Truax Barnhart
BARNHART, Donnie LaVonne Mays Chapel b-4 Mar. 1943; d-7 Sept. 1945 p-James E. & Gwendoline Barnhart
BARNHART, Dorothy H. Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-08 Jan. 1938; d-8 Jan. 1938 p-Mr. & Mrs. John Barnhart
BARNHART, Douglas R. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-24 July 1950; d-29 Oct. 2007 p-John Frederick & Ruth Margaret Young Barnhart U.S. Army
BARNHART, Earl Eugene Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-3 July 1930: d-10 March 2014 p-Lewis and Elizabeth Pearl Fagley Barnhart
BARNHART, Elizabeth J. Mays Chapel b-1850; d-4 Nov. 1924 h-William Barnhart
BARNHART, Elizabeth Jane Mays Chapel b-20 January 1881; d-9 April 1959 p-William and Elizabeth Jane Jordan Barnhart
BARNHART, Elizabeth Pearl Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-19 April 1887; d-13 July 1976 h-1) Joseph J. Strait, 2) Lewis Barnhart p-William H. & Mary Ann Fohner Fagley
BARNHART, Ella Cedar Grove Christian d-3 August 1917, age about 57 p-Jobbie Mellott
BARNHART, Elmer Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1893; d-1933 p-Isaac & Catherine Barnhart
BARNHART, Evelyn Louise Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-19 Dec. 1915; d-03 May 2006 h-Albert L. Barnhart p-Robert J. & Nellie B. Hamman Faith