Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,278 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
BARNETT, Judith A. b-3 March 1950; d- 21 November 2019 h- Richard G. Barnett p- Blanche Gress McElhaney and Norman Hess
BARNETT, Kathy M. Akersville Methodist b-27 May 1956; d-18 April 2012 p-Melvin and Ida Seville Barnett
BARNETT, Kenneth C. Hustontown b-15 May 1919; d-28 Dec. 1976 p-George & Nora Chestnut Barnett WW II
BARNETT, Ladema Grace Center Methodist b-20 Jan. 1918; d-24 Nov. 1977 h-1) William Kerlin, 2) Carl Barnett,Sr. p-Elmer & Nellie Yingling Knepper
BARNETT, Leroy Center Methodist b-7 July 1942; d-16 June 2004 p-Melvin and Ida Seville Barnett
BARNETT, M. Laverne Hustontown b-21 March 1926; d-1 August 2011 p-George N. & Nora E. Barnett
BARNETT, Maggie L. Mt. Tabor d-13 Sept. 1910; Age 29y10m27d
BARNETT, Mary E. New Grenada b-1859: d-1915: h-George W. Barnett
BARNETT, Mary E. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-14 Sept 1864, Age- 9y3m27d
BARNETT, Mary Elizabeth Bridenstine* Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-23 May 1896; d-23 October 1961 h- Elmer Roy Barnett p-Jane Hunter and Herbert H. Bridenstine
BARNETT, Meade J. WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b-27 April 1887; d-11 August 1952 w-Ora Mae
BARNETT, Melvin J. Center Methodist d-6 April 1988; Age 73y w-Ida Seville p-James & Emma Reeder Barnett WW II
BARNETT, Missouri R. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-10 Aug 1874; Age-4m21d
BARNETT, Nathan P. Center Methodist d-16 Oct. 1905; Age 80y10m w-Sarah
BARNETT, Nora E. Hustontown b-18 Nov. 1892; d-30 Mar. 1986 h-George N. Barnett p-James & Melinda Sipes Chesnut
BARNETT, Ora Mae WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b-1896: d-1982 h-Meade J. Barnett
BARNETT, Phil Field Age 90y;(see Rebecca Barnett for location)
BARNETT, Raleigh Victor Center Methodist b-15 June 1923; d-15 May 2006 Inez Brown p-James & Emma Reeder Barnett
BARNETT, Rebecca Field b-1801; d-2 July 1878; (only other marker is Phil. Mountain Road, Taylor Twp, Top of Hill in Charlie Black's field, next to H
BARNETT, Robert Vaughn Center Methodist b-17 April 1933; d-31 Mar. 1934 p-Vaughn Barnett
BARNETT, Roger L. Union b- 7 Dec 1948, d-21 Sept 2021 w-Sue Souders Barnett p-Kenneth Barnett and Maude Dickenson Thomas U.S.Marines
BARNETT, Ruby Jurlene Center Methodist b-8 Mar. 1912; d-12 August 1975 p-Nevin & Rebecca Hann Strait
BARNETT, Sarah J. Chilcote Center Methodist d-22 June 1899; Age 71y3m3d h-Nathan Barnett
BARNETT, Sarah Lou WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b-6 April 1939; d-28 October 2012 h-Meade J. Barnett p-Edna Dean and Frank Young
BARNETT, Sebert D. Center Methodist b-3 Sept. 1904; d-9 March 1996; age-91 w-Hazel Stains p-Howard and Esther Knepper Barnett
BARNETT, TRAVIS L. b-20 June, 1972/d-1 February, 2021 w-Lisa J. (Park) Barnett p-Edith B.(Mellott) Rhodes & Harty W. Barnett
BARNETT, Vaughn J. Center Methodist b-30 April 1908; d-5 June 1995 w-Edna Mumma Hess p-James & Emma Reeder Barnett
BARNETT, William H. Wells Methodist b-1884; d-1950
BARNETT, William R. Center Methodist d- 15 Nov. 2004
BARNETT, Z. Bland Center Methodist d:22 April 1922; Age 71y4m7d w-Elizabeth
BARNEY, A. Gertrude Buck Valley Christian b-15 Sept. 1886; d:27 Sept. 1974 h-J. Frank Barney p-Scott & Dillie Showalter Bottenfield
BARNEY, A. Laverne Damascus b-23 September 1926; d-16 April 2016 h-Gilbert Roscoe "Buddy" Barney p-Edgar and Mary Shives
BARNEY, Alta Marie Buck Valley Christian b-1924; d-1942 p-Oscar E. & Nora May Barney
BARNEY, Andrew C. Buck Valley Christian b-1863; d-1935
BARNEY, Charles Cedar Grove Christian d-30 Dec. 1895; Age 86y
BARNEY, Ella N. Buck Valley Christian b-1863; d-1926 h-William H. Barney
BARNEY, Fanny Cedar Grove Christian d:22 Oct. 1887; Age 72y8m22d h-Charles Barney
BARNEY, Florence Warfordsburg Presbyterian d:2 August 1891; Age 22y1m7d: h-J.S.Barney
BARNEY, Hattie L. Mays Chapel b-22 August 1868; d-27 Jan. 1894 p-Rev. J. H. & C. J. Barney
BARNEY, Infant Buck Valley Christian No dates p-W. H. & Ruth J. Barney
BARNEY, Isaac Buck Valley Christian b- 21 May 1829; d-25 Mar. 1904; Age 74y10m4d w-Isabella Weldon p-John & Sarah Hendersot Barney
BARNEY, Isabella Weldon Buck Valley Christian b-8 May 1837; d-6 Feb. 1914 h-Isaac Barney p-Alexdon & Nancy Weldon
BARNEY, Jessie Hoffman Buck Valley Christian b-1891; d-1972: h-Truax Barney
BARNEY, Jessie M. Buck Valley Christian b-18 Dec. 1899; d-7 June 1917 p-Andrew C. & Sarah E. Barney
BARNEY, Joseph Franklin Buck Valley Christian b-27 Dec. 1874; d-17 May 1936 w-Gertrude Bottenfield Barney p-Isaac and Isabella Weedon Barney
BARNEY, Louis Albert Buck Valley Christian b-5 Nov. 1877; d-19 April 1940
BARNEY, Marshal (infant) Buck Valley Christian d-17 April 1897 p-Andrew C. & Sarah Ellen Bishop Barney
BARNEY, Mary Susan Buck Valley Christian b-21 Sept. 1874; d:17 Sept. 1958: h-Louis Albert Barney
BARNEY, Nora May Buck Valley Christian b-1895; d-1944 h-Oscar E. Barney
BARNEY, Oscar E Buck Valley Christian b-1894; d-1950