Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,278 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
BAIN, Ethel Ida Union d-26 June, age 56 h-Luther Guy Bain p-William and Ettie R. Hardy Mencer
BAIN, Eureka B. Union b-29 June 1912; d-9 May 1999; age-86 h-Ira W. Bain p-Joseph and Elizabeth Pearl Fagley Strait
BAIN, Gary Lynn Union b-4 May 1955; d-17 April 1987 p-Carl E., Sr. & Huldah Decker Bain
BAIN, George Fort Littleton d-15 Feb. 1885; Age 64y6m16d
BAIN, George Union d-13 Mar. 1919; Age 1m p-John Bain
BAIN, Harry Union b-15 Mar. 1914; d-25 Dec. 2008 w-Ruth Crouse Bain p-John Sr. & Catherine Harris Bain
BAIN, Harry L. b- September 1, 1931 d- April 24, 2015 Doris Jean Souders Bain John and Bessie Seiders Bain US ARMY
BAIN, Huldah M. Union b-19 October 1929; d-19 May 2011 h-Carl E. Bain Sr. p-Herman J. and Ethel Sipes Decker
BAIN, Infant Union d-23 Feb. 1935: p-Guy Bain
BAIN, Infants Damascus b-1918; d-1920 p-Clarence Bain
BAIN, Ira W. Union d-21 June 1979; Age 89y w-Eureka Strait p-John W. & Elizabeth Hall Bain WW I
BAIN, John Union d-31 Jan. 1941
BAIN, John Union b-17 Dec. 1901; d-12 Jan. 1971 w-Bessie Seiders p-John W. & Catherine Harris Bain
BAIN, Letha Union d-28 June 1907; Age 19y
BAIN, Lucas Union b-7 Mar. 1972; d-7 Mar. 1972 p-Carl E. & Linda Souders Bain, Jr.
BAIN, Luther Guy Union b-22 Oct. 1892; d-25 Sept. 1981 w-Ethel Mencer p-John W. & Elizaeth Hull Bain
BAIN, Margaret E. Damascus d-12 August 1989; Age 67 h-Alvin Carl Bain p-William & Alice Smith
BAIN, Mrs. Guy Union d-24 June 1948
BAIN, Rachel Ebenezer Methodist d-10 Mar. 1848; Age 24y1m2d
BAIN, Russell E. Damascus b-24 Nov 1921; d-28 Feb. 1996; age-74 w-Estalee M. Johnson Bain p-Clarence L. and Katerine Cora Gordon Bain
BAIN, Wallace Clinton Fort Littleton d-10 August 1878; Age 29y2m7d
BAIR, Claire E. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-04 Feb. 1908; d-16 Feb. 2006 h-Walter A. Bair p-Robert & Bertha Dunkin Ross
BAIR, Ella N. Truxell Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1871; d-1961: h-Jerry Truxell
BAIR, Hazel CLEAR RIDGE * b-22 Sept. 1919; d-27 Feb. 1992 h-1) Arthur L. Walters, 2) Eugene Bair p-Robert & Ethel Carbaugh Gearhart
BAIR, Infant Daughter Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-1918 p-Jerry & Ella Bair
BAIR, Infant Son Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-1916 p-Jerry & Ella Bair
BAIR, Jerry A. Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-29 June 1957; Age 81y w-Ella Nora Truxel p-Zachariah & Catherine A. Zimmerman Bair
BAIR, Maye M. Asbury Cemetery b-19 August 1874; d-6 Mar. 1972 h-William Bair p-William & Anna Maria Daniels Mann
BAIR, Thelma E. Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-16 Nov. 1973; Age 61 p-Jerry A. & Ella Truxel Bair
BAIR, Walter A. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-12 June 1907; d-16 Nov. 1995; age-88 w-Clair E. Ross Bair p-Jerry A. and Ella Nora Truxell Bair
BAIR, William E. Green Hill b-29 Nov. 1866; d-2 Jan. 1935 w-May Mann p-Samuel & Margaret Holtzopple Mills
BAITH, Dianna T. New Grenada d-1888 p-P & S. Barth
BAITH, Peter New Grenada b-1840; d-1908 w-Sophia E. Keith Co.H. 22nd Regt. PA Cavalry
BAITH, Robert H. New Grenada No dates; on marker with Bruce B. Wagner & A. I. M. Fleck
BAKER, Alfred F. Wells Methodist b-1843; d-1913
BAKER, Anna Furlone Union b-20 Oct. 1898; d-12 Oct. 1978 h-Alfred F. Baker
BAKER, Barbara CLEAR RIDGE * d-21 Dec. 1856; Age 73y7m4d h-Nathan Baker
BAKER, Barbra E. CLEAR RIDGE * d-31 August 1870 p-William & Catherine Baker
BAKER, Calvin CLEAR RIDGE * b-1847; d-3 May 1922 w-Mary
BAKER, Catherine CLEAR RIDGE * b-2 Feb. 1830; d-7 May 1906 h-William Baker
BAKER, Charles E. Cedar Grove Christian b-31 Jan. 1918; d-27 May 2001; age-83 w-Cleo S. Mellott Baker p-Frank S. and Clara Franklin Baker
BAKER, Clarence M. Knobsville Methodist d:25 Dec. 1891; Age 6m21d p-Grant & Mary Baker
BAKER, Douglas Edwin Center Methodist b-29 Apr. 1952; d-26 Sept. 2006 w-Leona Ulsh Baker p-Edwin R. & Mary A. Jones Baker
BAKER, Eliza J. CLEAR RIDGE * d-16 Nov. 1816; Age 29d p-W. & M. Baker
BAKER, Frank W. CLEAR RIDGE * d-13 May 1901; Age 1y11m6d p-J. H. & F. E. Baker
BAKER, George B. Fort Littleton Farm d-28 Dec. 1830 p-S & H. Baker
BAKER, George B. Jr. b- 10 September 1947; d- 14 July 2019 w-Joann Shonk Baker p-George B. Sr. and Irene Jacobs Baker
BAKER, George E. CLEAR RIDGE * d:25 June 1890; Age 3y10m; p-C.and L.Baker
BAKER, George Leonard III Whips Cove Christian b-22 Feb. 1930; d-18 Jan. 1994 w-Augustine P. Countryman p-George L., II & Elizabeth H. Bender Baker Korea
BAKER, Goldie Belle Ward Mays Chapel d-19 January 1969, age 75 h-Guy E. Baker p-John and Adeline Deneen Stoner