Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,271 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
CHARLTON, Nora S. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1877; d-28 Oct. 1963 h-William Lee Charlton p-Lewis & Elizabeth Belsinger Yonker
CHARLTON, Phebe Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-23 August 1873; Age 70y4m13d h-John Charlton Esq.
CHARLTON, Rae Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-30 June 1971; Age 87y h-Howard Porter Charlton p-Lewis & Elizabeth Belsinger Younker
CHARLTON, Ralph Warfordsburg Methodist b-15 Jan. 1776; d-15 August 1859
CHARLTON, Reba Louise Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-15 Oct. 1929; d-21 Jan. 1952 p-W. H. Gordon & Delora Shank Charlton
CHARLTON, Samuel Locke Farm Cemetery b-1810; d-1854 w-Eleanor Charlton
CHARLTON, Samuel Locke Farm Cemetery b-1839; d-1856 p-Samuel & Eleanor Charlton
CHARLTON, Sarah Warfordsburg Methodist b-26 Sept. 1809; d-9 Sept. 1901 h-George Charlton
CHARLTON, Sarah Ann Locke Farm Cemetery b-1847; d-1859 p-Samuel & Eleanor Charlton
CHARLTON, W. H. Gordon Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1897; d-1962 w-Delora Shank
CHARLTON, William H. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-10 Mar. 1841; d-18 Mar. 1912 w-Margaret
CHARLTON, William Lee Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1875; d-27 Jun e1952 w-Susan Nora Charlton p-William and Margaret McKoven Charlton
CHARLTON, William W. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1890; d-1941
CHESNUT, A. W. Hustontown b-1845; d-1897 w-Emmaline
CHESNUT, Addie Jane Union b-8 Jan. 1881; d-19 Sept. 1952 h-James Mack Chesnut p-David F. & Lucima Deshong Forner
CHESNUT, Agnes Hunter Hustontown b-12 Oct. 1835; d:18 Sept. 23,1911 h-William J. Chesnut
CHESNUT, Albert Glenn Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-29 Jan. 1919; d-9 Dec. 1920 p-David & V. Blanche Chesnut
CHESNUT, Alice Davis Davis Lane d:4 Nov. 1873; Age 55y10m5d h-William Chesnut
CHESNUT, Ann E. Hustontown b-17 Sept. 1819; d-13 May 1907 h-David Chesnut
CHESNUT, Annie Hustontown d:26 July 1869; Age 1y3m26d p-A. W. & E. Chesnut
CHESNUT, B. Betty Union b-4 May 1926; d-2 Dec. 1994 h-J. Mack Chesnut p-Lynn & Ethel Keefer Mellott
CHESNUT, Bessie M. Hustontown b-24 Feb. 1898; d-7 June 1978 h-Frank F. Chesnut p-John & Annie Murphy Foreman
CHESNUT, Clem Hustontown b-20 Febraury 1857; d-19 February 1928 w-1)Etta M. Laidig 2)Elizabeth House p-David F. and Betsy Snyder Chesnut
CHESNUT, Cleo Akersville Methodist d-14 December 1899, age 22y10m14d
CHESNUT, Coloranna Hustontown d-18 Mar. 1877?; Age 1y11m29d p-D. R. & A. E. Chesnut
CHESNUT, D. Raymond Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-24 Jan. 1980; Age 69y w-Viola Ruth Covalt p-David P. & Blanche V. Shaw Chesnut
CHESNUT, David Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-23 August 1849; d-16 Jan. 1910 w-Mary
CHESNUT, David B. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-6 July 1883; d-16 Dec. 1931 w-V. Blanche
CHESNUT, David Clem Siloam b-2 Nov. 1905; d-Jan. 1963 w-Vera DeShong p-James Mack, Sr. & Addie Jane Forner Chesnut
CHESNUT, David F. Hustontown b-10 Jan. 1816; d-31 July 1890 w-Ann
CHESNUT, DeKalb Hustontown b-12 Nov. 1889; d-17 Mar. 1973 w-Grace Berkstresser p-James M. & Melinda Sipes Chesnut
CHESNUT, Don Union b-24 Sept. 1908; d-26 Dec. 1972 w-Julia Deshong p-James Mack & Adda Former Chesnut
CHESNUT, Don E. Union b-20 Oct. 1936; d-31 May 2007 p-Don & Julia L. DeShong Chestnut
CHESNUT, Edna M. (Hoover) Hustontown b- 10 September 1893: d-18 November 1938 h- Harold Eugene Chesnut p- John and Annie Elizabeth Hoover
CHESNUT, Eliza Francis Davis Lane d-16 Nov. 1861; Age 7y2m23d p-William & Alice Chesnut
CHESNUT, Elizabeth Warfordsburg Methodist b-26 Jan. 1807; d:19 August 1874; On stone with George Chesnut
CHESNUT, Elizabeth Warfordsburg Methodist d-9 Mar. 1884; Age 2y1m9d p-Dr. D. & M. Chesnut
CHESNUT, Elizabeth M. Hustontown b-4 April 1873; d-9 Nov. 1923 h-Clem Chesnut
CHESNUT, Emmaline Hustontown b-1850; d-23 November 1915 h-A. William Chesnut
CHESNUT, Ethel L. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-Age 73y h-G. Marshall Chesnut p-Elisha & Mary Peterson Souders
CHESNUT, Etta M. Hustontown d-19 Feb. 1901; Age 26y11m4d: h-Clem Chesnut
CHESNUT, Francis Glen Hustontown b-May 1926; d-August 1926 p-Harold & Edna Chesnut
CHESNUT, Frank R. Hustontown b-29 August 1897; d-8 April 1979 w-Bessie Foreman p-James M. & Malinda Sipes Chesnut
CHESNUT, G. Roy Hustontown b-2 June 1891; d-16 Oct. 1973 w-Goldie Reeder p-William & Emmaline Taylor Chesnut
CHESNUT, George (Major) Warfordsburg Methodist b-29 Nov. 1803; d:10 Mar. 1884; On stone with Elizabeth
CHESNUT, George W. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-14 Feb. 1848; d-3 June 1919 w-Tillah
CHESNUT, George Washington Davis Lane d-24 Feb. 1842; Age 4m p-C. & E. Chesnut
CHESNUT, Gerald Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-22 Feb 1939; p-Masrshall and Ethel (Sounders) Chesnut
CHESNUT, Goldie E. Hustontown b-15 Nov 1896; d-8 March 1974 h-G. Roy Chesnut p-James K. and Lilly Mellott Reeder
CHESNUT, Grace L. Hustontown d-4 Sept. 1989; Age 96y h-DeKalb Chesnut p-William Lee & Mary Ellen Laidig Berkstresser