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Name | Cemetery | Birth/Death Dates | Spouse | Parents | War Service |
AMICK, Leta O. | Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery | b-16 April 1891; d:20 April 1972 | h-Sherman Amick | p-William & Alpha Writz Sprowl | |
AMICK, Sherman A. | Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery | b-14 Jul 1890; d-30 June 1966 | w-Leta | ||
AMICK, William (Infant) | Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery | d-30 Nov 1913 | p-Sherman & Leta Amick | ||
ANDERSON | Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery | Funeral Marker; 1952 | |||
Anderson Donald L | Wells Valley Methodist | b-31 March 1937 d- 5 March 2020 | Marilyn Anderson | Lottie L(Griffith) W. Lee Anderson | |
ANDERSON, A. H. | Wells Methodist | b-1834; d-1917 | w-Susannah Ferree | ||
ANDERSON, A. Ray | Wells Valley Methodist | b-17 Dec 1930, d-12 Sept 2021 | w-1st Norma Gale Grissinger Anderson, 2nd Joy J. Murdock | p- W. Lee Anderson and Lottie L. Griffith Anderson | |
ANDERSON, Andella | Anderson | b-1795; d-15 May 1802, age 7 years | p-S. J. Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Arthur Wayne "Andy" | Sideling Hill Christian | b-2 August 1931; d-22 June 2010 | w-Erma M. Mellott Anderson | p-John M. and Edna G. Orr Anderson | US National Guard, Korean Conflict |
ANDERSON, Betty R. | Fairview | b-28 Janurary 1935; d-16 September 2017 | h-William R. Anderson Sr. | p-George and Goldie Mumma | |
ANDERSON, D. P. | Center Methodist | d:15 Mar. 1906; Age: 67y2m3d | w-Elizabeth | ||
ANDERSON, Doffield D. | Anderson | b-1861; d-10 July 1862, age 1y6m15d | p-S. J. Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Donald L | Wells Valley Methodist | b-31 March 1937 d- 5 March 2020 | Marilyn Anderson | p-Lottie L(Griffith) W. Lee Anderson | |
ANDERSON, Douglas M. | WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL | b-1937; d-1940 | p-R.E. & A.M.Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Edward | Anderson | b-1795; d-28 August 1862, age 63y11m13d | |||
ANDERSON, Eleanor Mary Olewine | Hustontown | b-9 Oct. 1908; d-29 June 1988 | h-1) Bob Olewine; 2) Harold F. Anderson | p-John I.and Eva Wink Duvall | |
ANDERSON, Elizabeth | Center Methodist | d-17 Sept. 1911; Age: 75y7m3d | h-Porter Anderson | p-Rev.Charles Griffith | |
ANDERSON, Ethel G. | New Grenada | b-Sept. 23, 1900 d- April 25 , 1966 | h- Hartman Anderson | Frank and Marry (Duvall) Thomas | |
ANDERSON, Fanny Grove | CLEAR RIDGE * | d-17 Sept. 1895; Age 91y22d | h-J. Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Fred | WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL | b-28 April 1913; d-13 July 1913 | p-J. E. & O. A. Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Gary Lee | Akersville Methodist | b-17 Apr 1942; d-16Aug2003 | w-Kay Sandra Koontz Anderson | p-Leo Brown & Betty Bernice Anderson | |
ANDERSON, Glenn K. | WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL | b-11 May 1903; d:2 Oct. 1959 | w-Ethel M. | ||
ANDERSON, Glenola | New Grenada | b-1900; d-1966 | h-Hartman Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Grace C. | Union | b-13 Feb. 1909; d-22 July 2001; age-92 | h-Thomas W. Anderson | p-Albert and Virgie Colledge | |
ANDERSON, Harold S. | Hustontown Methodist? | b-13 June 1905; d-5 Nov. 1993 | w-1)Rhuie Zeise Walters, 2)Eleanor Duvall | p-Elihue & Julia Cutchall Anderson | |
ANDERSON, Hartman | New Grenada | b-1896; d-1939 | w-Glenola | ||
ANDERSON, Henry | Knobsville Methodist | b-1833; d-1917 | w-Jane | ||
ANDERSON, James | CLEAR RIDGE * | d-23 June 1881; Age: 84y7m6d | |||
ANDERSON, Jane | Knobsville Methodist | b-1836; d-1920 | h-Henry Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Janice A. | Akersville Methodist | b-30 May 1947 d-2 August 2001 | h- William Anderson | p- Russell & Bertha Roher Shehan | |
ANDERSON, John Sherman | Center Methodist | d-23 Jan. 1900; Age: 34y2m20d | p-Mr. & Mrs. David Porter Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, John A. | Wells Methodist | d-1 Dec. 1913 | p-W.R. & B.Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, John E. | Wells Valley United Brethren | b- 8 December 1879. d- 16 January 1946 | w- Orval Lockard Anderson | Abram & Emma Rotz Anderson | |
ANDERSON, Jonathan | CLEAR RIDGE * | d-8 Nov. 1900; Age: 68y8m5d | Co. H., 143 Regt. PA Volunteers | ||
ANDERSON, Joy J. | Knobsville | b-January 8, 1945 : d-January 30,2018 | Joseph Calhoun Murdock : A. Ray Anderson | Wayne H. "Pete" and Mary Ruth (Wallace) Schwartz | |
ANDERSON, Judith Ann | Sideling Hill Christian | b-1 Oct. 1963; d-5 Jan. 1965 | p-A. N. & Erma Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Linda Joan | Sideling Hill Christian | b-2 Oct 1964; d-16 Nov 1964 | p-Wanye and Erma (Mellott) Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Lottie L. | Wells Valley Methodist | b-2 Oct. 1909; d-4 Oct. 1994 | h-W. Lee Anderson | p-A. Theron & May Keith Griffith | |
ANDERSON, Louella N. | WELLS VALLEY | b-26 Jan. 1926; d-12 Oct. 1993 | h-Archie Doak Anderson | p-Harry & Alice Gumbert Jaymes | |
ANDERSON, Louie V. | CLEAR RIDGE * | d-28 Sept. 1887; Age: 8m20d | p-E.and S. C. Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, M. Christine | WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL | b-1911; d-1977 | h-John A. Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, M. Leslie | Wells Methodist | b-1879; d-1959 | h-S. Warren Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Mabel Rae | Fairview | b-30 June 1901; d-22 June 1977 | h-William P. Anderson | p-John & Annie Chestnut Laidig | |
ANDERSON, Margaret | Winegardner | d-20 June 1875; Age 77y5m25d | h-Samuel Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Margaret L. | WELLS VALLEY | b-17 August 1879; d-31 August 1959 | h-S. Warren Anderson | p-William L. & Margaret Clippinger Mosebey | |
ANDERSON, Mary | New Grenada | b-1923; d-1925 | p-Hartman & Glenola Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Mary Jane | CLEAR RIDGE * | d-8 Feb. 1916; Age: 81y5m4d | h-Jonathan Anderson | ||
ANDERSON, Mary Logan | Union | b-1906; d-6 May 1999; age-93 | h-Norman H. Anderson | p-Merill and Alice Dickson Nace | |
ANDERSON, Norma Gale | WELLS VALLEY | b-07 Feb. 1929; d-29 Jan. 2008 | h-Ray Anderson | p-John R. & Rhoda Black Grissinger Trego | |
ANDERSON, Otis L. | CLEAR RIDGE * | d-24 Dec. 1891 | p-E.and S.C.Anderson | ||