Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

Search the obituary records using the fields below. The name of the deceased will be displayed as a link if an obituary is available for that person. Obituaries may only be viewed by members, and members must first sign in at to view the obituaries. If you cannot view obituaries, please return to and sign in again to re-authenticate, and then click the Obituaries link under Members Only. Please email us if you discover errors in the records or if you find a record where a link should be made to a Fulton County cemetery where that link does not currently exist. See "tips on searching the database" below for more information on the Cemetery field.

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,271 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
CARBAUGH, Vincent E. Akersville Methodist b-12 October 1963; d-26 October 2011 w-Jackie Carbaugh p-Edgar and Rosaline Urban Carbaugh
CARBAUGH, Virgil Union d-5 July 1910; Age 2m14d p-William Carbaugh
CARBAUGH, W. Ralph Union b-4 Oct. 1906; d-3 Jan. 2002; age-93 w-Cora Everetts Carbaugh p-Henry and Phoebe Paylor Carbaugh
CARBAUGH, Walker Union d-26 Dec. 1899; Age 9m6d p-Austin Carbaugh
CARBAUGH, Watson Damascus d-1935
CARBAUGH, William R. Union d-14 July 1925; Age 51y4m22d
CARBAUGH, William Robert Union d-3 Sept. 1926; age-2y2m18d p-William Carbaugh
CARBAUGH, William Walker Union b-28 July 1893; d-25 June 1952 w-Ada Jane Carbaugh p-John M. and Mary Truax Carbaugh
CARBAUGH, Willie C. Union b-28 Feb. 1904; d-3 April 1971 w-Florence Rhodes p-Harry F. & Frances Fittry Carbaugh
CARBAUGH, Wilson W. Union b-16 Oct. 1912; d-20 Dec. 1974 w-Charlotte L. Schaffer p-Charles H. & Hannah Stone Carbaugh
CARBAUGH,Clair M. Union b-11 July, 1943/d-19 July, 2020 p-Goldie(King) & Marshall Carbaugh
CARBAUGH,RICHARD G. b-5 November, 1939,d-27 May, 2020 w-Ethel Irene(Imler) Carbaugh p-Martha Elizabeth(Souders) Carbaugh U.S.Marines
CARDIFF, Elizabeth Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-23 August 1863; Age 90y h-William Cardiff
CARDIFF, Emma Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-21 May 1861; Age 14y3m11d p-William & Catherine Cardiff
CARDIFF, George D. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-03 July 1856; d-19 April 1863; Age 6y9m16d p-William Finch & Catharine Sipes Cardiff
CARL, Anna Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-10 Dec. 1832; d-7 Feb. 1912 h-Dr. William Carl
CARL, William (Dr.) Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-12 August 1822; d-23 Jan. 1883 w-Anna
CARLIN, Betty L. Union b- 30 June 1942 d-6 May 2015 Age 72 H- Paul E. Carline p- Kenneth Joseph and Helen Sowers
CARLIN, Howard W. FAIR RIDGE b-15 Jan 1926; d-6 Dec. 1966 w-Eleanor Covert p-Dallas and Annie Shore Carlin
CARLIN, Paul E. Union b- 4 Jan 1937, d- 22 Aug 2022 w-Betty Lea Carlin p- Nelson James Carlin and Dora Steck Carlin U.S. Army
CARLSON, Clara J. Jerusalem Christian b-24 Mar. 1853; d-15 Nov. 1918 h-John F. Carlson
CARLSON, Frank Jerusalem Christian p-John & Clara Carlson
CARLSON, John F. Jerusalem Christian b-1 Mar. 1853; d-16 June 1925 w-Clara
CARLSON, Johnie Jerusalem Christian p-John & Clara Carlson
CARMACK James R. Hustontown b-16 November 1971/ d- 1 March, 2021 p- Laura (Strait) & Harold B, Buzz, Carmack
CARMACK, Annie Mills CLEAR RIDGE * b-1867; d-1939 h-Jesse Carmack
CARMACK, Ellis J. CLEAR RIDGE * b-7 April 1914; d-31 Jan. 1973 p-John E. & Edna Kerlin Carmack
CARMACK, Ethel E. Union d-8 Mar. 1946; Age 49y6m20d h-Scott Carmack
CARMACK, Fred S. CLEAR RIDGE * b-29 Jan. 1896; d-23 Sept. 1983 w-Eleta Howsare p-Jesse & Annie Mills Carmack WW I
CARMACK, Harvey N. CLEAR RIDGE * b-7 August 1889; d-8 May 1971 w-Naomi A. Stevens
CARMACK, Infant CLEAR RIDGE * d-21 Feb. 1898 p-J.H. & A.Carmack
CARMACK, James R. "Rusty" Hustontown b-16 Nov 1971, d-01 Mar 2021 p- Harold B. "Buzz" and Laura Strait Carmack
CARMACK, Jesse W. CLEAR RIDGE * b-14 Sept.1860; d-5 Sept. 1934 w-Annie Mills Carmack
CARMACK, John W. CLEAR RIDGE * b-1886; d-1954
CARMACK, L. Jane Hustontown b-14 November 1943; d-15 January 2016 h-Harold "Buzz" Carmack p-Glenn and Vera (Black) Strait
CARMACK, Laura D. CLEAR RIDGE * d-1881? (Not legible) p-George W. Carmack
CARMACK, Lester Union b-11 June 1924; d-15 April 2000; age-75 w-Lois Foreman Carmack p-Scott and Ethel Sipes Carmack
CARMACK, Lois I. Union b-1 Oct. 1915; d-9 Feb. 1980 h-Lester Carmack p-Leibert E. & Lettie Satzer Foreman
CARMACK, Malcolm R. CLEAR RIDGE * b-15 Nov. 1909; d-29 Feb. 1988 p-Edna Kerlin & John Carmack WW II
CARMACK, Mary A. CLEAR RIDGE * d-24 Oct. 1895; Age 78y 16d h-S. B. Carmack
CARMACK, Naomi Stevens CLEAR RIDGE * b-3 Oct. 1894; d-26 Sept. 1983 h-Harvey N. Cormack
CARMACK, Robert O. b-4 March 1929 d- 17 September 2015 Carmack, Arlene Querry Scott and Ethel Sipes Carmack
CARMACK, Sampson CLEAR RIDGE * b-24 Jan. 1818; d-27 Sept. 1870
CARMACK, Scott Union b-29 May 1891; d:20 Dec. 1967 w-Ethel Sipes p-Jesse & Anna Mills Carmack
CARNELL, Belle C. Cedar Grove Christian d-21 Oct. 1975; Age 84y h-Joseph Carnell p-John D. & Mahalah Mellott
CARNELL, Bryce Mifflin Cedar Grove Christian b- 08 July 1921; d- 31 July 2005 w- Mary Richards Carnell p- Albert and Bell Mellott Carnell US ARMY
CARNELL, Chester Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-25 May 1898; d-1971 w-Lula Laura Mellott p-George & Evan Mellott Carnell
CARNELL, Conrad Cedar Grove Christian b-1916; d-1935
CARNELL, Elizabeth Cedar Grove Christian d-10 Jan; age 85y6m11d h-Joseph Carnell
CARNELL, Elmira Amaranth Brethren b-1868; d-1942 h-Leonard Carnell