Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
MAUN, John Calvin Union b-January 1866; d-7 March 1954; Age 88y1m w-Pleasant Zimmerman Maun p-David S. and Mary Rhinedollar Maun
MAUN, Mary Ellen Union d-11 July 1920; Age 78y10m15d h-David S. Maun p-Jacob & Sarah Black Rinedollar
MAUSTON, James W. Union b-11 Oct. 1911; d-10 March 2000; age-88 w-Mary Jones Mauston p-William and Nancy Walker Mauston
MAXWELL, Clara Akersville Methodist d-17 March 1886, age 18y
MAXWELL, Roseanne L.* Akersville Methodist b-5 May 1950; d-16 May 2013 p-Earl Douglas and Edna Frances Espenschiedt Floyd
MAY, Abraham Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-28 Dec. 1855; d-13 July 1913
MAY, Abraham W. (Rev.) Pleasant Grove b-20 Dec. 1847; d-9 July 1938 p-John & Rebecca Sulivan May
MAY, Albert Union b-8 Nov. 1882; d-31 August 1957 w-Louie Smith Sigel p-Abram & Sally Bishop May
MAY, Anna Jerusalem Christian b-20 Sept. 1808; d-6 Mar. 1857 h-George May
MAY, Anna Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-18 May 1852; d-19 April 1907 h-John May p-? Funk
MAY, Conda Earl Cedar Grove Christian b-12 June 1917; d-16 July 2006 w-Faye Z. May p-Henry & Lottie Smith May U.S. Army
MAY, David Jerusalem Christian b-12 Mar. 1843; d-23 Dec. 1847 p-George & Anna May
MAY, Elizabeth Trout Union d-31 Dec. 1959; Age 84y3m8d
MAY, Faye Z. Cedar Grove Christian b-01 Apr. 1917; d-15 July 2007 h-Earl May p-Jacob & Anna (Barnhart) Zimmerman
MAY, George Jerusalem Christian b-12 June 1812; d-23 Mar. 1880 w-Anna
MAY, George Abram Rehobeth d-23 Mar. 1991; Age 81y w-Hazel H. Hornbaker p-Albert & Louise I. Smith May
MAY, Henry Antioch Christian d-8 Sept. 1892; Age 70y11m7d
MAY, John Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-21 August 1853; d-17 April 1927 w-Sarah Ann Funk
MAY, Lottie P. PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b-27 Feb. 1890; d-5 July 1981 h-Rev. Henry W. May p-Denton & Jennie Norris Smith
MAY, Louie I. Union b-7 Jan. 1879; d-14 Dec. 1956 h-1) A. J. Sigel, 2) Albert May p-Philip & Martha Smith
MAY, Maria Pleasant Grove b-21 Oct. 1855; d-18 May 1938 h-Rev. Abram W. May p-John H. & Rebecca Redinger Rice
MAY, Mary E. Whips Cove Christian b-28 June 1869; d-21 Feb. 1958 h-1) John Miller Truax, 2) William May p-William Swope & Sarah Hockenberry
MAY, Sallie Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-8 Sept. 1862; d-28 Jan. 1928; Beside Abraham May
MAY, Susan Sideling Hill Christian b-1827; d-1907 h-Henry May
MAYER, Abraham McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-12 Jan. 1835; Age 72y
MAYER, Catherine McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-12 April 1850; Age 73y h-Abraham Mayer
MAYNE, Alex Fort Littleton b-1833; d-1928 w-Mary
MAYNE, Anna J. Fort Littleton b-1877; d-1919 p-Alexander and Mary Hoover Mayne
MAYNE, Anna Margaret Fort Littleton b-26 May 1878; d-20 Jan. 1946 h-Thomas Mayne p-J.J. and Sarah Cunningham Cromer
MAYNE, Clara Fort Littleton b-1870; d-20 July 1881, age 11y4m19d
MAYNE, Fannie Fort Littleton b-1879; d-7 August 1879, age about 4 months p-Alexander and Mary Mayne
MAYNE, Mary Hoover Fort Littleton b-1837; d-19 January 1916, age 78y9m15d h-Alexander Mayne
MAYNE, Thomas Fort Littleton b-31 Dec. 1867; d-1 May 1939 w-Margaret Cromer p-Alexander & Mary Hoover Mayne
MAYNE, Walter Fort Littleton b-1875; d-21 December 1875, age 7m8d p-Alexander Mayne
McALLISTER, Nancy L. b-26 Nov 1945, d-13 Apr 2023 h-Thomas James McAllister p-Richard Huff and Bettie Coyle (Firey) Wolfinger
McBATH, Margaret Union d-16 Dec. 1883; Age 62y3m5d
McBEATH, Kathryn P. b- February 14, 1921; d- February 7, 2015 Walker McBeath Robert and Eleanor Cross Porter WW2
McCARDELL, Maud Mary Ritz BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-6 August 1888; d-18 August 1919 h-Richard McCardell p- Mr. and Mrs. David Ritz
McCARDELL, Richard R. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-29 Nov. 1917 p-Richard & Maud McCardell
McCARTHY, Kevin M. Akersville Methodist b-9 September 1952; d-15 February 2011 w-Denise R. Stricklin McCarthy p-Daniel C. & Charlotte Boyle McCarthy US Marine Corps
McCARTY, Bernadine E. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-8 Jan. 1987; Age 66y h-Otho D. McCarty p-Wilbur B. & Esther Nicholson Weaver
McCARTY, Louise Eleanor BUCK VALLEY METHODIST d-18 Nov. 1978; Age 74y h-Clyde Irvin McCarty p-Eugene Carter & Elizabeth E. Bignan Corbett
McCARTY, Nancy M. New Grenada b-31 Jan. 1944; d-23 May 2007 h-Francis L. McCarty p-Jerry & Ida Gordon Golden
MCCARTY, Phillip E. Buck Valley b-23 Feb. 1929; d-5 April 1996; age-67 w-? p-Clyde Irvin and Louise Eleanor Corbett McCarthy
MCCARTY, Sarah Victoria b- 23 Jul. 1993 d-17 May 2015 age 21 p- Justin W. and Margaret Ann Weicht McCarty
McCAVITT, Grover C. Hustontown b-21 May 1886; d-13 August 1886 p-J. D. & L. A. McCavitt
McCAVITT, Percy B. Hustontown b-21 May 1886; d-13 August 1886 p-J. D. & L. A. McCavitt
McCHERCON, Rachel McConnellsburg Lutheran d-5 Mar. 1851; Age 21y6m18d w-E. D. Mona McChercon
McCLAIN, A. W. New Grenada d-11 Februrary 1902; Age 73y6m20d