Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
MANN, Mollie "Mary" Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-20 Nov. 1873; Age 2y3m26d p-J. & M. E. Mann
MANN, Morgan Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-31 Jan. 1836; d-2 Feb. 1900
MANN, Myrtle V. Barney Buck Valley Christian b-1887; d-1958
MANN, Oliver Mays Chapel b-1877; d-1941
MANN, Palmer P. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-1867; d-1942
MANN, Peter Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-14 Feb. 1880; Age 75y5m4d
MANN, Precious Mae Union b-10 April 1929, d-05 Dec 2021 h-Robert W. Mann p-Clarence Foster McGowan and Florence Irene Widener McGowan
MANN, Rachel Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-3 Mar. 1887; Age 80y5m22d h-Peter Mann
MANN, Rachel New Grenada b-13 Oct. 1744; d-13 Jan. 1805 h-Andrew Mann
MANN, Rachel Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-14 Dec. 1860; Age 1m4d p-M. & E. Mann
MANN, Rebeckah New Grenada b-24 July 1763; d-19 Mar. 1839
MANN, Rhoda Marie Mays Chapel b-23 Feb. 1910; d-23 Sept. 1917 p- David Mann
MANN, Robert W. Union b-17 Aug. 1922; d-8 Sept. 1998; age-76 w-Precious Mae McGowan Hann p-Clarence W. & Leah Shaw Mann
MANN, Ruthie A. E. Cedar Grove Christian d-8 Jan. 1891; Age 1y1m p-Job H. & Sarah Mann
MANN, Samuel New Grenada b-21 Oct. 1776; d-3 Feb. 1816
MANN, Sarah Cedar Grove Christian d-21 Feb. 1892; Age 44y h-Job H. Mann
MANN, Sarah A. Scott BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-13 April 1839; d-10 Jan. 1917 h-Denton Mann
MANN, Sarah G. Cedar Grove Christian d-23 Sept. 1887; Age 4m14d p-Job H. & Sarah Mann
MANN, Thomas A. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-1874; d-1947 p-Denton Mann & Sarah A. Scott
MANN, Velma H. Buck Valley Christian b- 19 June 1926; d- 28 November 2019; h- Charles Bruce Mann p- Chester and Isabelle Ray Bishop
MANN, Verna L. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-20 Dec. 1910; d-6 August 1974 h-Earl R. Mann p-Issac & Etta Hannas Beatty
MANN, Warford Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-11 May 1818; d-19 Mar. 1872
MANN, Warford N. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-29 Mar. 1853; d-26 June 1944
MANN, William C. Sideling Hill Christian b-1835; d-1904
MANN, William F. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-14 Feb. 1879; d-22 Oct. 1893 p-Denton & Sarah A. Scott Mann
MANN, William W. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-16 Oct. 1885; d-4 August 1956
MANNETTI, Frieda H. Ebenezer b-26 February 1943; d-2 January 2013 h-Victor M. Mannetti p-Donald And Alta Mellott Crouse
MANNETTI, John J. Siloam b-28 Sept. 1923; d-5 April 2001; age-77 w-Louise Strait Mannetti p-Frank S. and Frances Maloney Mannetti
MANNETTI, Louise S. Siloam b- 27 Aug 1930; d- 29 Aug 2019 h- John J. Mannetti p- Addie Mae (Baker) and Alvin S. Strait
MANNETTI, Mary M. Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist b-14 Nov. 1914; d-1 June 1985 h-Phillip Anthony Mannetti p-Albert & Anastasia Kane
MANNETTI, Phillip Anthony Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist b-14 Mar 1912 d-31 Dec 1978 Age 66y w-Mary Cane Mannetti p-Frank Salvatore and Frances Maloney Mannetti
MANNING, Amelia Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-11 Sept. 1854; d-7 Nov. 1933
MANNING, Benjamin Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b- 4 March 1859: d- 5 October 1939 p- William and Ellen Manning
MANNING, Bessie M. CLEAR RIDGE * b-16 Dec 1889; d-22 Sept 1964 h-James B. Manning p-Wm. and Katurah (Brown) Brown
MANNING, Carrie Jane McCullough Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1874; d-1961 h-Charles Manning
MANNING, Charles Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1863; d-1943 w-Carrie
MANNING, Charles Albert Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1893; d-1 August 1955 w-Goldie E. Lynch Manning p-Charles Manning
MANNING, E. Estella Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-8 August 1990; Age 99y h-Harry Elwood Manning p-William & Angeline Estella Stover Holt
MANNING, Ellen Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-9 Mar. 1911; Age 82y8m29d
MANNING, Emma F. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-12 Oct. 1886; d-29 Sept. 1888
MANNING, Estalene Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-7 April 1899; d-29 Nov. 1998; age-99 h-H. Lee Manning p-William and Ella Litton Golden
MANNING, Estella Holt Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-1890
MANNING, George Kelly Tonoloway Primitive Baptist w-Icv F. Hoyle Manning p-Thomas and Amelia Gunnels Manning
MANNING, Goldie E. Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-23 June 1975 aged 71 h-Charles Albert Manning p-Luther K. & Anna Mary Fischer Lynch
MANNING, Harry Elwood Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-1888; d-24 August 1955 w-Estela Holt Manning p-Thomas and Amelia Gunnels Manning
MANNING, Icy F. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-11 July 1898; d-1 April 1995 h-George Kelly Manning, Sr. p-John William & Virginia R. Shade Hoile
MANNING, James B. CLEAR RIDGE * b-1881; d-1947 w-Bessie
MANNING, JoAnn Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-28 July 1932; d-30 July 1932 p-Lee & Estaline Manning
MANNING, Laura M. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-15 Jan. 1884; d-25 Sept. 1888
MANNING, Lauretta "Pat" Cedar Grove Christian d-3 June 1984; Age 53y; foster p-Howard & Fosta Layton