Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
LYNCH, Todd Union b-26 Feb. 1887; d-1 Nov. 1962 w-Flora Orrell p-Dallas & Martha Peck Lynch
LYNCH, Victor Antioch Christian b-12 May 1876; d- 29 April 1936 w-Annie Slacker p- Monroe and Amanda Peck Lynch
LYNCH, Vina L. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-28 Oct. 1888; Age 7m13d
LYNCH, Virgil Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-21 Mar. 1906; d-29 Oct. 1979 w-Florence McKee p-Findley & Nancy Shives Lynch
LYNCH, Virginia Union b-24 Jan. 1893; d-13 May 1980 h-Charles Lynch p-Scott & Ella Hess Tritle
LYNCH, W. Marchall Hon.* McKendree Methodist b-14 July 1894; d-17 June 1960 w-Lillian Bottenfield Lynch p-George O. and Sarah Rohm Lynch
LYNCH, Walter Reed Laurel Ridge b-1 December 1925; d-20 January 2011 w-Hazel Seiders Lynch p-George and Cora Shaw Lynch
LYNCH, Watson Union d-29 Sept. 1932; Age 52y11m
LYNCH, Webster Riley Cedar Grove Christian d-5 Dec. 1967; Age 66y w-Opal Lena Garland p-Joseph Riley & Sarah Jane Mellott Lynch
Lynch, Wesley Age 72
LYNCH, Willard G. "Butch" Cremated; b- 25 Sept. 1928; d-15 Nov. 2003 w-Dora Ankrom Lynch p- George & Cora Shaw Lynch Korea
LYNCH, William Cecil BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-7 May 1885; d-28 Dec. 1953 w-Henrietta Peck p-Anthony & Elizabeth Deneen Lynch
LYNCH, William Marshall McKendree Methodist b-1894; d-1960
LYNCH, William Riley Union b-19 July 1865; d-4 Oct. 1942 p-Dallas Lynch
LYNCH, Wilson (Mrs.) Union d-2 Jan. 1915; Age 32y
LYNCH, Winfield Scott Cedar Grove Christian b-18 Feb. 1882; d-1 May 1961
LYNCH, Zelda M. Union b-12 Feb 1945; d-4 Nov 2003; Age 58 h-Charles E. Lynch p-Wilbur Ray & Vada Viola Carbaugh Saunders
LYNN, Clifford E.* Union b-15 March 1893; d-31 Dec. 1970 w-Pearl W. Lynn
LYNN, Earnest A. McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1872; d-1931
LYNN, Edward J. Black Oak Mennonite b- 19 January 1908; d- 23 November 1976 w- Evelyn Bishop
LYNN, George McConnellsburg Lutheran d-7 Sept. 1842; Age 11y4m13d p-David & Mary Lynn
LYNN, Infant Daughter McConnellsburg Lutheran d:22 Feb. 1851(1854) p-David & Mary Lynn
LYNN, Janet McConnellsburg Lutheran d-16 Dec. 1837 p-David & Mary Lynn
LYNN, Julia Rebecca Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-16 September 1912; d-10 April 2012 p-James Ross and Madeline Sensel Barnhart
LYNN, Lewis Union b-26 Jan. 1896; d-29 Mar. 1972 w-Inez Winegardner p-James & Mertie Frehn Lynn
LYNN, Mary Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-14 Feb. 1855; Age 85y6m h-Levi Lynn
LYNN, Mary CLEAR RIDGE * d-19 Feb. 1915; Age 68y8m20d h-John R. Lynn
LYNN, Minnie McConnellsburg Lutheran d-28 April 1894; Age 76y7m
LYNN, Minnie May McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1869; d-1934
LYON, Agnes L. Fairview b-1870; d-1959
LYON, Emma B. McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-21 Mar. 1832; d-16 Oct. 1861 h-Samuel Lyon
LYON, Eva Marguerite Fairview b-6 Mar. 1896; d-10 Mar. 1896 p-James E. & Agnes L. Lyon
LYON, James E. Fairview b-1830; d-1869
LYON, James G. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-13 Jan 1903; Age 82y3m10d, w-Margaret
LYON, Margaret Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-20 Apr 1909; Age-78y8m2d h-James G. Lyon
LYONS, Benjamin Green Hill Presbyterian b-1819; d-1900
LYONS, Capt. H. L. CLEAR RIDGE * b-1886; d-1980
LYONS, Catherine V. Green Hill Presbyterian b-1816; d-31 Dec. 1884
LYONS, Claude J. Green Hill Presbyterian b-1885; d-1885
LYONS, Elizabeth Green Hill Presbyterian b-1781; d-1849
LYONS, Emma CLEAR RIDGE * d-13 July 1980; Age 83y h-Harry Lyons p-John & Alice Kerlin
LYONS, Ida Mary Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-14 Feb 1864; Age- 5y9m8d p- J. G. & Margaret Lyons
LYONS, James Green Hill Presbyterian b-1786; d-1872
LYONS, John W. Green Hill Presbyterian b-1812; d-1845
M.S., Roselyn Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-4 May 1893; d-15 Feb 1920 (last name may be stunkard?)
MACDONALD, Jane C. Union b- 9 Aug. 1928; d- 2 Oct. 2017 h- Paul B. MacDonald p- William & Gertrude Carey
MACDONALD, Paul B. Union b-06 Mar 1930, d-30 Oct 2021 w-Jane Carey MacDonald p-William Ray and Margaret Bradley MacDonald U.S. Air Force
MACK, Gladys M. Union b-8 September 1931; d-29 March 2012 h-Thomas J. Mack II p-Rush and Arrie Seiders Kerlin
MACK, Thomas Joseph Union d-8 Dec. 1985; Age 63y w-Gladys Marie Kerlin p-Thomas & Teresa Mack
MACKERCHAR, Donald (jr) Akersville Methodist b-11 Oct. 1938; d-18 Nov. 2000; age-62 w-? p-Trudy Gill Tyo