Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
LONG, Henry H. Hustontown b-1864; d-1900 w-M. Etta
LONG, Infant Son Hustontown d-4 August 1912 p-Curtis & Jane Long
LONG, Jane Knobsville Methodist d-22 July 1911; Age 77y10m15d h-Adam Long
LONG, Jimmy Wayne Asbury Cemetery b-27 Dec. 1961; d-29 April 1995 p-Jimmie Lee Long & Janie Phillips Ramsey
LONG, John A. Knobsville Methodist b-1856; d-1935 w-Laura Long
LONG, John H. Hustontown d-25 July 1897; Age 4y3m16d p-H. H. & Etta Long
LONG, John J. Knobsville Reformed d-24 Feb. 1875; Age 79y3m3d
LONG, John Peter McConnellsburg Reformed b-30 May 1800; d-3 Dec. 1893
LONG, Kenneth E. CLEAR RIDGE * b-17 July 1918; d-14 Oct. 1983 p-Guy & Mary Wilson Long WW II
LONG, Laura J. Knobsville Methodist b-1860; d-1923 h-John Long
LONG, Lizzie McConnellsburg Reformed d-7 Sept. 1891; age 48y7m18d
LONG, Lorraine Union b-28 April 1930; d-2 Feb. 2003; age-72 h-Oscar W. Long p-Preston Keefer and Grace Mae Seville Rock
LONG, Louise E. Knobsville Methodist b-19 Sept 1931, d-09 Aug 2021 h-Darl Z. Long p-Claude Mellott and Elena (Mellott)
LONG, Lovina McConnellsburg Reformed d-11 January, 1929 p- Mr.&Mrs.Peter Long
LONG, Lydia S. Knobsville b-6 June 1886; d-9 July 1976 h-Earl L. Long p-Jamison & Isamiah Chilcote Hess
LONG, M. Maxine Asbury Cemetery b-28 January 1929; d-24 February 2016 h-(1)Theodore S. DeShong (2) Chester Long p-Richard and Madeline (Foster) McQuait
LONG, Margaret E. Rehobeth d-3 July 1990; Age 84y h-Reuben T. Long p-Howard & Bessie E. Beard Hess
LONG, Mary E. CLEAR RIDGE * b-1895; d-1966 h-Guy Long
LONG, Michael Hustontown b-1822; d-1904 w-Rachel
LONG, Michael Hustontown d-6 April 1909; age-82
LONG, Nety McConnellsburg Reformed d-11 Sept. 1880; Age 23y1m27d
LONG, Oscar W. Union b-30 April 1924 d- 12 December 2014 w-Lorraine Keefer Long p-Calvin and Maybel Mollott Long U.S. Army
LONG, Peter Akersville Methodist b-1810 in Germany; d-3 Dec. 1893
LONG, PHYSLLIS JUNE Dublin Mills b-11 June 1946/ d-1 May, 2020 h-Ray Allen Long p-Ora (Helman) & Charles T. Ramsey
LONG, R. McConnellsburg Reformed d-28 June 1856; Age 4y
LONG, Rachel H. Hustontown b-1829; d-1890 h-Michael Long
LONG, Ranel CLEAR RIDGE * b-24 June 1914; d-14 Feb. 1915 p-M. E. & D. Long
LONG, Ray E. Dublin Mills b-13 Feb 1922 d-31 Jan 1980 Age 57y w-Helen Cromer Long p-Curtis and Ethel Shue Long WWII veteran
LONG, Raymond F. Hustontown b-6 Jan. 1921; d-21 April 1976 w-1) Helen, 2) Irene Bishop p-Clifford & Fannie Wible Long
LONG, Reuben T. Rehobeth b-September 1909; d-January 1973 w-Margaret Hess Long
LONG, Robbie J. Damascus b-31 August 1963;d-30 March 2019 p-Marlene M. Younker Hill and Robert E. Weller
LONG, Russel H. Hustontown d-6 Jan. 1908; Age 10y8m22d
LONG, Sarah Dubbs b-Jan. 1823; d-1848 p-David Long
LONG, Sheldon T. CLEAR RIDGE * b-31 Dec. 1912; d-14 Dec. 1914 p-M. E. & G. Long
LONG, Stella B. Hustontown d-25 Sept. 1903; Age 8m19d
LONG, Thomas R. III Union b-11 Mar. 1980; d-15 May 1980 p-Thomas R. & Linda Killinger Long
LONG, Virl R. CLEAR RIDGE * b-20 June 1938; d-20 March 2010 w-Twila Miller Long p-Furman and Mary Park Long US Army, Korea
LONG, William C. New Grenada b-12 Jan. 1925; d-10 Feb. 1925 p-C. D. & E. J. Long
LONG, William J. Knobsville Reformed d-21 Feb. 1885; Age 23y4m14d
LONGCORE, George Union d-27 Dec. 1927; Age 68y
LONGNECKER, Kristie Ann b-? d-5 June 2015 Age 40 p-Wendall and Patricia Longnecker
LORENTZ, David G. b-17 August 1944;d-8 April 2019 w-Juanita B. Kus-Lorentz p-Gerald T. Lorentz and Lois S. Lorentz
LORENTZ, Gerald Talmage (Dr.) Union b-2 April 1916; d-25 August 1992 w-Lois S. Sitterly p-Rev. Daniel E. & Bessie Talmage Lorentz WW II
LORENTZ, Lois Union b-8 May 1915; d-6 July 1992 h-Dr. Gerald T. Lorentz p-Professor Charles Fremont & Julia Buttz Sitterly
LORNSBURGER, Hester A. CLEAR RIDGE * d-18 April 1883 p-B. E. & J. J. Lornsburger
LOSKOT, Virginia R. Center Methodist b-4 Nov. 1922; d-18 Nov. 1994 h-Charles R. Loskot p-Guy & Sarah Funk Royced
LOUDEN, Nicholas T. PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN d-24 Dec. 1990; Age 85y w-Vivian Hill p-John B. & Edith Powell Louden
LOUDEN, Vivien R. PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN d-14 December 1988, age 84 h-Nicholas T. Louden p-Milton B. and Bertha E. Lake Hill
LOUDEN, Vivien R. PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b-03 Nov. 1905; d-24 Feb. 1988 h-Nicholas T. Louden p-Milton B. & Bertha Lake Hill
LOVE, Rebecca Kelso Knobsville Methodist d-21 Mar. 1865; Age 21y10m6d h-J. Love