Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
LIDY, Mary Catherine Knobsville Reformed d-15 July 1864; Age 4y5m19d p-James & Sarah Lidy
LIEGHTY, David Lynn McConnellsburg Lutheran d-23 May 1830; Age 24y1m5d p-Edward Lieghty
LILLEY, Marlay Ann Union b-12 May 1990; d-25 Mar. 1991 p-Austin Sutch & Roxann Sue Jarrett Lilley
Lillian M. Stenger Union b-5 Dec. 1908; d-12 Oct. 1910 p-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stinger
LINDSAY, Andrew McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-12 Jan. 1787; d-23 August 1834 War of 1812
LINDSAY, Anna S. Damascus b-1871; d-1943
LINDSAY, Harriet McConnellsburg Lutheran b-05 June 1844; d-20 Dec, 1907 h-John Lindsay p-John Snyder
LINDSAY, Howard A. Damascus b-1897; d-1918
LINDSAY, Lena F. Bennett Cedar Grove Christian b-12 June 1911; d-27 Dec. 2002; age-91 h-J.R. Bennett and Paul H. Lindsay p-Jacob Scott and Anna Ethel Barnhart Zimmerman
LINDSAY, Phillip Damascus b-1901; d-1960
LINDSAY, Phillip T. Damascus b-1863; d-1919
LINDSAY, Robert L. Damascus b-1899; d-1930
LINDSAY, Robin Union d-13 Mar. 1950; Age 52y w-Mildred Mock Lindsay US Navy WW!
LINE, Tommy L. Damascus b-15 Feb. 1962; d-20 Aug.2009 w-Carolyn Moats Nutter
LININGER, Annie Knauff Union d-12 May 1957; Age 87y10m21d
LININGER, Chad Alan Union b-29 April 1984 d-29 January 2015 p-Edward Lininger and Pamela Deshong Peck
LININGER, Charles C. Akersville Methodist b-28 March 1922; d-5 June 1998; age-76
LININGER, Clifford N.^ Union b-14 August 1899; d-18 Feb. 1970 w-Cecillia Wolfinger Lininger p-Edward & Ida Rotz Lininger
LININGER, Harold Leroy Union d-14 April 1954 in Okinawa; Age 22y4m15d p-Ralph Lininger and Jesse Gress Lininger Sr. Korea-died in Okinawa
LININGER, Harry Luther Union b-12 Jan. 1909; d-23 August 1948; Age 39y7m14d w-Goldie Strait Lininger p-Edward Charles & Ida Rotz Lininger
LININGER, Helen M b-15 May 1914; d-2 July 2004 p-Edward and Ida Rotz Lininger
LININGER, Ida C. Union d-25 August 1969; Age 91y3m25d h-C. Edward Lininger p-Nathaniel & Mary Ellen Shatzer Rotz
LININGER, Jessie Viola Union b-6 April 1903; d-26 July 1949; Age 46y3m20d h-Ralph C. Lininger p-Harry and Della Unger Gress
LININGER, John M. CLEAR RIDGE * b-4 July 1936; d-13 July 1998; age-62 w-Alma Cutchall Lininger p-Jacob and Margaret Leab Lininger
LININGER, Mary Lou Akersville Methodist b-25 March 1930; d-20 February 1936 m-Bernadine Lininger
LININGER, Paul Edward Union b-13 May 1918 d-11 Nov 1981 Age 63y p-Charles Edward & Ida Catherine Rotz Lininger US Army WWII
LININGER, Ralph C. Union b-1 January 1896: d-1 May 1967; Age 71y4m w-(1) Jesse Gress Lininger (2) Beatrice Knable Lininger p-Edward and Ida Rotz Lininger WW I
LININGER, Robert L. Jr. b- 12 November 1946; d- 7 November 2018 w- Tina (Frisby) Lininger p- Robert Lee and Dorothy (Peck) Lininger Vietnam
LININGER, Robert L., Sr. Union b-12 May 1923; d-4 June 1986 w-Dorothy Peck p-Ralph, Sr. & Jessie Gress Lininger
LININGER, ___ Union d-8 May 1942 w-Annie Knauff Pittman
LINKE, Leo Union b-13 Feb. 1921; d-15 Dec. 1993 w-Lois Fix p-Alexander & Lydia Linkewiecz
LINN, Catharine Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-11 May 1870; Age 98y2m15d h-Elisha Linn
LINN, Charles McKendree Methodist b-10 August 1803; d-26 Dec. 1876
LINN, Desire Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-26 August 1879; Age 73y5m15d
LINN, Elisha E. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-25 August 1805; Age 35y2m
LINN, Harry Union d-19 April 1936; Age 71y6m16d
LINN, Harry S. Union b- 4 Oct. 1894; d- 20 April 1936 w- Ida May Cooper p- John and Margaret Myers Linn
LINN, Ida Cooper Union d-10 Nov. 1936 h-Harry Linn
LINN, Infant Union d-13 Oct. 1921 p-Lewis Linn
LINN, J. Calvin Fort Littleton b-1870; d-1952 w-M. Eleanor
LINN, James Kirk Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1873: d-11 December 1937 w- Margaret McKibbin Linn p- Noah K. and Mary Kirk Linn
LINN, James W. Union b-15 July 1872; d-20 May 1940; Age 67y10m5d w-Mertie B. Frehn
LINN, Jenie Fraker Fort Littleton b-1902; d-1933
LINN, Jessie V. Fort Littleton b-09 Nov. 1902; d-07 Jan. 1933 h-William L. Linn p-David H. & Minnie Fraker
LINN, John McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1837; d-1907 w-Marget Company G,100th Regt, Ninth Corp, P.I.
LINN, Laura Union d-19 Feb. 1933; Age 71y5m25d
LINN, Lewis M. Union b-26 Jan. 1896; d-29 Mar. 1972 w-Inez Winegardner p-James & Mertie Frehn Linn WW I
LINN, M. Eleanor Fort Littleton b-1866; d-1936 h-J. Calvin Linn
LINN, M. McKibbin Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1872; d-1952; beside James Linn
LINN, Marget C. McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1838; d-1932 h-John Linn