Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
LEIDY, Mary Center Methodist b-1881; d-1937
LEIDY, Rosa Blanche Center Methodist b-15 August 1893; d-7 Feb. 1982 h-Clair Leidy p-Austin & Lauretta Chilcote Curfman
LEIDY, Samuel Center Methodist b-20 September 1876; d-30 November 1941 w-Mary Newman p-Jacob and Sarah Ann (Wagner) Leidy
LEIDY, William Center Methodist b-1863; d-1946 w-Alice M.
LEIGHTY, Amy Florence Akersville Methodist d-11 June 1865, age 1m4d p-George W. and Elizabeth Leighty
LEIGHTY, Anna L. Damascus b-19 Aug. 1928 d- 16 Sep. 1928 h-Woodrow W. Leighty Odus M. and Florence Irene Hovermale Hinckle
LEIGHTY, George W. McConnellsburg Lutheran d-10 July 1871; Age 40y3m9d
LEIGHTY, Jacob McConnellsburg Lutheran d-23 April 1861; Age 22y10m18d
LEIGHTY, John McConnellsburg Lutheran d-11 Jan. 1861; Age 21y4m19d p-John & Catharine Leighty
LEIGHTY, John McConnellsburg Lutheran d-10 Dec. 1860(1863); Age 58y7m
LEIGHTY, Mary McConnellsburg Lutheran d-14 June 1857; Age 22y1m15d p-John & Catherine Lieghty
LEIGHTY, Samuel McConnellsburg Lutheran d-22 May 1862; Age 19y2m25d p-John & Catharine Leighty
LEIS, Helmet K. Akersville Methodist b-18 September 1934; d-17 November 2012 w-Phyllis Stauffer Leis p-Karl and Elise Oswald Leis
LEMAR, Amanda Jean Siloam d-15 Nov. 1988; Age 9m p-SP4 Robert & Roberta Schooley Lemar
LEMLEY, Dearald E. b-21 May 1948, d-08 Dec 2021 w-Nancy Sue (Hatley) Lemley p-Jasper L. and Charlotte I. (Varner) Lemley
LEMLEY, Nancy Sue Ann b-31 Oct 1943, d-23 April 2022 h-Dearald E. Lemley
LEMMERT, Walter William Black Oak Mennonite b-78y; d-02 June 2007 w-Arlene Schetrompf Lemmert p-Jacob & Ada Bell Folk Lemmert U.S. Army
LEO, Beatrice P. Union b- 7 July 1924 d- 15 September 2014 h- Donald F. Leo p- John Paul & Arleta (Orr) Paul U.S. Marine Corps
LEO, Donald F. Union b-3 Jan. 1923; d-25 Feb. 1999; age-76 w-Beatrice Paul Leo p-John and Laura Strosser Leo
LEO, Mildred Akersville Methodist b-18 April 1923; d-3 March 1997; age-73 h-Robert J. Leo p-?
LEO, Robert J. Union b-29 Feb. 1920; d-3 March 1997; age-77 w-Mildred Polston Leo p-John and Laura Strosser Leo
LEQUEAR, H. George Union b-4 May 1921; d-5 April 1979 w-Martha Clevenger p-Rev. Horace & Emma Kroger Lequear WW II
LEQUEAR, Martha C. Union b-5 Oct. 1925; d-24 Aug. 2000; age-74 h-H. George Lequear p-Harvey H. and Amy Lodge Clevenger
LERIE, Ruth I. Fort Littleton b-13 Jan. 1929; 09 May 2005 p-Fritz and Helena Bruekner
LESHER, Abraham McConnellsburg Lutheran d-19 May 1839; Age 82y8m Revolutionary War
LESHER, Abraham, Jr. Big Spring d-18 July 1839; Age 33y6m
LESHER, Elizabeth McConnellsburg Lutheran d-12 April 1846; Age 74y
LESHER, Hadassah E. McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-8 Sept. 1849; Age 35y6m13d h-William Lesher
LESHER, Sophia Big Spring b-3 Oct. 1835; d-22 Oct. 1845; Age 10y19d;
LESTER Evelyn I. Mt. Tabor b-09 Sept 1926, d-12 Aug 2021 h-Wayne Lester p-William Earl King and Zola Maude (Barnett) King
LESTER, R. Wayne Mt. Tabor d-24 Nov. 1984; Age 64y w-Evelyn King p-Charles & Mollie Vickers Lester WW II
LESTER, Ronald W. Akersville Methodist b-11 February 1951; d-19 September 2009 w-Brenda Kipe Lester p-Roy Wayne & Evelyn King Lester US Army, Vietnam
LETCHER, Caroline Ellen Whips Cove Christian b-29 June 1891; d-23 Mar. 1951
LETCHER, Eugene McKendree Methodist b-2 Dec. 1913; d-26 Dec. 1913 p-J. B. & C. Letcher
Lewis, Betty C. Calvary Baptist b- 13 October 1929; 20 February 2017 h- Willaim G. Lewis p- John and Bessie Seiders Bain
LEWIS, Carol Jean Cedar Grove Christian b-1 Oct. 1942; d-30 April 1956 p-Fred & Hilda Lewis
LEWIS, Charles (Mrs.) Cedar Grove Christian d-3 August 1917, age about 57 h-Charles Lewis p-Job Mellott
LEWIS, Elizabeth W. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-16 August 1841; d-13 Dec. 1915
LEWIS, Frances I. House of Jacob b-12 Sept 1924; d-14 Jan 2003; age-78 h-Kenneth Lewis p-George & Mabel Underdunk Davis
LEWIS, Fred H. Cedar Grove Christian b-02 Jan. 1924; d-17 Apr. 2005 w-1) Hilda Jean Lewis; 2) Nancy p-John Frank and Georgia Etta Mellott Lewis
LEWIS, Georgia E. Cedar Grove Christian b-10 Oct. 1894; d-8 Jan. 1982 h-John F. Lewis p-Sampson & Flora Swope Mellott
LEWIS, Hilda Jean Cedar Grove Christian b-09 Mar. 1923; 13 Nov. 2005 p-Emory and Pearl Mitchell Thompson
LEWIS, Jennie Damascus Terra Cotta
LEWIS, John Franklin Cedar Grove Christian b-1873; d-27 Feb. 1945 w-Georgiana Mellott p-John H. H. & Elizabeth Weaver Lewis
LEWIS, John H. H. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-29 June 1837; d-22 July 1909
LEWIS, Kenneth E. House of Jacob b-3 Nov. 1914; d-17 June 2001; age-86 w-? p-Frank and Georgie Mellott Lewis
LEWIS, Matthew Sr. Union b-3 May 1872; d-10 Jan. 1953; Age 80y8m7d w-Susie Black Lewis
LEWIS, Susie E. Black Union d-25 June 1966; Age 83y5m24d
LEWIS, William E. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-13 Feb. 1895; d-18 Oct. 1918
LIDY, Infant Knobsville Reformed d-16 July 1866 p-James H. & Sarah A. Lidy