Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
LALEY, M. Ambrose Pleasant Ridge Brethren d-21 Sept. 1887; Age 15y1m25d p-John & Mary Laley
LALEY, Mary B. Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-8 August 1880; d-14 Mar. 1926
LALEY, Mary M. Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-1852; d-1911 h-John T. Laley
LALEY, Thomas K. Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-1819; d-1900
LAMAN, Avah McConnellsburg Lutheran d-10 Sept. 1866; Age 4d p-May Laman
LAMAN, Christian(Christina) McConnellsburg Lutheran d-1 April 1856; Age 59y
LAMAN, Dakota J. b-13 August 1993; d-14 February 2018 p-Roxanne E. Rhodes and Shawn E. Laman
LAMAN, Elizabeth McConnellsburg Lutheran d-16 August 1859; Age 2 hours p-M. & C. Laman
LAMB, Sara Elanor Fairview b-13 Feb. 1922; d-18 Jan. 2005 p-Harvey and Nell Curran Stevens
LAMBERSON, A. James Hustontown b-1848; d-1920 w-Mary Catharine
LAMBERSON, Abigail Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-12 Feb. 1901; Age 64y4m10d h-Andrew Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Adrian Clay Hustontown b-1889; d-30 October 1889, age 2m20d p-Jacob C. & M. Agnes Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Agnes Mary* Hustontown b-1 April 1868; d-20 September 1959 h-Jacob Clark Lamberson p-Samuel and Amanda Kirk
LAMBERSON, Alex C. Union d-7 Feb. 1961; Age 84y2m15d
LAMBERSON, Ann Hustontown b-14 May 1808; d-25 Nov. 1896 h-John Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Anna Hustontown d-June 1865(1885) h-J. Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Anna B. Kirk Hustontown b-19 Feb 1864; d-03 Aug 1960 h-McKendrie Lamberson p-Samuel and Amanda (Laidig) Kirk
LAMBERSON, B. C. Union b-11 Sept. 1877, d-26 Sept. 1936 w-Effie Virginia (Cutchall) Lamberson p-John Andrew and Mary Catherine (Mathias) Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Catharine Hustontown b-15 April 1832; d-14 April 1894 h-D. C. Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Charles A. New Grenada b-1876; d-1957 w-Jessie
LAMBERSON, Charles E. New Grenada b-1923; d-1951 WW II
LAMBERSON, Christena Davis Lane d-2 Mar. 1861; Age 83y11m27d h-Jacob Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Daniel Hustontown b-12 Oct. 1817; d-26 Mar. 1887 w-Mary
LAMBERSON, David C. b-14 May 1835: d-15 April 1919 w-(1) Catharine Laidig (2) Mary Hunter Co. R. 44th IN Infantry
LAMBERSON, Edna R. Hustontown b-23 May 1884; d-29 Oct. 1884 p-A. J. & M. C. Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Effie Virginia Union b-15 Sept. 1878; d-4 Sept. 1961 h-B. C. Lamberson p-William & Sarah Laidig Cutchall
LAMBERSON, Elsie V. Union b-8 June 1902; d-6 Dec. 2000; age-98 h-Frank G. Ott, Fred Lamberson p-Harry & Olive Clevenger Mort
LAMBERSON, Elva L. Union d-5 Oct. 1952
LAMBERSON, Evelyn E. Hustontown b-1906; d-1915 p-Jacob & Agnes Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Frances C. Hustontown b-29 Nov. 1862; d-14 Jan. 1946
LAMBERSON, Fred Daniel Union b-20 April 1895; d-12 Dec. 1988 w-1) Elva; 2) Elsie V. p-Kenneth & Agnes Kirk Lamberson
LAMBERSON, George C. Hustontown b-28 June 1840: d-22 April 1919 w-Mary (Conrad) Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Glenn W. SOUTH PACIFIC * b-22 July 1919; d-22 March 1944 p-L. A. Ridisill Lamberson WW II, killed in action
LAMBERSON, Hanse K. Union b-6 April 1899; d-27 Oct. 1975 w-Rachel Wishart p-McKENDREE & Anna Kirk Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Harriet Hustontown d-18 Mar. 1912; Age 65y4m21d h-John Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Harry Hustontown b-1874; d-1943 w-Laura Maye Keebaugh
LAMBERSON, Harry R. Hustontown b-21 August 1874; d-9 May 1943 w-Maye Keebaugh Lamberson p-James and Catherine Mathias Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Helen Sieling Union b-1869; d-1 May 1945: Age 75y8m8d h-(1)Edward M. Duvall (2)Alexander C. Lamberson p-Wm. H. and Mary Jane Hoover Seiling
LAMBERSON, Infant Son Hustontown d-13 Sept. 1912 p-L. A. & Mertie Lamberson
LAMBERSON, J. William Union d-9 August 1921; Age 47y
LAMBERSON, Jacob Davis Lane d-10 April 1880; Age 74y1m10d
LAMBERSON, Jacob C. Hustontown b-1855; d-1930 w-Agnes
LAMBERSON, Jessie M. New Grenada b-1877; d-1943 h-Charles Lamberson
LAMBERSON, John Hustontown b-23 June 1809; d-23 Nov. 1897 w-Ann
LAMBERSON, John A. Hustontown d-30 Sept. 1926; Age 83y8m13d w-Harriet Civil War
LAMBERSON, L. A. R. Fairview b-4 October 1874; d-13 January 1947 w-Mertie Berkstresser p-John A. and Harriet Witter Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Mary C. Hustontown b-31 August 1821; d-9 May 1895 h-Daniel Lamberson
LAMBERSON, Mary Catherine (Mathias) Hustontown b-13 May 1853: d-24 November 1933 h- A. James Lamberson p- Henry and Mary C. Wagner Mathias
LAMBERSON, Mary J. Hustontown b-1861; d-24 September 1917 h-(1) Evan P. Houston; (2)David C. Lamberson p-Mr and Mrs Hunter
LAMBERSON, Maye Hustontown b-1887; d-1944 h-Harry Lamberson