Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
KENDALL, Lucille A. Union b-13 May 1915; d-09 Jan. 2005 h-David D. Kendall Jr. p-William Hodges and Edna Laverne Welsh Abercromble
KENDALL, Lydia Virginia Troupe Union b-31 May 1844; d-12 Jan. 1934 h-David Milton Kendall p-Henry Troupe & Ann Catherine Troupe
KENDALL, Mabel Irene Henry Union b-8 Nov. 1904; d-2 Dec. 1982 h-William Russell Kendall p-Bert Henry & Blanche Kerlin Henry
KENDALL, Mabel Louise Union d-4 Jan. 1918; Age 3y8m29d p-Roy McNaughton & Elizabeth Johnston Nelson Kendall
KENDALL, Margaret Ellen Union b-30 Sept. 1944; d-6 April 1954; Age 4y6m7d (error) p-Walter Harvey Kendall & Elsi Allison Kendall
KENDALL, Margaret Flemming Kendall d-1750
KENDALL, Margaret Logan Union b-1809; d-11 July 1881; Age 72y5m15d h-James Kendall
KENDALL, Margaret Morrow Union d-30 July 1927; Age 88y8m1d: h-James Gibson Kendall
KENDALL, Martha Union b-2 sept. 1801; d-6- Aug 1873; Age 71y10m26d; Reinterred 24 Jan. 1879 Francis Kendall & Jane Gibson Kendall
KENDALL, Martha Jane Nelson Union b-27 Oct. 1847; d-8 August 1933; Age 85y10m13d h-John Francis Kendall
KENDALL, Martha Jane Nelson Union b-27 September 1847, d- 9 August 1933 h-John Francis Kendall p-Willam Sloan and Mary Peoples Nelson
KENDALL, Mary Union b-7 May 1805; Reinterred 24 Jan. 1879; Age 67y6m17d p-Francis Kendall and Jane Gibson Kendall
KENDALL, Mary Frances Porter Union b-7 Aug 1848; d-Mar. 18, 1874; Age 25y11m24d; Reinterred 24 Jan. 1879 h-Robert McNaughton Kendall
KENDALL, Mary Miller Johnston Union b- 25 Jan. 1870; d-6 Jan. 1950; Age 79y11m6d h-William Milton Kendall p-James Walker Johnston & Elizabeth Jane Morrow Johnston
KENDALL, Mary Nelson "Mame" Union b-16 Dec. 1878; d-22 Nov. 1955; Age 76y11m6d p-John Francis & Martha Jane Nelson Kendall
KENDALL, Morrow McNaughton Union b-11 February 1869; d-23 Feb. 1917; Age 50y12d Cleonie Estella Pollock Kendall p-James Gibson Kendall and Margaret Morrow Kendall
KENDALL, Morrow McNaughton "Shorty" Union b-19 Aug. 1934; d-27 Aug. 1996; age-62 w-1)Patricia Ellen Souders Kendall, 2)Lee Anne Clark Kendall p-Robert Morrow Kendall and Carrie Hilda Carbaugh Kendall
KENDALL, Myra Irene Nelson Union b-9 April 1886; d-10 Dec. 1961 h-James Houston Kendall p-Johnston N. & Margaret Dewey Nelson
KENDALL, Neil Scott Union b-26 May 1951; d-3 Mar. 1971; Age 19y w-Lois Irene Barnett p-David Durell Kendall & Lucille Abercrombie Kendall Vietnam
KENDALL, Norma G.Watkins Union b-20 July 1935; d-25 March 2003; age-67 h-John McNaughton Kendall p-Norman Watkins and Hilda Johnston Watkins
KENDALL, Patricia Anne b-4 March 1934: d-20 April 2014 h-William Logan Kendall p-Edward Samuel Kriner and Ethel Mae Hartman Shockey
KENDALL, Patricia E. b-03 Jan. 1933; d-19 Dec. 1987 h-Morrow M. Kendall p-Reed & Ruth Keyser Souders
KENDALL, Rhoda Elizabeth Union b-29 Nov. 1882; d-28 Feb. 1975 p-John Francis Kendall & Martha Jane Nelson Kendall
KENDALL, RICHARD WALLACE Akersville Methodist b- 7 Oct 1909; d- 24 Nov. 1943 w- Sara Belle (Dunlap) Kendall p- Mr & Mrs. James H. Kendall Seaman 1st Class, U.S. Naval Reserves
KENDALL, Robert McNaughton Union b-13 Dec. 1846; d-8 Feb. 1910; Age 63y1m21d w-Winifred B. Pittman Kendall p-James Kendall & Margaret Logan
KENDALL, Robert Morrow Union b-24 April 1911; d-20 May 1998; age-87 w-Carrie Hilda Carbaugh Kendall p-Morrow McNaughton Kendall & Cleonie Estella Pollock Kendall
KENDALL, Roy McNaughton Union b-13 Dec. 1882; d-8 Sept. 1962; Age 79y8m25d w-Elizabeth Johnston Nelson Kendall p-Robert McNaughton Kendall & Winifred B. Pittman Kendall
KENDALL, Russell W. Union b- 27 Aug. 1905; d-10 Dec. 1965; Age 60y3m13d w-Mabel Irene Henry Kendall p-Morrow McNaughton Kendall & Cleonie Estella Pollock Kendall
KENDALL, Sarah Esther Union b-6 April 1876; d-26 Aug. 1876; Reinterred 24 Jan. 1879; Age 4m20d p-James Gibson Kendall & Margaret Morrow Kendall
KENDALL, Sarah Martha Union b-10 Oct. 1857; d-1 April 1858; Age 6m24d; Reinterred 24 Jan. 1879 p-James Kendall & Margaret Logan Kendall
KENDALL, Sarah Walker Union b-4 Nov. 1835; d-26 August 1881; Age 45y10m18d h-William Andrew Kendall p-J. Walker and Sarah McCormick Walker
KENDALL, Thomas Logan Union b-25 June 1831; d-14 Mar. 1833; Age 1y9m; Reinterred 24 Jan. 1879 p-James Kendall & Margaret Logan Kendall
KENDALL, Walter Harvey Union b-15 Feb. 1916; d-15 April 1954; Age 38y2m w-Elsi Allison Kendall p-James Houston Kendall & Myra Irene Nelson Kendall WW II
KENDALL, William Union b-8 Feb. 1808; d-12 Nov. 1878; Age 70y10m3d (first interrment in UNION Cemetery) p-Francis Kendall & Jane Gibson kendall
KENDALL, William Andrew Union b-6 Dec. 1835; d-16 Nov. 1896; Age 60y11m10d w-Sarah Walker Kendall (1st), Hattie Linton Kendall (2nd) p-James Kendall and Margaret Logan Kendall
KENDALL, William Dale Union b-19 Dec. 1940; d-29 Oct. 1965; Age 24y10m11d w-Barbara A. Baugh Kendall p-David Durell Kendall & Lucille Abercrombie Kendall
KENDALL, William Logan Akersville Methodist b-29 Aug. 1926;d- 12 Apr. 2006 w-Patricia Ann Shockey Kendall p-James Houston & Myra Irene Nelson Kendall U.S. Army
KENDALL, William Milton Union b- 26 Sept. 1873; d-13 Feb. 1934 w-Mary Miller Johnston Kendall p-John Francis Kendall & Haddassah Martin Lesher Kendall
KENDALL, Winifred B. Pittman Union d-31 Dec. 1918; Age 62y2m3d h-Robert McNaughton Kendall p-Jared Pittman
KENNEDY, Gladys E. Buck Valley Christian b-1916
KENNEDY, James Buck Valley Christian b-1903; d-1968
KENNEDY, Lena Bell Union d-23 April 1921; Age 14y8m8d p-William Kennedy
KENNEDY, William (Mrs.) Union d-15 Jan. 1949; Age 78y h-William Kennedy p-Nelson & Minerva Sipes
KENNEDY, William Milton Union d-6 Nov. 1943; Age 71y p-Dr. Thomas & Jennie Witherspoon Kennedy
KERLIN, A. C. Knobsville Reformed d-17y20d
KERLIN, Albert Knobsville Methodist b-1876; d-1920 w-Luna
KERLIN, Albert C. Knobsville Reformed d-20 Jan. 1871; Age 1y1m20d p-J. M. & E. J. Kerlin
KERLIN, Albert G. CLEAR RIDGE * b-1871; d-1926 w-Lovada
KERLIN, Alvin Dewey Knobsville b-15 December 1896 w-Nettie Naugle Kerlin p-Ira and Barbara Forney Kerlin
KERLIN, Alvin H. "Toddie" Knobsville Methodist b-15 June 1918; d-13 June 1980 w-Emma Louise Matthews Kerlin p-Alvin D. and Nettie Naugle Kerlin WWII