Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
KEEFER,MRS.RHODA Asbury Cemetery b-14 Jan 1847,d-21 July 1931 h-John Keefer
KEEFER. Helen L. b-26 October 1930; d-19 May 2018 h-Clarence Loyd Keefer p-William C. and Dessie DeShong Welsh
KEEL, Christley McKee b-13 Sept. 1821; d-2 June 1898
KEEL, George McKee b-2 Dec. 1828; d-2 Dec. 1897 Civil War
KEEL, Levina McKee d-Age 52y
KEEPERS, Grace Hustontown d-19 Nov. 1871; Age 3y4m9d
KEEPERS, Infant Son Knobsville Methodist d-1 Sept. 1858 p-S. F. & J. A. Keepers
KEEPERS, Jane A. Hustontown w-Stephen Keepers
KEEPERS, John A. Hustontown d-30 June 1867; Age 72y8m13d
KEEPERS, Louisa J. Akersville Methodist d-3 March 1889; age-90
KEEPERS, Stephen F. Hustontown d-17 June 1905: Age 74y11m2d w-Jane Civil War
KEGARISE, Allison Scott Asbury Cemetery b-4 Jan. 1861; d-8 May 1949 w-Myrtle Hann p- Adolph & Katherine Kegarise
KEGARISE, Catharine Butts Hustontown b-1831; d-1915 h-L. Adolphus Kegarise
KEGARISE, L. Adolphus Hustontown b-1826; d-1905 w-Catharine
KEGARISE, Margaret C. Hustontown b-1858; d-19 April 1866 p-L. Adolphus & Catharine Kegarise
KEGARISE, Myrtle Asbury Cemetery d-26 Nov. 1946
KEIM, Mary Burleigh Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1874; d-1920
KEITH, A. Russell New Grenada b-1896; d-1960 w-Effie Fix
KEITH, Alice Rebecca New Grenada b-1866; d-1917
KEITH, Almeda M. Fairview b-9 Nov. 1922; d-7 May 2004; Age 81 h-Melvin T. "Red" Keith p-Himmel W. & Nellie M. Hess Brown
KEITH, Austin Deforest New Grenada b-1860; d-1931 w-Alice
KEITH, Dolores Jean Union d-17 Oct. 1941; Age 3y p-Mr. and Mrs. William Keith
KEITH, Edgar W. WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b-1889; d-1955 p-Rose M. Lockard
KEITH, Effie Fix New Grenada b-11 Feb. 1897; d-22 Jan. 1985 h-Russell Keith p-John & Sarah Sipes Fix
KEITH, Henry New Grenada b-30 Jan. 1817; d-30 Sept. 1881 w-Sarah
KEITH, Infant New Grenada d-1890; near Austin & Alice Keith
KEITH, Infant Daughter New Grenada d-22 July 1883; Age 2d p-J. M. & M. J. Keith
KEITH, Infant Son WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL d-8 July 1876 p-W. R. & M. Keith
KEITH, J. Chloe Siloam b-1915; d-1944
KEITH, James New Grenada b-1852; d-1929 w-Mary
KEITH, Jesse M. New Grenada b-1889; d-1969
KEITH, Mary New Grenada b-1862; d-1942 h-James Keith
KEITH, Mary Foster WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b-1841; d-1932 h-W. R. Keith
KEITH, Mary Foster WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b- 8 Feb. 1841 d- 12 July 1932 h- Wilson R. Keith
KEITH, Mary Jane Union d-5 April 1955; Age 46y4m22d h-William E. Keith
KEITH, Melvin T. Fairview b-13 July 1919; d-26 July 2001; age-82 w-Almeda Brown Keith p-Russell and Effie Fix Keith
KEITH, Ralph Robert New Grenada b-1898; d-1902; beside Austin & Alice Keith
KEITH, Sarah Union d-11 Oct. 1917
KEITH, Sarah A. New Grenada d-13 June 1890; Age 69y9m12d (age 72y)? h-Henry Keith
KEITH, Sarah G. Wells Methodist d-13 Mar. 1852; Age 1y9m27d p-Henry & Sarah A. Keith
KEITH, William E. Union b-29 Sept. 1903; d-4 June 1981 w-Mary Trinnewell p-William & Emma Walker Keith
KEITH, Wilson R. WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b-1841; d-1909 w-Mary; beside W. R. & Mary Keith
KELCHNER, Harry Claude Union b-9 August 1911; d-27 Nov. 1994 w-Hazel Sipes Stewart p-Claude & Edith Wingfield Kelchner
KELCHNER, Hazel C. Union b-22 August 1917; d-11 Feb. 1995 h-1) Andrew Stuart, 2) Harry Kelchner p-Ernest L. & Esther Kuhn Sipes
KELCHNER, John Bethlehem b-20 April 1794; d-10 June 1872
KELL, Mary C. Akersville Methodist b-16 November 1934; d-21 July 2012 h-Ralph B. Kell p-Alvin S. and Addie M. Pepper Strait
KELL, Ralph Baer Jr. Akersville Methodist b-14 September 1931; d-16 November 2010 w-Mary C. Strait Kell p-Ralph B. and Cevera Etta Miller Kell US Navy, Korean War
KELLER, Harry Hustontown b-1875; d-1937 w-Laura
KELLER, Jack P. b-28 July 1942; d-26 May 2018 w-Patricia J. Pine Keller p-John Henry and Helen Gertrude Parker Keller
KELLER, Laura S. Hustontown b-Mar. 5, 1878; d-Dec. 18, 1944 h-Harry Keller p-Andrew S. Brant