Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
JONES, Blaine F. Jr. b-July 13, 1959 : d-January 31, 2018 Karen Denell Shifflett Jones Blaine F. Jones Sr. and Mabel Sipes Jones Army
JONES, Donald E. Hustontown b-1 August 1965; d-8 Nov. 1976 p-Harold Jones & Shirley House
JONES, Donald Eugene Hustontown b-1 August 1965; d-11 Nov. 1976
JONES, Dorothea Kathleen Sprowl Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-31 October 1924; d-27 September 2010 h-Robert L. Jones
JONES, Harold L. Union b-6 Feb. 1934; d-30 April 1980 p-Lloyd D. Jones Korea
JONES, Harry C. Knobsville Aged 47y3m2d w-Miss Naugle p-Sylvester Doyle Jones
JONES, Lucinda Corner d-9 August 1863; Age 3y6m p-William & Mary Jones
JONES, Margaret McConnellsburg Lutheran d-3 August 1851(1854); Age 62y1m h-John Jones
JONES, Margaret McConnellsburg Lutheran b-;d-20 February 1919
JONES, Paul E. Union b-22 Feb. 1942; d-13 July 2006 w-E. Anne Peterson p-Harold & Nettie Spoonhour Jones
JONES, Robert L. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-9 Oct 1919; d-3 July 1987 w-Kathleen WW II, M. Sgt. US Army
JONES, Ronald L. PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b- 19 July 1948; d- 4 Dec.2019 w- JoAnn Beatty Jones p- Charles and Helen Hedges Jones
JONES, Rosie Mae* Asbury Cemetery b-22 Sept. 1914; d-14 May 1969 h-Lloyd Jones p-Henry and Laura Parrish
Jones, Thomas L. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b- 30 August 1949; d- 21 February 2017 w- Marla G. Wagner Jones p- Robert L. and Dorthea K. Sprowl Jones
JONG, Abram Burnt Cabins 149th Inf. Civil War marker
JORDAN, Annie E. McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-11 May 1828; d-13 Jan. 1869
JORDAN, Dorothy I. Bell Akersville Methodist b-27 February 1932; d-15 September 2010 p-John and Ardna McCracken Bell
JORDAN, Gladys L. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-28 Nov. 1900; d-17 Dec. 1919 p-Webster & Tillie Jordan
JORDAN, J. M. McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-29 Dec. 1825; d-19 Dec. 1863
JORDAN, James T. McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-31 Dec. 1854; Age 21y12d p-John & Jane Jordan
JORDAN, James William w-Louise Hoopengardner Jordan p-Webster C. and Tillie Mann Jordan
JORDAN, Jane McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-7 May 1878; Age 85y3m6d
JORDAN, Jennie A. McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-28 Feb. 1862; Age 2y4m p-John M. & Annie Jordan
JORDAN, John McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-10 Jan. 1856; Age 70y7d
JORDAN, Marion Jane McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-18 July 1852; Age 15y2m24d p-John & Jane Jordan
JORDAN, William McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-29 Sept. 1823; d-20 May 1847
JOY, Elizabeth BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-4 July 1854
JOYCE, Vincent W. Union b-16 Septemer 1948 d-2 Febuary 2015 w-Marlene M. Joyce p-Vincent and Helen (Heinemann) Joyce. U.S.ARMY
JULIAN, Barbara C. New Grenada b-1946; d-1967; Beside Michael & Bessie Julian
JULIAN, Bessie O. New Grenada b-1912; d-1975 h-Michael Julian
JULIAN, Charles New Grenada b-1912; d-1980 WW II
JULIAN, Christine Mae New Grenada b-22 May 1908; d-29 Dec. 1984 h-John W. Julian p-Rufus & Cora West Abner
JULIAN, Infant Son New Grenada b-1970; d-1970
JULIAN, John New Grenada b-29 Sept. 1865; d-May 19, 1937 w-Rose
JULIAN, John W. New Grenada b-1899; d-1974 w-Christine
JULIAN, Mildred May New Grenada b-1925; d-1953
JULIAN, Rose New Grenada b-19 Mar. 1881; d-19 Feb. 1953 h-John Julian
JUMPER, Gladys V. Union b-4 Mar. 1916; d-17 July 1991 p-Howard B. & Helen Ott Swope
KAGARICE, Ethel R. Asbury Cemetery b-14 Oct. 1912; d-Age 13y
KALER, John P. McKendree Methodist b-22 Sept. 1914; d-16 May 2001; age-86 w-Pauline Hixon p-Milton and Mamie Blyler Kaler
KALER, Pauline I. McKendree Methodist b-26 Jan. 1918; d-12 Jan. 1995 h-John Kaler p-Marshall & Cora Winck Hixson
KANOUFF, Judith Ann Wells Methodist b-13 Nov. 1959; d-16 Nov. 1962 p-Ralph & Juanita Kanouff
KAPLAN, Arnon Dr. b-15 February 1922; d-4 March 2016 w-Eda Gordan Kaplan p- Harry and Jeanette (Zabrowski) Kaplan Pearl Harbor
KAPLAN, Edna G. Akersville Methodist b-8 May 1933; d-31 August 2010 h-Arnon Kaplan p-Russell and Florence Eader Gordon
KAPPEL, Gadys H. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-27 Oct. 1913; d-24 Jan. 2000; age-86 h-George I. Kappel p-William L. and Mary Elizabeth Brady Hendershot
KARCZEWSKI, Edward Z. Union d-30 August 1986; Age 51y w-Joan Pietruszka p-Zygmund & Stella Bednariski Karczewski
KARCZEWSKI, Joan D. Union b-19 March 1934; d-31 January 2012 h-Edward Karczewski p-Walter and Stella Narczewse Pletruszka
KARCZEWSKI, Judith Anne Union b-13 May 1961; d-17 Spet 2003; Age 42 p- Edward & Joan Pietruszka Karczewski
Karn, Mary Elizabeth McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-30 Aug. 1832; d-19 Mar. 1851 h-Matthias Karn p-Jacob & Margaret Miller Shimer
KARNS, Ella M. Union Christian b-27 Nov. 1882; d-11 May 1883 p-John F. & Mary Karns