Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
HULL, Russell E. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-19 August 1982; Age 78y w-Edna Naomi Divelbliss p-George & Alice Miller Hull
HULL, Russell S. Damascus b-25 July 1915; d-15 May 2008 w-Vesta Shives Hull p-James & Nellie McGovern Hull U.S. ARMY
HULL, Samuel M. McConnellsburg Lutheran d-22 July 1872; Age 22m
HULL, Sara E. McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-27 June 1877; d-1 Sept. 1966 h-Harry W. Hull
HULL, Sarah Hills Chapel b-16 Feb. 1852; d-30 Mar. 1942 h-Dennis Hull p-David & Mary Hill Garland
HULL, Susan Big Spring d-26 August 1860: Age 60y h-George Hull
HULL, Susan E. Union d-11 July 1922; Age 85y5d h-Isaac Hull
HULL, Susan Elizabeth Union b-17 October 1861; d-16 Oct. 1935; Age 73y11m29d p-William and Susan E. Hull
HULL, Vesta B. Damascus b- August 14, 1924 d- April 4, 2015 Russell Hall Lemuel and Eva Pittman Shives
HULL, William Union b-21 May 1874; d-11 Jan. 1938; Age 63y7m21d w-Ellie E. Knauff p-William & Mary Hull
HULL, William Big Spring b-6 Jan. 1840; d-18 Mar. 1868
HULL, William P. Diehl d-19 Sept. 1862; Age 23y
HULL, Winfield Scott Big Spring d-16 April 1864; Age 8m7d
HULSE, Katherine Union b-20 August 1887; d-5 Oct. 1978 h-1) George W. Lodge, 2) Sydney Hulse p-Philip H. & Anna Little Kirk
HUMBERD, Solomon McConnellsburg Reformed d-7 July 1858; Age 83y
HUMBERT JR, Thomas Ormond Union b-16 Nov 1926; d-10 May 2023 w-Madeline E. Mellott Humbert p-Thomas O. Humbert Sr. and Inez L. (Boyer) Humbert
HUMBERT, Amanda Covalt Big Cove Tannery Lutheran b-26 Oct. 1860; d-1 Dec. 1933
HUMBERT, Bernard C. Damascus No dates
HUMBERT, Daniel Akersville Methodist d-20 February 1881, age 72y11m25d
HUMBERT, David E. Union b-13 March 1902: d-10 July 1967; Age 65y3m27d p-Hugh G. and Elizabeth Gordon Humbert
HUMBERT, David Truax Union b-13 April 1862; d-15 May 1940; Age 78y1m12d
HUMBERT, Elizabeth Florence Union b-3 September 1877; d-28 Dec. 1934; Age 57y3m25d h-U. G. Humbert p-David and Margaret Gordon
HUMBERT, Elizabeth L. McConnellsburg Lutheran d-24 Mar. 1854; Age 16d p-John & Hannah S. Humbert
HUMBERT, Emmer R. McConnellsburg Lutheran d-24 Mar. 1854; Age 16d p-John & Hannah S. Humbert
HUMBERT, Frederick B. Union b-7 Dec. 1904; d-29 April 1976 w-Lois Swisher p-George W. & Amanda Covalt Humbert
HUMBERT, Frederick B. Union b-7 December, 1904/d-29 April, 1976 w-Lois Swisher Humbert p-Amanda Covalt & George W. Humbert
HUMBERT, Frederick B. Union b-07 Dec 1904, d-29 April 1976 w-Lois (Swisher) Humbert p-George W. & Amanda (Covalt)Humbert
HUMBERT, George Earl Union b-15 Nov. 1911; d-30 Jan. 1980 p-Ulysses & Elizabeth Gordon Humbert WW II
HUMBERT, George W. Big Cove Tannery Lutheran b-13 May 1854; d-30 April 1928
HUMBERT, Hannah S. McConnellsburg Lutheran d-24 August 1854; Age 31y2m7d h-John Humbert
HUMBERT, Inez Louvina Damascus b-23 August 1909; d-26 August 1976 h-Thomas O. Humbert p-Henry & Elsie Gardner Boyer
HUMBERT, John Theodore Union b-26 Dec. 1899; d-14 Feb. 1987 w-Virgie Keefer p-George & Amanda Covalt Humbert
HUMBERT, Laura A. Big Cove Tannery Lutheran b-23 May 1895; d-6 Mar. 1910 p-George W. & Amanda Humbert
HUMBERT, Lois E. Union b-16 July 1910; d-11 Dec. 1999; age-89 h-Fred Humber Sr. p-Joseph and Bessie Crouse Swisher
HUMBERT, Madeline E. Union b-06 Sept. 1927; d-10 Sept. 2009 h-Tom O. Humbert p-R.C. & Jesse Truax Mellott
HUMBERT, Marian L. Union b-20 Feb. 1908; d-27 Oct. 2001; age-93 h-? p-Thomas Ulysses Grant Humbert and Elizabeth Florence Gordon Humbert
HUMBERT, Rachael Damascus b-1886; d-1904
HUMBERT, Rebecca Truax Damascus b-16 March 1827; d-8 November 1911 h-Thomas Humbert p-William and Rachel Pittman Truax
HUMBERT, Thomas Union age- 75 years
HUMBERT, Thomas O. Damascus b-1828; d-1903 w- p-Thomas Jefferson and Rebecca Truax Humbert
HUMBERT, Thomas O. Damascus b-21 Oct. 1897; d-1 Oct. 1975 w-Inez Boyer Humbert p-Ulysses G. & Elizabeth Gordon Humbert
HUMBERT, U. Stanley Union b-20 April ; d-24 Dec. 1930; Age 35y8m4d w-Winifred D. Mellott p-U. G. Humbert
HUMBERT, Ulysses G. Union d-18 May 1938; Age 74y4d
HUMBERT, Virgie Ellen Union b-29 Jan. 1908; d-18 Sept. 1975 h-John T. Humbert p-Jeremiah & Catherine Manning Keefer
HUMBERT, William McConnellsburg Lutheran d-2 Oct. 1853; Age 12y8m19d p-J. & H. Humbert
HUMBERT, Winifred Union b-27 Nov. 1898; d-18 August 1973 h-Stanley Humbert p-George B. & Mary Truax Mellott
HUMPHREYS, Blantena Sideling Hill Christian b-17 April 1900; d-5 May 1933 h-J. W. Humphreys p-Milton & Sarah Sharpe Mellott
HUMPHREYS, Chet Shane Siloam b-26 Oct. 1966; d-16 August 1978 p-Paul E. & Sonja Stouffer Humphreys
HUMPHREYS, Estalene M. Siloam b-24 Jan. 1918; d-30 Mar. 2008 h-J.W. Humphreys p-Benjamin & Myrtle Sipes DeShong
HUMPHREYS, J. W. Siloam b-4 Jan. 1918; d-8 August 1978 w-Estlene DeShong p-John Willie & Cora Caldwell Humphreys WW II