Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
HORTON, Karl E. McConnellsburg Methodist b-05 Nov. 1936; d-11 Sept. 2006 w-Patricia Culler Horton p-Charles & Anna Mellott Horton U. S. AIR FORCE
HORTON, Lloyd S. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-1896 p-Edwin A. & Susan Glover Horton
HORTON, Lloyd W."Peenie" Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-8 May 1915; d-10 Jan. 1987 p-William & Bessie Weight Horton WW II
HORTON, Mack H. Union b-1 Mar. 1912; d-4 Nov. 1977 w-Helen Grissinger p-Nathan W. & Stella Hixson Horton WW II
HORTON, Mae Elizabeth Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-29 Mar 1923; Age- 2 days p-H. & E. Horton
HORTON, Margaret Akersville Methodist d-4 March 1886, age 66 h-Robinson Horton
HORTON, Margaret C. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-6 May 1881; d-10 Feb 1958
HORTON, Margaret J. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-10 Jan 1872; Age- 26y18d p- Henry G. & Barbara E. Woy Horton
HORTON, Mary A. New Grenada b-6 April 1855; d-1 Nov. 1916 h-Abner Horton
HORTON, Mary E. CLEAR RIDGE * b-1899; d-1910; Beside Myrtle
HORTON, Mary I. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-13 Sept. 1913; d-07 July 2005 h-Paul N. Horton p-Gilbert A. and Pearl Rice Fischer
HORTON, Mary M. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-17 Feb. 1921; d-6 Jan. 2000; age-78 h-Chalmer Horton p-Harvey & Gertrude Detwiler Figard
HORTON, Mildred M. New Grenada d-2 Sept. 1910; Age 24y
HORTON, Miriam Estella Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b- 27 Oct 1862; d-30 Oct 1933; h –James B. Horton h-James B. Horton p-Benjamin and Amy Hann
HORTON, Mirrel A. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b- 15 Feb 1912; d-20 March 1961 w-Ruth p- William "Pat" & Elizabeth Horton
HORTON, Mrs. Russell Union b- Nov. 18, 1904 d- Aug. 2, 1966 h- Russel A. Horton p- John W. and Annd Mary Ward Doyel
HORTON, Myrtle CLEAR RIDGE * b-1881; d-1917 h-E. Horton
HORTON, Nathan W. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-25 August 1873; d-16 August 1944 w- Stella C. Hixson p-Henry and Rebecca Woy Horton
HORTON, Nathan W. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-13 May 1886; Age- 71y10d w-Susan p-Henry & Elizabeth White Horton
HORTON, Nora L. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-2 Mar 1886 or 1888; Age- 4d p-J. B. & M.E. Horton
HORTON, Oscar R. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-17 Dec 1921; d-8 May 1947;
HORTON, Paul N. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-14 Dec. 1913; d-27 Nov. 2006 w-Mary Fischer Horton p-Nathan W. & Stella Hixon Horton
HORTON, R. Hunter Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-13 May 1864; Age- 20y10m21d p-William & Ann Carothers Horton CO. F. 77 Reg P. V. Nashville, TN
HORTON, Rachel D. Black Farm b-12 June 1740; d-10 Dec. 1808 h-Thomas Horton
HORTON, Ralph F. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-1902 p- Edwin A. & Susan Glover Horton
HORTON, Rebecca C. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-15 Sept 1844; d-16 Aug 1917
HORTON, Robert R. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-July 1920; d-Aug 1921
HORTON, Robert W. Union b-23 June 1926; d-23 Nov. 2008 w-Margaret Stains p-Russell & Ethel Doyle Horton WWll U.S. Navy
HORTON, Russell A. Union b-26 Feb. 1905; d-19 Mar. 1975 w-Ethel L. Doyle p-David R. & Bertha Connelly Horton
HORTON, S. E. CLEAR RIDGE * In Memory of S. E. Horton & Family
HORTON, S. E. CLEAR RIDGE * Beside Myrtle & Mary
HORTON, Samuel Edward CLEAR RIDGE * d-28 May 1938 w-(1) Myrtle Huston (2) ? p-Abner and Alice Bolinger Horton
HORTON, Sara P. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-29 Nov. 1914; d-4 Dec. 1979 h-Howard C. Horton p-David Paules
HORTON, Sarah C. CLEAR RIDGE U.B. b-4 March 1867; d-20 Aug, 1935
HORTON, Sarah G. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-15 Apr 1852 p-Henry & Jane Gibson Horton
HORTON, Sarah J. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-11 Apr 1840; Age- 8y8d p- Ephriam & Jane Skipper
HORTON, small child WELLS TANNERY newspaper 20 November 1889 p-Delilah Horton
HORTON, Stella G. Hixson Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-1880; d-1955 h-Nathan W. Horton
HORTON, Susan WELLS VALLEY d-6 Nov. 1890; age-81y6d h-N. W. Horton
HORTON, Susan Glover Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-1866; d-1931 h- Edwin A. Horton
HORTON, Susan Ready Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-7 Feb 1890, Age-84y6d h-Nathan Horton
HORTON, Thomas D. Black Farm b-23 August 1733; d-20 Feb. 1809
HORTON, Thomas W. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-29 Feb. 1928; d-3 Jan. 2000; age-71 w-Mary T. Gould Horton p-William R. and Goldie F. Chaney Horton
HORTON, William Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery d-18 Jan 1861; Age- 15y5m12d p-Henry G. & Jane Gibson Horton
HORTON, William Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-1817; d-1893 p-Henry & Elizabeth White Horton
HORTON, William Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-22 Oct 1885; d-3 Apr 1956 p-Delilah F. Horton
HORTON, William C. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-1936; d-1984; beside William R. & Aphie
HORTON, William R. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-1910; d-1972 w-Aphie Sprowl Horton Hartman
HOUCK, Alice Joan* BETHEL, NEW GRENADA b-18 December 1942; d-24 April 2013 h-Larry D. Houck p-Marian A. Martz and George S. Hann Sr.
HOUCK, Alma Ruth New Grenada b-16 Oct. 1911; d-08 Feb. 2007 h-Fred McKenzie Houck p-Harvey V. & Bessie Kerling McQuaid