Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
HESS, Adam Cedar Grove Christian d-1 April 1900; Age 70y11m1d
HESS, Albert L. b- 24 Dec. 1946; d- 3 Dec. 2019 w- Gayle Beaver Hess p- John Wilson and Nancy May Reihart Hess
HESS, Albert Ross Jerusalem Christian b-8 June 1879; d-19 Mar. 1936 w-Bertha Sharpe
HESS, Alice Maude Asbury Cemetery b-9 April 1905; d-12 May 1940 h-Ellis E. Hess p-Martin & May Sipes Lake
HESS, Allen Watson PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN d-29 August 1902; Age 19y11m18d
HESS, Alverta V. Cedar Grove Christian d-14 July 1984; Age 79y h-Floyd G.Hess p-Bert & Maggie Alabaugh Studenwalt
HESS, Amanda Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-30 June 1841; d-25 March 1891; Age 49y8m25d p-Stillwell and Christine (Asenath) Hart Hess
HESS, Amanda J. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-5 May 1880; d-16 June 1880 p-C. W. & A. E. Hess
HESS, Amos Simpson Farm d-22 Nov. 1877; Age 63y
HESS, Anna Hills Chapel b-31 Dec. 1834; d-24 Feb. 1911 h-Aaron Hess
HESS, Annie Cohick Hustontown b-1858; d-1930 h-Dennis Hess
HESS, Annie M. Cedar Grove Christian d-29 August 1990; Age 73y h-Bonnie H. Hess p-John Henry & Lilliam May Wheeler Eddy
HESS, B. F. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-9 May 1846; d-23 Jan. 1901; Age 54y8m14d; p-Stillwell and Alsenath Hart Hess G.A.R.
HESS, Belle Cedar Grove Christian b-1 August 1871; d-4 Oct. 1960 h-Jobe C. Hess p-Silas & Nancy McKee Morgret
HESS, Bertha Jenetta Jerusalem Christian b-24 Dec. 1887; d-13 July 1949 h-Albert R. Hess p-Henry & Alice Mellott Sharpe
HESS, Bessie E. Sideling Hill Christian b-31 Jan. 1879; d-18 Oct. 1936 h-1) C. F. Divel, 2) E. H. Fohner p-James & Lucretia McEldowney Hess
HESS, Beulah Mae Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-29 May 1941; d-25 Feb. 1954; Age 12y8m26d p-Rinehart & Grace Hill Hess
HESS, Blanch C. Asbury Cemetery b-1887; d-1967
HESS, Blanche B. Asbury Cemetery b-24 November 1888; d-6 September 1967 h-Samuel R. Hess p-J.J. and Sarah Cunningham Cromer
HESS, Blanche M. Sideling Hill Christian b-22 Dec. 1925 h-Norman Hess
HESS, Bonnie Hugh Cedar Grove Christian d-18 Nov. 1970; Age 43y w-Annie May Eddy p-Rex C. & Spade Hess WW II
HESS, Brint L. b- 1 March 1945; d- 14 September 2004 w- June R. Kelly p- John and Nancy Reihart Hess
HESS, Carl William Center Methodist b-31 Mar. 1897; d-13 August 1983 w-Emma Prosser p-Rachel Hess Black
HESS, Catharine Cedar Grove Christian d:13 Nov. 1882; Age 84y4m21d h-J.Hess
HESS, Catharine Cedar Grove Christian d-27 April 1896; Age 87y3m21d h-Jacob Hess
HESS, Catharine Edith Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-9 Sept. 1885; Age 6m25d p-B. F. & E. Hess
HESS, Charles Howard Cedar Grove Christian b-16 Mar. 1873; d-7 May 1950 p-Jacob L. & Martha Jane Barney Hess
HESS, Charles Ray Cedar Grove Christian b-13 August 1901; d-21 Mar. 1957;
HESS, Charles W. Sideling Hill Christian b-20 Dec. 1874; d-11 June 1960 w-May Deshong
HESS, Clara Akersville Methodist d-1885, age 30y5m8d
HESS, D. B. D. Sideling Hill Christian d-April 1872; Age 45y5m
HESS, David F. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-7 Mar. 1810; d-7 Mar. 1872
HESS, Delilah Cedar Grove Christian b-25 April 1824; d-11 May 1899 h-Jeremiah Hess p-Rev.John Smith
HESS, Dennis Hustontown b-4 March 1851; d-28 September 1919 w-Annie
HESS, Dennis C. Sideling Hill Christian b-1917; d-1920 p-G. R. & I. M. Hess
HESS, Denver (Junior)* Akersville Methodist b-19 September 1924; d-7 June 2013 w-Wava Mellott Hess p-Floyd and Alverta Studenwalt Hess
HESS, Doris Jean Jerusalem Christian b-15 August 1939; d-18 Dec. 1940 p-Wilbert & Mildred McKee Hess
HESS, Dorothy Cedar Grove Christian b-1834; d-1912
HESS, Effamy PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b-21 Nov. 1850; d-25 Nov. 1925 h-Morton Hess p-John Palmer
HESS, Effie M. Hustontown b-1887; d-1889
HESS, Eleanor Jane Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-4 Sept 1886, age 31y24d h-B. Frank Hess p-Enoch and Catherine Flick Hart Esq.
HESS, Elizabeth Asbury Cemetery b-1828; d-1903
HESS, Elizabeth Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-22 Jan. 1835; d-28 July 1913
HESS, Elizabeth Gregory Damascus b-1880; d-1944
HESS, Elizabeth V. Union d-7 June 1933; Age 84y3d
HESS, Elizabeth W. Union b-11 April 1872; d-31 Dec. 1958 h-Bert Hess p-William Wright
HESS, Ellis Emory Asbury Cemetery b-28 July 1901; d-16 March 1985, age 83 w-(1)Alice Maude Lake Hess; (2) Maude Layton Hess p-Logue and Marie Mellott Hess
HESS, Emeline Cedar Grove Christian b-6 May 1864; d-26 Mar. 1924 h-Aaron Hess
HESS, Emma PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b-1913; d-1932 p-J. I. & L. Hess
HESS, Emma E. Hustontown b-10 Mar. 1895; d-5 Mar. 1959