Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
HAUMAN,Florence Jannette Sideling Hill Christian b-1867; d-1935
HAUMAN,Scott McClure Sideling Hill Christian d-19 Sept. 1885; Age 11m11d p-J. A. & C. Hauman
HAUMON, Annie Siloam b-1808
HAWBAKER, Doris Virginia Union b-8 Feb. 1928; d-21 Oct. 1990 h-James A. Hawbaker p-George P. & Laura V. Smith Morton
HAWBAKER, James A. Union b-28 October 1925; d-17 June 2014 w-(1) Doris Morton Hawbaker; (2) Eunice Wilson Marshall Hawbaker p-Preston and Elva Blair Hawbaker WW II
HAWBAKER, Richard Union b-20 Sept. 1976; d:20 Sept. 1976 p-James P. & Paulette Erickson Hawbaker
HAWBAKER, Wayne Mt. Tabor b-17 Nov. 1942; d-1 Dec. 1997; age-55 w-Patricia Ann Hedge Hawbaker p-Rev. Laban G. and Mary C. Staver Hawbaker
HAWK, Jessie A. Union b-20 August 1884; d-6 Mar. 1974 h-Wilbur D. Hawk p-Frank & Anna Truax Mason
HAWK, Wilbur D. Union d-10 Sept. 1952; Age 66y8m9d
HAWKINS, Beverly Fairview b-?; d-26 Nov. 1997; age-58 h-Raymond Carl Hawkins p-Norma Hinish Mellott
HAWKINS, Blair Evan Green Hill b-12 February 1921; d-19 March 1923 p-Evan Hawkins
HAWKINS, Blair Evans Asbury Cemetery b-1917; d-1921
HAWKINS, Boyd Milton Fairview b-19 Jan.1909; d-22 May1966 w- Olive Irene Helman Hawkins p-Evan and Ida Jane Kline Hawkins
HAWKINS, Darl R. Asbury Cemetery b-16 Oct. 1911; d-9 Feb. 1976 p-Evan & Ida C. Kline Hawkins
HAWKINS, Earl, Jr. Sideling Hill Christian b-9 May 1930; d-5 August 1978 p-Earl M. Hawkins & LaRue Hockensmith Fowler
HAWKINS, Evans Asbury Cemetery b-22 July 1884; d-25 Feb. 1935
HAWKINS, George W. b-29 April 1930: d-20 December 2013 w-Myra Foster Hawkins p-George and Charity Hawkins National Guard
HAWKINS, Ida Jane Asbury Cemetery b-19 Jan. 1886; d-1 June 1949 h-Eran Hawkins p-Milton J. & Jemima Moore Kline
HAWKINS, Infant Son Fairview d-3 August 1962 p-Raymond & B. Hawkins
HAWKINS, Lewis Union d-30 April 1963; Age 51y
HAWKINS, Michael G. b-17 July 1962, d- 14 Jan 2022 w-Karen (Keebaugh) Hawkins p-Norman and Sarah (Edwards) Hawkins
HAWKINS, Olive I. Fairview b-8 July 1914; d-11 March 2003; age-88 h-Boyd Hawkins p-Wilbert and Ruth Wagner Helman
HAWKINS, Randy Brian Fairview b-30 November 1964; d-5 October 2010 w-Carolyn M. Hawkins p-Raymond and Beverly Mellott Hawkins
HAWKINS, Raymond C. Fairview b-27 Oct. 1935; d-16 Nov. 2001; age-66 w-Beverly A. Hawkins p-Olive Irene Helman Hawkins and Boyd M. Hawkins
HAWKINS, Roy Fairview b- 13 October; 1943; d- 10 November; 2014 Boyd and Olive Hawkins
HAYDEN, Margaret McConnellsburg Methodist b-15 August 1788; d-21 April 1851 h-Lewis L. Hayden
HAYE, Rachel BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-6 Oct. 1823; d-21 Feb. 1889 h-Peter Haye
HAYES, Florence Duffey Union d-27 Mar. 1964; Age 88y10m8d h-Herbert W. Hayes
HAYES, Viola Blanche Sideling Hill Christian b-12 Nov. 1900; d-26 July 1982 h-1) George Hess, 2) Rev.Edward S. Hayes p-Roy & Cora DeShong Sipes
HAYNES, Samuel Ernest Knobsville d-29 August 1889, age 4y3m29d p-McGinley and Mary E. Haynes
HAYS, Andrew McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1818; d-1894
HAYS, Cora Edith Union b-27 Dec. 1913; d-9 Dec. 1990 h-1) Marshall A. Mellott, 2) Ralph Maun, 3) Rev. Edward Hays p-William B. & Zelda Seville Sipes
HAYS, Edward S. (Rev.) Union d-13 April 1985; Age 86y w-Cora Sipes p-John S. & Bertha Houpt Hays
HAYS, Elizabeth McConnellsburg Lutheran d-3 Dec. 1857; Age 23y h-John Hays
HAYS, George W. Union b-8 April 1857; d-22 Nov. 1938; Age 81y7m15d
HAYS, Hoyt M. Union Reinterred from M.E. graveyard 28 May 1939
HAYS, Hubert Union d-2 Jan. 1918; Age 39y
HAYS, Margaret McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1860; d-1902
HAYS, Mary McConnellsburg Lutheran b-1826; d-3 December 1890, age 64y5m18d h-Andrew Hays
HAYS, Mary Jane Union b-4 Nov. 1896; d-12 May 1979 h-Rev. Edward S. Hays p-James William & Anna Martha Guessford Gorman
HAYS, Nellie Gertrude Union b-15 Jan. 1884; d-21 June 1956 p-George W. & Virginia Michaels Hays
HAYS, Virginia I. Union b-25 August 12880; d-8 June 1948; Age 90y9m13d h-George W. Hays p-Samuel and Eliza Michael
HEADLEY, Don W. Union b-22 Nov. 1906; d-13 Feb. 1990 w-Florence Potts p-Leo & Hulda Grube Headley
HEADLEY, Florence V. Potts Union d-12 Apr 2004; Age 90 h-Don W. Headley p-Dean Potts & Minnie Geisler Potts
HEADLEY, Joseph L. b- 29 Jan. 1942; 12 Dec. 2004 p- Don W. and Florence Potts Headley U.S. Army
HEART, William Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-10 April 1799; Age 82y
HEATH, Jane M. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b- 05 Oct. 1953; d- 06 May 2005 p- John and Beulah Thomas Parson
HEATON, Fannie M. Hustontown b-30 Dec. 1892; d-27 Mar. 1945 h-Norman Heaton
HEATON, Gracey Hustontown b-1916; d-1921 p-N. & F. Heaton
HEATON, Ida F. Hustontown b-1867; d-1922