Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
HARR, Elsie Ann Union b-22 Jan. 1882; d-31 Oct. 1963 h-Job Harr p-William & Anna Elizabeth Motter McEldowney
HARR, Emeline Kline Sideling Hill Christian b-15 Nov. 1872; d-18 Jan. 1935 h-James F. Harr p-John & Mary Mellott Kline
HARR, Ernest Grant Union b-16 Feb. 1913; d-7 May 1971 w-Virginia Gordon p-Jobe & Elsie McEldowney Harr
HARR, Ethel O. Union b-25 Mar. 1907; d-6 Mar. 1977 h-David W. Harr p-George & Jeannette Mellott Keefer
HARR, George Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-1 August 1901; d-18 June 1973 w-Helen Lynch p-David & Debra Oakman Harr
HARR, George W. Big Spring d-26 Jan. 1870; Age 22y1m14d p-Samuel & Rachel Harr
HARR, Harry Union b-26 Sept. 1874; d-6 Feb. 1966 p-Samuel & Rebecca Woodall Harr
HARR, Hazel M. Akersville Methodist b-16 March 1929; d-4 January 2010 h-Melvin R. Seville p-William B. and Margaret Hann Harr
HARR, Helen Jane Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-1948; d-1949 p-George & Helen Harr
HARR, Helen R.* Pleasant Ridge b-28 May 1908; d-5 May 1969 h-George Harr p-Austin and Lyda Peck Lynch
HARR, Hildagard H. Union b- 04 July 1925; d- 18 Mar. 2005 h- Melvin Harr p- Paul and Margareta Horn
HARR, Infant Pleasant Ridge Brethren d-19 Feb. 1905; Age 2m27d p-David & Debbie Harr
HARR, Infant Union d:18 Dec. 1955; Age 3d p-Earnest Harr
HARR, Infant Antioch Christian d-Feb. 1879; Age 7d p-Thomas & Margaret Harr
HARR, J. Leslie Union b-17 Sept. 1886; d-26 June 1981 w-Nora Vallance p-Albert & Elizabeth Waltz Harr
HARR, James F. Sideling Hill Christian b-17 July 1859; d:3 April 1943 w-Emmaline Kline p-John & Susanna Deshong Harr
HARR, JoAnne Akersville Methodist b-25 October 1934; d-24 March 2013 h-Dayton Harr p-G. Maynard "Whitey" and Lois Ott Paylor
HARR, Jobe Union b-16 May 1872; d-30 April 1957 w-Elsie McEldowney p-Thomas & Margaret Myers Harr
HARR, Jobie D. Pleasant Grove b-23 November 1935;d-12 May 2019 w-Sylvia Jean Clark Harr p-David Wilson and Ethel Keefer Harr U.S. Army
HARR, John H. Corner b-1827; d-24 Mar. 1903 p-Henry & Isabella Harr Civil War
HARR, John S. Big Cove Tannery Lutheran b-3 Sept. 1832; d-5 Sept. 1909 w-1) Anna Pine, 2) Catherine Snyder Carbaugh p-Samuel & Rachel Powell Harr
HARR, Kenneth W. Sr. Union b-05 Jan. 1946; d-23 Aug. 2008 w-Sonja Hendershott Harr p-David & Ethel Keefer Harr
HARR, Lewis Big Cove Tannery Lutheran b-18 Mar. 1857; d-22 April 1900 w-Nettie F. Gordon p-John S. & Anna Pine Harr
HARR, Margaret Antioch Christian b-22 August 1842; d:5 April 1880 h-Thomas Harr p-David & Eve Shives Myers
HARR, Margaret Mae Union b-14 Mar. 1908; d-24 Feb. 1970 h-William D. Harr p-Brice & Clara Tritle Hann
HARR, Martha E. Union b-15 September 1935; d-21 September 2018 p-Ernest G. and Virginia M. Harr
HARR, Marvin E. "Bus" Union b-18 Aug 1950, d-15 Aug 2022 p-Ernest G. and Virginia M. (Gordon) Harr U.S.National Guard
HARR, Mary Reeder Union b-13 October 1890; d-23 April 1967; Age 76y5m10d h-Harry Harr
HARR, Max E. Union b-21 July 1945: d-1 March 2014 w-Robin A. Strait Harr p-Ernest G. and Virginia M. Crouse Harr US Army (Vietnam)
HARR, Melvin E. "Bill" b-13 Nov 1931, d-12 Aug 2021 w-Hildegard (Horn) Harr p-Ernest and Virginia (Gordon) Harr U.S. Army
HARR, Mervin E. Union b-23 July 1930; d-27 July 2000; age-70 w-Beulah Layton Harr p-Ernest and Virginia Crouse Harr
HARR, Nora Union b-11 Feb. 1892; d-7 Feb. 1952 h-J. Leslie Harr p-Zacharias & Mary Snyder Vallance
HARR, Rachel Powell Union d-9 Feb. 1896; Age 85y10m h-Samuel Harr p-Isaac Powell
HARR, Richard Union d-7 May 1930 p-Leslie Harr
HARR, Ronald E. Union b-6 May 1952; d-2 August 2013 p-David W. and Ethel Keefer Harr US Army, Vietnam
HARR, Samuel Union b-Oct. 1807; d-31 Dec. 1893 w-Rachel Powell p-John Harr
HARR, Sylvia Jean Pleasant Grove b-30 Sept. 1936; d-20 Aug. 2007 h-Jobie D. Harr p-Richard & Ola Timbrook Clark
HARR, Teneil C. b- 13 Aug. 1981; d- 16 Dec. 2016 h-David L. Harr p- Fredrick J. Mellott & Kimberly R. Waters
HARR, Thomas Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-14 Feb. 1839; d-4 August 1904 w-2) Amanda, 1) Margaret Myers p-Samuel & Rachel Powell Harr
HARR, Thomas Big Cove Tannery Lutheran d-26 May 1885; Age 21y9m6d p-John S. & Anna Pine Harr
HARR, Thomas E. Union b- 5 October 1953; d-20 Decmber 1970 p-Mervin E. and Beulah Layton Harr
HARR, Virginia Maye Union d-21 Nov. 1985; Age 71y h-Ernest Grant Harr p-Mack & Rachel Gordon Crouse
HARR, William Union b-4 August 1845; d-3 Mar. 1911 w-Amelia Matthews p-Samuel & Rachel Powell Harr
HARR, William Dayton Union b-16 October 1905; d-11 February 1985 w-Margaret M. Hann Harr p-Jobe and Elsie McEldowney Harr
HARR, Wilson Antioch Christian d-28 Nov. 1879; Age 4y5m17d p-Thomas & Margaret Harr
HARRIS, Bessie Edith Union d-22 Jan. 1919 p-Jefferson and Elmira Frances Wink Harris
HARRIS, Blanche B. Union b-23 Sept. 1887; d-Age 48y3m8d h-Lewis Harris p-Daniel & Jennie Reeder Skipper
HARRIS, Bruce Union b-06 Apr. 1908; d-14 April 1962
HARRIS, Bruce, Jr. Union b-25 Nov. 1937; d-20 April 1994 p-Bruce & Freda Linn Harris
HARRIS, Charles William Union b-26 Oct. 1914; d-8 Feb. 1975 w-Irene Schooley p-Harvey H. & Hester Lashley Harris