Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
HANN, Mary Euricca Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist b-28 June 1869; d-29 Jan. 1955 h-David D. Hann
HANN, Mary L. Pleasant Ridge Brethren B: 6 June, 1939; D: 10 October, 2015 Chalmer Chester Hann George and Helen Lynch Harr
HANN, Mary Pearl Hustontown b-12 Dec. 1914; d-26 Dec. 1980 p-Chalmer Floyd & Carrie Elizabeth Black Shaw
HANN, Mary Villetta Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist b-1 August 1892; d-6 April 1971
HANN, Melvin L. (Pvt) Union d-12 June 1947 WW II
HANN, Mildred V. "Tootsie" Union b-9 Dec. 1914; d-28 July 1995 h-Lucius E. Hann p-Chalmer A. & Hazel Owens Gress
HANN, Myrtle Laura Asbury Cemetery b-29 August 1892; d-29 January 1969 h-Chester Hann p-Elliott and Jennie Elizabeth Sipes Barber
HANN, Naomi Akersville Methodist b-9 June 1925; d-12 Aug. 2000; age-75 h-? p-Lloyd and Martha A. Horton Cornelius
HANN, Nora Paylor Union d-23 Dec. 1922; Age 29y2m21d h-Elmer Hann
HANN, Norman W. Sr. Akersville Methodist b-6 July 1928; d-19 June 2001 w-Alice E. Stephens Hann p-Charley D.E. and Lydia Margaret Irene Mellott Hann US Army, Korea
HANN, Olitipa Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-29 April 1918; d-13 June 2001; age-83 h-Riley DeShong, Russell C. Hann p-Edward and Maude Strait Kline
HANN, Olive E. Siloam b-26 April 1930: d-19 January 2014 h-Veryle J. Hann p-Norman G. and Dottie Hoop Schooley
HANN, Olive Rebecca Sideling Hill Christian d-12 June 1904; Age 31y2m22d h-Howard Hann
HANN, Omert E. Asbury Cemetery d-22 May 2010, age 98 w-Beatrice R. Mitchell Hann p-Edgar C. and Bertha J. Newman Hann
HANN, Parker Sideling Hill Christian b-11 June 1929; d-25 December 2011 w-Alice H. Helsel Hann p-Reuben C. and Della Schetrompf Hann US Navy, Korean War
HANN, R. Eugene Amaranth Brethren b-31 May 1949; d-1 July 2000; age-51 w-Peris Rowell Hann p-Junia Garland Hann and David R. Hann
HANN, Ralph C. Sideling Hill Christian b-26 Nov. 1915; d-21 Mar. 1980 p-Howard & Ida Deshong Hann WW II
HANN, Randney Dwight Asbury Cemetery b-23 Nov. 1947; d-1947 p-Harold C. & Ella Mae Hann
HANN, Randy Eugene Asbury Cemetery b-1 July 1957; d-10 July 1957
HANN, Reuben Sideling Hill Christian d-8 Feb. 1901; Age 76y5m8d
HANN, Reuben Clyde Sideling Hill Christian b-5 June 1896; d-11 July 1968 w-Della Schetrompf Hann p-David and Mary Mellott Hann World War I
HANN, Ricky L. Pleasant Ridge d-20 February 2011, age 51
HANN, Rita G. Akersville Methodist b-16 September 1954; d-22 September 2010 p-A.Leonard and M.Dorothea Weller Hann
HANN, Robert Chester Asbury Cemetery b-1887; d-1950
HANN, Robert Clyde, Jr. Hustontown b- 3 September 1945; d- 4 September 1945 p- Clyde Hann
HANN, Robert Eugene Asbury Cemetery b-17 June 1943; d-11 Jan. 1999; age-55 w-Fannie Mellott Hann p-Robert A. Hann and Hilda Brant Hann
HANN, Robert Ross Green Hill b-14 Nov. 1859; d-9 August 1928 w-Margaret Kellner p-Benjamin & Amy Greenland Hann
HANN, Roland G. Sideling Hill Christian d-6 April 1900; Age 18y9m5d p-J. & S. Hann
HANN, Rush David Union b-3 March 1891; d-23 July 1958; Age 67y4m20d w-Adaline Kuhn p-Scott S. and Margaret Bechtel Hann
HANN, Russell C.* Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-22 October 1921; d-8 July 2013 w-Junia C. Garland Hann p-Jacob and Dovie Mellott Hann
HANN, Ruth M. b- 18 August 1907; d-1 August 1950 h-William Hann Hiram & Bessie Hampton Laidig
HANN, Sarah E. Sideling Hill Christian b-1857; d-1917 h-Eli Hann
HANN, Sarah M. Asbury Cemetery b-1877; d-1943
HANN, Scott Stewart Union b-22 February 1845; d-28 Oct. 1930; Age 85y8m7d w-Margaret Bechtel Hann p-James and Barbara Spicer Hann Co. M, 22nd US Cavalry, Union Civil War Vet
HANN, Sheridan Sideling Hill Christian b-4 Mar. 1867; d-11 May 1950 w-1) Dorcas Wilson, 2) Amanda Mellott
HANN, Stanley E. Sideling Hill Christian b-06 May 1954, d-28 Nov 2023 Tonya M. Heckman-Hann Boyd E. Hann and Margaret J. (Hann) Short
HANN, Stephanie D. Asbury Cemetery b- 27 Sept.1973 d- 23 May 2015 Age 41y Brian E. Hann p- Ernest C. & Regina M (Daniels) Haller
HANN, Susan R. Sideling Hill Christian b-1840; d-1914 h-John Hann
HANN, Timothy D. Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist b-26 Sept. 1961; d-23 Feb. 1996; age-34 p-Parker and Alice Helsel Hann
HANN, U. Grant Asbury Cemetery b-1872; d-1953
HANN, Verna M. Asbury Cemetery b-29 Sept. 1919; d-10 June 1973
HANN, Veryle J. Siloam b-11 August 1926; d-11 December 2010 w- Olive E. Schooley Hann p-Charley E. and Irene M. Mellott Hann US Navy, WWII
HANN, Virgil Union b-25 December 1899: d-1971 h-Irvin Hann p-Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Clark
HANN, Wanda L. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-13 Sept. 1942; d-05 Apr. 2006 h-Arnold R. Hann p-Clifford D. & Helen H. Souders Foreman
HANN, Willard Eugene "Slim" Needmore Bible Church d-22 Dec. 1989; Age 63y w-Marie McKee p-Erwin & Virgil Clark Hann WW II
HANN, William D. "Pete" Pleasant Ridge Brethren b-28 Dec. 1915; d-15 Dec. 1990 w-Dorothy DeShong p-Jacob & Dovie Mellott Hann
HANN, William K. Asbury Cemetery b-1903; d-21 Jan. 1904
HANN, William M. Bethlehem b-28 Mar. 1854; d-14 Dec. 1937
HANN, William S. Union b-11 April 1910; d-7 July 1972 w-Anna Mary Peck p-Brice & Clara Tritle Hann
HANN, Wilson C. Asbury Cemetery d-17 August 1852; Age 2m