Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
HAMMELL, Martha J. Union b-21 Sept. 1971; d-29 Jan. 1886 h-Thomas N. Hammell
HAMMERLY, Albert Antioch Christian b-26 Dec. 1883; d-20 Oct. 1960 w-Evelyn
HAMMERLY, Emma Evelyn Antioch Christian b-14 May 1888; d-13 April 1963 h-Albert Hammerly p-Joseph M. and Dorthea Ann Wright Strait
HAMMETT, Elizabeth Hammett d-4 Dec. 1844; Age 69y1m5d h-William C. Hammett
HAMMETT, Mary C. Hammett d-5 Jan. 1848; Age 71y h-William B. Hammett
HAMMETT, William Hammett d-21 April 1846; Age 31y11m11d
HAMMETT, William C. Hammett b-15 July 1782; d-16 August 1854
HAMMON, James H. Knobsville Methodist d-10 October 1894, age 68
HAMMOND, Hilda Hope Whips Cove Christian d-10 Oct. 1993; Age 83y h-1) Curtis A. Diehl 2) John H. Hammond p-W. J. & Laura Booth Deneen
HAMMOND, Josephine Burnt Cabins b-1851; d-1921
HAMMOND, Marcella P. Damascus b- 9 Jan 1945; d- 17 Aug 2019 h- Ronald Eugene Hammond p- Donald Lee and Mary Viola Moats Younker
HAMMOND, Mary Buck Valley Lutheran b- Jan. 16, 1862 d- March 29, 1966 h- John Hammond p- William and Susan Hendershot Sigel
HAMMOND, Ralph H. Union b-5 Dec. 1878; d-16 Feb. 1956
HAMPTON, Annie Green Hill Presbyterian No dates
HAMPTON, Carl N. Pleasant Ridge b-14 Jan 1918; d-16 May 1981 w-Mildred Nelson Hampton
HAMPTON, Cheda G. Pleasant Grove d-10 June 1986; Age 88y p-John & Luemma Clevenger Garland
HAMPTON, Franklin B. Green Hill Presbyterian b-4 July 1890; d-18 August 1965
HAMPTON, James Garfield Pleasant Grove b- July 28, 1887; Age 79 w- Ireda Garland Hampton p- James L. and Anna Minnick Hampton
HAMPTON, James L. Green Hill Presbyterian b-1855; d-1924
HAMPTON, John E. Green Hill Presbyterian b-29 November 1885; d-7 February 1952 p-James and Annie Minnick Hampton
HAMPTON, Lydia Ella Green Hill Presbyterian b-31 June 1901: d-6 October 1931 p-Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hampton
HAMPTON, Mildred E. Pleasant Ridge b-10 March 1925; d-25 February 2011 h-Carl Nathan Hampton p-James and Clara Batson Nelson
HANCOCK, Raymond J. Union d-22 April 1967; Age 62y6m23d
HANKS, A. Curtin McKendree Methodist b-2 Dec. 1862; d-2 Oct. 1896
HANKS, Alice McKendree Methodist b-1856; d-1865
HANKS, Barbara W.* Sideling Hill Christian b-1 May 1918; d-age 52 h-Benson Hanks p-Albert Westover and Laura Westover Gochnour
HANKS, Benjamin HANKS FARM b-14 June 1779; d-12 Oct. 1822 w-Rebecca Barton
HANKS, Benson McKendree Methodist b-24 Dec. 1835; d-25 June 1909 Co. B, 87th Regt. PA. Inf.
HANKS, Benson George Sideling Hill Christian b-23 August 1914; d-25 Sept. 1977 w-Barbara Westover p-Jason G. & Phoebe Whitfield Hanks
HANKS, Bertie McConnellsburg Methodist d-21 May 1882 p-A. B. & M. J. Hanks
HANKS, Dolores Ruth PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b-? d-17 Mar 1981 Age 46y p-Marshall & Edna (Johnson) Bradshaw
HANKS, Elijah McKendree Methodist b-7 July 1809; d-11 Jan. 1886
HANKS, Elizabeth M. b-3 May 1900: d-26 June 1977 h-Harry N. Hanks p-Irvin D. and Sophia Steele Garlick
HANKS, Ephraim E. McKendree Methodist b-3 May 1849; d-24 Jan. 1853 p-William & Matilda Hanks
HANKS, Fletcher McKendree Methodist b-12 Nov. 1815; d-21 June 1870
HANKS, Francina McKendree Methodist b-23 Mar. 1851; d-3 Mar. 1862 p-William & Matilda Hanks
HANKS, Fred Hays Cedar Grove Christian b-5 Sept. 1884; d-27 Dec. 1961 p-Albert B. & Mary J. Hays Hanks
HANKS, Galen N. KINGDOM HILL b-9 Feb 1924; d-2 Jan 2004; Age 79 w-Mary E. Bernard Hanks p-Harry & Elizabeth Garlic Hanks
HANKS, George Elton McKendree Methodist b-2 February 1894; d-26 June1955 never married p-A. Curtin and Katherine Rohm Hanks
HANKS, Henry M. McConnellsburg Methodist b-12 Jan. 1862; d-22 July 1870 p-Albert B. & Sarah Hanks
HANKS, Herbert C. Akersville Methodist b-25 Jan. 1876; d-31 July 1877 p-Benjamin & Annie A. Hanks
HANKS, Infant McKendree Methodist d-16 Feb. 1907 p-W.G. & M.E.Hanks
HANKS, Ira Akersville Methodist b-1 Feb. 1875; d-6 Mar. 1875 p-B. & A. A. Hanks
HANKS, Jason George BETHEL BRETHREN b-1 May 1893; d-23 August 1957 w-Phoebe Whitfield p-Benson & Mary Schooley Hanks
HANKS, John McKendree Methodist b-15 Nov. 1806; d-5 July 1876
HANKS, Kathryn McKendree Methodist b-3 July 1862; d-8 December 1938 h-A. Curtin Hanks p-John G. and Malinda Mellott Rohm
HANKS, Lorraine Helen Pleasant Grove d-19 August 1977; Age 17y p-Wayne W. & Delores Ruth Bradshaw Hanks
HANKS, Mahlon McKendree Methodist b-1836; d-25 April 1891
HANKS, Mary McKendree Methodist b-6 Jan. 1814; d-25 August 1890 h-John Hanks
HANKS, Mary E. McKendree Methodist b-8 Oct. 1854; d-19 Mar. 1897 h-N. B. Hanks