Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
GREENOUGH, Elizabeth Green Hill Presbyterian b-1821; d-17 Oct. 1908
GREENWALT, Ada Sideling Hill Christian h-W. O. Greenwalt
GREENWALT, W. O. Sideling Hill Christian b-1879; d-1937
GREGORY, Adam Damascus b-1841; d-1909
GREGORY, Blair Adam Damascus b-13 Oct. 1899; d-7 July 1983 w-1) Miriam Andrews, 2) Anna May Griffith p-David, Sr. & Rhoda L. Pittman Gregory
GREGORY, Caroline Ann Damascus b-1833; d-1883
GREGORY, Catherine Damascus b-1829; d-1912 aged 73y1m2d p-David Catherine Yonker Gregory
GREGORY, Cecil E. Damascus b-12 Mar. 1922; d-12 June 1990 w-Virginia Ann Duvall p-Harvey C. & Grace R. Culler Gregory WW II
GREGORY, David Damascus b-1801; d-8 March 1873 (age 84?)
GREGORY, David Damascus d-13 June 1957; Age 83y10m19d w-Rhoda Pittman
GREGORY, David Lynn Damascus b-18 Oct. 1903; d-6 Oct. 1999; age-95 w-Estalene M. Wink Gregory p-David and Rhoda Pittman Gregory
GREGORY, David, Sr. Damascus b-1873; d-1956
GREGORY, Elizabeth Damascus b-1811; d-1871
GREGORY, Ephraim Damascus b-1842; d-1904
GREGORY, Estalene Damascus b-24 May 1904; d-4 Sept. 1989 h-David Lynn Gregory p-Henry Wishard & Bessie Ellen Gordon Wink
GREGORY, Florence Antioch Christian b-10 Sept. 1900; d:22 Sept. 1900 p-D. & R. Gregory
GREGORY, G. Katie Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-15 Dec. 1872; d-24 Oct. 1880 p-J. L. & M. J. Gregory
GREGORY, Grace Rebecca Damascus b-16 Dec. 1896; d-Age 80y h-Harvey C. Gregory p-John & Ella Zimmerman Culler
GREGORY, Harvey Chester Damascus d-27 Feb. 1988; Age 90y w-Grace Culler p-David & Rhoda Pittman Gregory
GREGORY, Helen Blanche Antioch Christian b-6 June 1919; d-21 January 2010 h-Paul E. Gregory p-Russell and Blanch Bishop Gordon
GREGORY, James Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-20 Sept. 1886; Age 74y6m28d w-Sarah
GREGORY, Job L. Dr. Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-18 Feb. 1879; Age 36y11m24d
GREGORY, John C. Damascus b-1832; d-1896
GREGORY, Joseph Poplar Spring b-1817; d-15 June 1856; Age 39y1m43d
GREGORY, Joseph H. Poplar Spring b-1806; d-22 Sept. 1811; Age 5y3m19d
GREGORY, M. Wilson Poplar Spring b-1 May 1847; d-8 Jan. 1905
GREGORY, Mable Poplar Spring Hard to read; could be Mary; Age 18y
GREGORY, Maggie Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-23 July 1878; Age 26y4m29d p-J. & S. Gregory
GREGORY, Margret Poplar Spring b-1777; d-7 January 1865; Age 87y h-J. Gregory
GREGORY, Mary Poplar Spring b-1809; d-23 Feb. 1895; Age 86y12d h-Moses Gregory
GREGORY, Mary Poplar Spring b-1829; d-10 June 1850 (or 1856?) h-J.(?) Gregory
GREGORY, Mary Damascus b-1848; d-1910
GREGORY, Mary Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-9 May 1845; d-5 Sept. 1912
GREGORY, Miriam Carolyn Damascus b-1906; d-1940 h-Blair Gregory p-Samuel & Blanch Andrews
GREGORY, Mollie Damascus b-8 Sept. 1898; d-20 Mar. 1946 h-Thomas Gregory p-George & Malinda Hess Mellott
GREGORY, Moses Poplar Spring b-1802; d-3 Feb. 1864; Age 61y w-Mary
GREGORY, Paul E. Antioch Christian b-16 Aug. 1916; d-20 Dec. 1997; age-81 w-Helen B. Gordon Gregory p-Roy and Jessie Mae Wink Gregory
GREGORY, Philip Poplar Spring b-1814; d-10 May 1852; Age 38y1m
GREGORY, Rhoda Louise Damascus b-24 Feb. 1868; d-29 July 1958 h-David Gregory, Sr. p-Jacob & Sarah Hess Pittman
GREGORY, Sarah E. Damascus b-1908; d-1908
GREGORY, Sarah McDaniel Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-10 May 1874; Age 57y2m28d h-James Gregory
GREGORY, Thomas P. Damascus d-27 Jan. 1985; Age 82y w-1) Mollie Mellott; 2) Freeda Duvall p-David & Rhoda Pittman Gregory
GREGORY, Virginia A. b-23 Aug 1928, d-19 Jan 2023 h-Cecil Ellsworth Gregory p-Ernest Howard Duvall and Junia May Duvall
GREISER, Henry T. Amaranth Brethren b-2 Oct. 1874; d-16 Oct. 1939
GRESS, A. Cloyd Union b-9 May 1891; d-23 Nov. 1942
GRESS, Ada L. Asbury Cemetery b- 5 February 1929; d- 9 November 2018 h- Russell Paul Gress p- Clara M. (Decker) and Bruce Lake
GRESS, Adam Bethlehem b-1813; d-1912 Co. H, 97th PA. Vol.
GRESS, Adam Sr. Bethlehem b-22 Nov. 1808; d-1 June 1882
GRESS, Agnes M. Siloam b-29 Sept. 1929; d-16 Oct. 2000; age-71 h-Clyde W. Manley, Vernon I. Kuykendall, Donald B. Gress p-David and Ethel Keefer Harr
GRESS, Alice B. McConnellsburg Reformed b-28 April 1906; d-25 May 1906