Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,270 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
GEISIER, Paul E. New Grenada b-7 February 1912; d-6 January 1996 PFC World War II
GEISLER, Paul E. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-07 Feb. 1912; d-06 Jan. 1995 w-Josephine C. Fling p-Joseph John & Florine Mary Marsula Geisler US Army WWII
GEIST, Franklin I. Sr. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-26 July 1922; d-29 Nov. 2009 w-Gladys Emmaline Snyder Geist p-John L. & Millie Brown Geist US Air Force
GEIST, Gladys Emmaline Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-26 April 1922; d-20 July 1994 h-Franklin I. Geist p-Edwin & Emmaline Sorney Snyder
GEIST, Grace Lake Pleasant Grove b-1888; d-6 April 1985; Age 96 h-Louis Geist p-William H. & Mary Anna Ledwage Lake
GEIST, Louis Kryder Pleasant Grove b-31 July 1892; d-25 Jan. 1962 w-Grace Lake
GEIST, Reba B.* Jerusalem Christian b-23 February 1952; d-12 May 2013 p-Frank and Ina Garland Bard
GELVIN, Anna E. Burnt Cabins b-22 Oct. 1855; d-10 May 1883
GELVIN, Beulah L. Burnt Cabins b-13 Jan. 1905; d-9 June 1979 h-Clarence M. Gelvin p-Emory & Catherine Mills Fogal
GELVIN, Cathy Ann Wells Valley United Brethren b-23 Nov. 1960; d-12 Nov. 1994 p-Robert & Edena Kanouff Defibaugh
GELVIN, Chad M. b- March 25, 1987 d- December 26, 2014 Timothy K. and Kathy J. Woy Gelvin
GELVIN, Clarence M. Burnt Cabins b-8 september 1900; d-22 May 1978 w-Beulah L. Fogal p-Mowery & Mary Wagner Gelvin
GELVIN, Edwin C. Sr. (Eddie) Union b-17 February 1935; d-19 March 2015 w-Mildred E. Truax Gelvin p-Beulah L. Fogal and Clarence M. Gelvin
GELVIN, Edwin C., Jr. Union b-1 April 1957; d-Age 17y p-Edwin, Sr. & Mildred Truax Gelvin
GELVIN, Joseph Burnt Cabins d-21 Dec. 1875; Age 54y10m w-Sophia Gelvin
GELVIN, Mary Wagner Burnt Cabins b-1868; d-1948 h-Mowrey Gelvin
GELVIN, Mildred E. Union b-25 Nov 1936, d-01 March 2022 h-Edwin C. Gelvin Sr. p-Charles E. and Ruth E. (Seville) Truax
GELVIN, Mowrey E. Burnt Cabins b-1858; d-1949 w-Mary
GELVIN, Ralph C. Burnt Cabins d-3 July 1894; Age 1y10m1d p-E. M. & M. E. Gelvin
GELVIN, Sophia Mowry Burnt Cabins d-27 Sept. 1912; Age 91y7m23d h-Joseph Gelvin
GELVIN, Vergie E. Burnt Cabins d-29 July 1867; Age 1y2m2d p-Joseph & Sophia Gelvin
George W. Humbert b- 13 May 1854; d- 30 April 1928 w- Amanda Covalt p- Thomas and Rebecca Traux Humbert
GEREHART, R. R. Whips Cove Christian d-13 Sept. 1896; Age 20y6m18d
GERHARDT, Cora B. Sideling Hill Christian b-25 July 1892; d-20 Nov. 1979 h-1) David Ramsey, 2) Frank Gerhardt p-Philip & Frances Mellott Strait
GETZDANNER, John Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-1860; d-1932
GETZENDANNER, Franklin G. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-2 April 1874; Age 21y2m24d p-J. A. & A. E. Getzendanner
GEYER, Infant Union d-21 Jan. 1959 p-William S. & Janet M. Geyer
GEYER, William S. b-25 March 1939; d-10 May 2017 w-Janet E. Mellott p-Raymond and Violet Briggs Geyer
GIAMBRA, Angelo Mt. Tabor b-2 April 1889; d:18 April 1947 w-Carolina
GIAMBRA, Carolina Mt. Tabor b-27 May 1908; d-24 Dec. 1977
GIBERSON, H. Wayne Dublin Mills b- 2 June 1940; d- 19 February 2016 w- Carolyn Lambert p- John and Thelma Giberson
GIBSON, Deforest O. Wells Methodist d-23 Oct. 1909; Age 20y3m12d
GIBSON, James (Capt.) Big Spring b-1745; d-1810 w-Margaret Revoluntary War
GIBSON, John Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery Field stone
GIBSON, John W. Wells Methodist b-1868; d-1937 w-M. Blanche
GIBSON, M. Blanche Wells Methodist b-1871; d-1963 h-John W. Gibson
GIBSON, Rebecca Wells Valley Methodist d-age 79 h-Alexander Gibson
GIENGER, Achsah Shafer BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-7 June 1850; d-27 Dec. 1931 h-George G. Gienger p- Susan Shafer
GIENGER, Charles BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b- 26 May 1887; d- 17 Oct. 1963 p- George Gienger & Achsah Shafer
GIENGER, George G. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-7 July 1850; d-14 Aug. 1915 p-Jacob Gienger & Vylinda Shreves
GIENGER, Hilery SCOTSVILLE PRESBYTERIAN * d-13 Mar. 1955; Age 78y p-George G. & Achsah Shaffer Gienger
GIENGER, Jacob BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-11 Dec. 1826; d-12 May 1895 w-Vylinda Shreves Gienger
GIENGER, Jessie Hebner BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-15 Sept. 1883; d-11 Oct. 1953 h-Charles Gienger p- John & Laura Hill Hebner
GIENGER, John W. BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-2 Feb. 1867; d-11 April 1931 p-Jacob Gienger & Vylinda Shreves
GIENGER, Vylinda BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-28 Dec. 1825; d-4 Sept. 1903 h-Jacob Gienger p-?? Shreves
GIENGER, William Lewis BUCK VALLEY METHODIST b-6 August 1868; d-7 May 1941 p-Jacob Gienger & Vylinda Shreves
GIFFIN, David Wells Valley Methodist b-10 July 1802; d-14 June 1890 w-Sarah Ann Swope
GIFFIN, Eliza Pleasant Ridge Brethren d-25 June 1906; Age 81y6m16d h-John C. Giffin
GIFFIN, Eliza J. Wells Methodist d:3 July 1845; Age 4y p-D.and S.A.Giffin
GIFFIN, Infant Union d-27 Oct. 1932; Age 7m