Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,399 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
ABBEY, Denton C. Center Methodist b-25 Aug. 1909; d-30 Oct. 2000 w-Harriet Beatrice Knepper Abbey
ABBEY, Harriet B. Knepper Center Methodist b-25 Nov. 1920; d-23 Aug. 2002 h-Denton C. Abbey p-Charles & Florence Shaver Knepper
ABBOTT, Avilee M. (Lea) DeShong Pleasant Ridge Nazarene b-19 August 1946; d-2 February 2010 h-Donald E. Abbott p-Boyd R. and Madeline Kline DeShong
ABBOTT, Charles Levi Siloam b-28 Feb. 1914; d-19 Nov. 1980 w-Ruth Irene Mellott p-Clarence & Elnora Barber Abbott
ABBOTT, Patricia E. Union b-4 Sept 1951, d-6 July 2022 h-Thomas C. Abbott p-Phillip J. Rollison and Emma E. Crouch Betts
ABBOTT, Ruth Irene Siloam d-31 Jan. 1990; Age 70y h-Charles L. Abbott p-Frank D. & Anna Mary Mellott
ABBOTT, Travis D. Union b-13 Dec 1976, d-09 Apr 2023 w-Crystal R. (Detwiler) Abbott p-Thomas C. and Patricia E. (Betts) Abbott Sr. U.S. Air Force
ACRI, Lana K. b-;d-25 February 2019 h- Joseph J. Acri p-Richard A. and Esther McQuade Miller
ADAMS, Ada L. (Dolly) Sideling Hill Christian d-17 Dec. 1975 p-William J. & Ada Mellott Greenawalt
ADAMS, Anna Siloam d-8 April 1891(newspaper date); age-15y 6m 22 d p-Amelia Adams
ADAMS, Della Frances Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-20 June 1858; d-2 November 1916 h-George W. Adams p-Thomas Horton
ADAMS, Doris Ellen "Dorie" Antioch Christian b-3 April 1958; d-29 March 2018 h-Johnny E. Adams p-Blair Eugene and Helen Blanche Bain Hann
ADAMS, G. W. Wells Valley Presbyterian Cemetery b-1846; d-1916
ADAMS, Harold d-12 Apr 2022 w-Janice Lindhurst
ADAMS, Lena Hill Rehobeth d-11 April 1945; age-28y2m16d h-Charles Adams p-Job & Bertha Shaw Hill
ADAMS, Lorraine Lenore PLEASANT RIDGE CHRISTIAN b-2 May 1935; d-4 October 2014 h-(1) Paul Schetrompf; (2) Bill Adams p-Bradie and Lenore ORourke Truax
ADAMS, M. Fan Union b-13 Jan 1941; d-18 Feb. 1998; age-57 h-Gordon C. Short Adams Sr. p-Hazel Barnhart Sowers and Clarence R. Sowers
ADAMS, Simon Wesley Akersville Methodist b-8 July 1878; d-18 July 1878 p-H. B. & Ameilia Wesley
ADAMS, Timothy Franklin Union d-Dec. 1936; Age 3m15d p-Jon & Linda Mellott Adams
ADELSBERGER, Gloria Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-?; d-9 June 1999; age-56 h-Thomas Lester Adelsberger p-Leonard Van and Martha Marie Winters Bernhard
ADELSBERGER, Helga J. Needmore Bible Church b-23 July 1938; d-30 Oct. 1995; age-57 h-Walter Ray Adelsberger p-Samuel and Thelma Ramsey Swope
ADELSBERGER, Larry Neil Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-1947; d-1961 p-Neil Raymond Adelsberger
ADELSBERGER, Lyman Earl Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-1876; d-1957 w-Annie M. Peck Adelsberger p-William and Elizabeth Good Adelsberger
ADELSBERGER, Margaret M. Tonoloway Primitive Baptist d-8 June 1981; age 65y h-Neil R. Adelsberger p-Thomas E. & Mary Eva Barnhart Wink
ADELSBERGER, Neil Raymond Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-1902
ADELSBERGER, Walter Edward Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-7 Aug. 1904; d-20 Sept. 1996; age-92 w-Margaret Waltz, Lucy Mann p-Earl L. and Anna Mary Peck Adelsberger
ADELSBERGER, Walter R. b- 19 Apr 1937 d- 24 Dec 2024 w- Helga J. (Swope) Adelsberger p- Walter E. and Margaret (Waltz) Adelsberger
AGNEW, Elizabeth McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-9 May 1816; Age 43y
AGNEW, James (Col.) McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-29 July 1769; d-9 Sept. 1855
AGNEW, Mary McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-3 Jan. 1824; Age 20y
AGNEW, Rebecca McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-28 Jan. 1827; Age 58y
AGNEW, William McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-11 Mar. 1815; Age 10y
AGOSTINELLI, Marie J. Burnt Cabins b-15 July 1936; d-22 April 1994 h-Michael Agostinelli
AIKEN, Eliza St. Clair Motter Union b-15 Dec. 1907; d-1 July 2003 h-William L. Aiken, Jr. p-Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Paylor
AKE, Jesse W. Wells Methodist b-12 Feb. 1832; d-7 July 1928
AKERS, Abia Akersville Methodist b-August 1794; d-21 Mar. 1877 w-Elizabeth
AKERS, Albert Palmer Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist b-1879; d-1915
AKERS, Allen A. Sr. Akersville Methodist b-04 Feb. 1923; d-30 July 2008 w-Betty L. Layton Akers p-Charles W. Akers & Mary Elizabeth Kagarise U.S. Army WWll
AKERS, Alvah S. Akersville Methodist b-19 Nov. 1859; d-5 Mar. 1892
AKERS, Amariah Akersville Methodist b-31 May 1808; d-April 1894
AKERS, Anna Akersville Methodist b-1 August 1807; d-27 April 1888 h-Amariah Akers
AKERS, Azariah Akersville Methodist b-1816; d-27 March 1883, age 66y5m27d
Akers, Belle Sideling Hill Christian b- 1873; d- 1949 h- Albert Palmer Akers
AKERS, Benson C. PLEASANT GROVE CHRISTIAN b-26 Feb. 1892; d-28 Feb. 1958 w-Francie
AKERS, Besse V. Akersville Methodist b-23 Nov. 1885; d-3 April 1968 h-Albert Palmer Akers p-Dr. Edwin D. & M. Elizabeth Truax Akers
AKERS, Betty L. Akersville Methodist b-04 Oct 1930, d- 24 May 2020 h-Allen A. Akers p-Dale & Mabel (Hockenberry) Layton
AKERS, Charles W. Akersville Methodist b-23 Mar. 1883; d-31 July 1939
AKERS, Charles W. (Sr.) Akersville Methodist b-July 25, 1881 d-Feb. 18, 1967 w- Mary Elizabeth Kagerise Akers p- Dr. Edwin and Mary (Turner) Akers
AKERS, Charles Wayne Akersville Methodist b-21 March 1927; d-August 1958 w-Elinor Marie Akers p-Clyde and Myrtle Duvall Akers
AKERS, Christine N. b- 25 Dec. 1948; d- 6 Dec. 2016 p- Hazel A. Clevenger