Names of Deceased in Fulton County, Pennsylvania Cemeteries

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Any or all of the search fields above can have a word or phrase entered for searching. The Obit text search field allows searching the full text of each scanned obituary and provides a wealth of information for researchers. For instance, a search on "teacher" turns up hundreds of records that contain that word. Not all of these would necessarily be teachers, but the vast majority of obituaries containing the word "teacher" are probably the obituaries of teachers since "teacher" is not typically a part of a person's name. The same is the case with other occupations such as beautician. However, searching for occupations such as "farmer" or "barber" will return not only people who engaged in those professions but also some with either "farmer" or "barber" as part of their name. A search for "London" brings up those who worked at Londontown in Hancock (as well as anyone who just has the word London in their obituary). Because Londowntown is frequently hyphenated in the obituaries, it is better to search on "London" in order to return all obituaries which state that someone worked as a Londontown employee. (Londowntown was a sewing plant in Hancock, Maryland that is no longer in business.)

NOTE: In the listing of Deceaseds, if a cemetery name is followed by an asterisk (*), then the cemetery name shown was part of original work and there is currently no link to a Fulton County Cemetery found in the Cemetery Listing. The "Cemetery (legacy data)" field is used to search this information. This legacy data was entered free-form and, while standardization was attempted, it was not perfect and misspellings exist.

24,278 Records
Name Cemetery Birth/Death Dates Spouse Parents War Service
ANDERSON, Robert Elmer WELLS VALLEY CHAPEL b-1909; d-1960
ANDERSON, Samuel Winegardner d-7 Nov. 1855; Age 70y1m1d
ANDERSON, Samuel Warren Wells Valley Methodist b-16 June 1879; d-11 Nov. 1935 w-Margaret Leslie Moseby p-A. H. & S. T. Trout Anderson
ANDERSON, Sarah E. Warfordsburg Methodist d-20 April 1863; Age: 25y6m13d h-Silas Anderson
ANDERSON, Savina Griffith Knobsville Methodist b-1860; d-1957 h-Walter Anderson
ANDERSON, Septamus CLEAR RIDGE * d-27 April 1866; Age 43y5m5d
ANDERSON, Sonja K. Wells Valley Methodist b- 1 Oct. 1946; d- 21 July 2011 h- William E. Anderson p- Clifford M. & I. Elizabeth (Treece) Croft
ANDERSON, Susan C. Anderson b-1834; d-21 November 1861, age 25y2m13d p-E. S. Anderson
ANDERSON, Susannah Ferree Wells Methodist b-1836; d-1901 h-A. H. Anderson
ANDERSON, Thomas William Union b-6 July 1911; d-3 July 2010 w-Grace Colledge p-Harold and Helma Zegelson Anderson
ANDERSON, W. Lee Wells Methodist b-22 April 1904; d-9 Feb. 1980 w-Lottie L. Griffith p-Warren & Leslie Moseby Anderson
ANDERSON, W. R. Wells Methodist d-14 June 1914; age 49y6m15d
ANDERSON, Walter Knobsville Methodist b-1863; d-1914 w-Savina
ANDERSON, Warren Ebenezer b-19 July 1932: d-26 February 2014 p-W. Lee and Lottie L. Griffith Anderson
ANDERSON, Wilbert Herman Akersville Methodist b-16 August 1927; d-15 October 2012 w-Alma Holst Anderson p-Herman and Elna Elstrum Anderson Merchant Marines, WWII
ANDERSON, William Pasco Fairview d-12 Dec. ?; Age 80y w-Mabel Laidig p-William R. & Belle Horton Anderson Wishart WW I
ANDERSON, WIlliam R. Sr. Fairview b-19 Aug. 1933 d-12 May 2015 Age 81 s- Betty R. (Mumma) Anderson p-William P. & Mabel R. (Laidig) Anderson
ANDERSON, William S. New Grenada d-22 April 1872; Age 3y8m9d p-L. & I. Anderson
ANDERSON, _____ P. Warfordsburg Methodist d-5 April 1863; Age 5y2m17d p-Silas & Sarah Anderson
ANDERSON,Margaret Ebenezer b-11 Nov,1935/d-18 November,2020 h-Warren(Guy) Anderson p- Edna Arvilla(Decker) & Merril Lee Bard
ANDERTON, George Steffie Union d-20 June 1993; Age 65y w-Roena J.McCoy p-Walter & Emma Maygers Anderton Veteran
ANDERTON, Roena Jane "Katie" Union b-6 April 1927; d-24 October 2014 h-George "Steff" Anderton p-Marvin and Nora Linaweaver McCoy
ANDREJKO, Josephine Union b-16 July 1911; d-24 Dec. 1996; age-85 p-Joseph and Susan Andrejko
ANDREWS, Benjamin Tonoloway Primitive Baptist p-W. & M. Andrews
ANDREWS, Carl H. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-2 Oct. 1899; d-13 Mar. 1900 p-M. C. & B. Andrews
ANDREWS, Caroline Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-8 Feb. 1839; d-6 Dec. 1919 h-Stephen Andrews
ANDREWS, Cordelia E. Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-27 Feb. 1991; Age 87y p-Samuel N. & S. Blanche Yonker Andrews
ANDREWS, David McConnellsburg Presbyterian b-9 Oct. 1763; d:31 Mar. 1841; Age 77y5m22d
ANDREWS, Elizabeth Warfordsburg Presbyterian d-8 Mar. 1923; Age 82y
ANDREWS, Geneva May Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-11 June 1910; d-19 Nov. 1910
ANDREWS, Laura Belle Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1870; d-1889
ANDREWS, Mary Bertie Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1865; d-1932
ANDREWS, Samuel M. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1872; d-1936 w-S. Blanche
ANDREWS, Sarah McConnellsburg Presbyterian d-9 Feb. 1846; Age 76y6m8d
ANDREWS, Sarah Blanche Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-1875; d-1 Jan. 1955 h-Samuel M. Andrews p-Lewis & Effie Plessinger Yonker
ANDREWS, Stephen G. Warfordsburg Presbyterian b-18 Nov. 1835; d-30 Jan. 1912 w-Caroline
ANDREWS, William Tonoloway Primitive Baptist b-22 Nov. 1807; d-27 August 1873
ANTOON, Joseph S. Akersville Methodist b-27 January 1953; d-23 July 2010 w-Frances Kijanka Antoon p-Samuel and Ann George Antoon
APPEL, George Richard Cedar Grove Christian b-16 Aug 1902; d-1 Jan 1947 w-Bessie Appel p- M/M Walter N. Appel
APPLE, Ambrose N. (Sr) Cedar Grove Christian b-5 Feb. 1912; d-24 March 1999; age-87 w-Margaret E. Powell Apple p-Walter and Eunice Norris Apple
APPLE, Bessie Florence Plotner Cedar Grove Christian b-5 Jul 1908; d-10 Mar. 1979, Age 70y h-George R. Apple/Appel p-Charles & Alice Johnson Plotner
APPLE, Curtis A. Cedar Grove Christian b-2 April 1926; d-7 June 1996; age-70 w-Jean M. Lewis Apple p-George and Bessie F, Plotner Apple
APPLE, George Eugene Cedar Grove Christian b-18 Feb 1930; d-10 Mar 1999
APPLE, Infant Cedar Grove Christian d-6 Nov. 1952 p-C.A. & J.M. Apple
APPLE, Janet T. Rehobeth b. 31 Mar 1910; d. 19 Sept 1998; age 88 h-Jesse J p-Edward & Nancy Weller Spiker
APPLE, Jean M. Cedar Grove Christian b-05 Jan 1926, d- 12 Oct 2022 h-Curtis A. Apple p-John F. & Georgia (Mellott) Lewis
APPLE, Margaret Estelle Cedar Grove Christian b-12 October 1912; d-7 September 2008 h-Ambrose N. Apple Sr. p-Jacob and Harriet Hepler Powell
APPLE, Sumiko Furukawa Cedar Grove Christian b-1928, d-8 June 1984
APPLEBY, Adda L. CLEAR RIDGE * b-1888 (1883); d:1966 h-Theodore Appleby